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6 people found this review helpful
31.3 hrs on record (17.8 hrs at review time)
Play For The Slow Clap
Posted January 28, 2023.
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67 people found this review helpful
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71.3 hrs on record
An Absolutely Well Made Game All Around!

I really didn't know what to expect when I started playing Spiritfarer. Sure the reviews are good and the art-style is nicely done, but wow, was I in for a surprise!

You start out as this young girl named Stella, along with her little sidekick cat Daffodil, being tasked with this strange thing called the SpiritFarer. I'll be honest, it was sort of overwhelming at first, not knowing exactly what a Spiritfarer is and all. To find these (animal) characters scattered across the seas and to bring them on-board your ship so that you can send them into their afterlife. It all sounds pretty straight-forward. However, it is far from it. Most require objectives that need to be met first before proceeding through the Everdoor. It's all a mystery on what's going to happen next.

As you're progressing through the game, you'll find out that many of these characters have certain likes and dislikes. They're affected by other characters around them, by their living situations, and by their food consumption. Many factors make a difference in how each character acts while on-board your ship. Some may play music if they are so inclined and satisfied enough. Others may bring you fish, wood, or treasures they find along the way. Half the battle is finding out what each individual likes and doesn't like. It's not a requirement (at least I don't think it is), however if they are satisfied, it helps with your journies and makes for a pleasant experience.

There are many things that I can say as to the reasons why Spiritfarer is such a great game. From the artwork, to the music, even the base building is quite enjoyable. However if I was to choose one out of them all it would be Stanley. I'm not going to ruin it by telling you all how you meet Stanley, but just know that I was caught completely off-guard by his first appearance. It made me laugh and I'm sure you will too. But, meeting Stanley for the first time aside, I really enjoyed his enthusiasm and personality. Stanley made the game quite interesting.

That being said, all of the characters have different personalities and there is bound to be one which you enjoy or can relate to on one level or another. Be forewarned however, even though this looks like it could be a childs game, it is not. It is more really made for us adults that are still a child at heart. Some vulgar language is used and some provocative scenarios are talked about. I actually think that they could of made the game just as good with leaving those bits out all together. Not that I mind, but to be family friendly for all to enjoy would have been a fairly easy task for them considering that there is not much of this language or scenes that take place. I can see why it is kept as well however, considering that the various personalities do and act quite differently, and I'm sure they were wanting to touch on several IRL scenarios which could happen in order to relate. All in all, it's not a complaint, however just something to mention so that others are made aware of it.

Content: 10/10
There is enough content to keep one busy for quite some time. I played for a little over 70 hours, however I had to run a second one partially through in order to get the last achievement. (Sealed Lips and Loose Lips) You can only choose one. There may be a way to revert the save file in order to get it with one play-through, but it only takes a couple hours to get to if you know what to do.
Animations: 10/10
It's aspiring to see animations as good as they pulled off here. From the water reflections to the character movements, all of it was something to behold. I particularly enjoyed watching Stella and Daffodil's animations. The few cut-scenes were right on par.
Graphics/Artwork/Illustrations: 10/10
The art-style is simplistic. There were no corners cut to deliver an above average product.
Gameplay: 9/10
The gameplay is fun, interesting, and overall a pleasant experience. There is one caveat to this however.
Sometimes you have to send characters through the Everdoor in order to progress further into the game. This, even though being the basis of the game, should not be a hindrance to progression. I believe some more thought in this area could have benefited the overall player experience.
Controls: 10/10
I used a PS4 controller most of the time and the game recognizes quick swap, so you can swap between k/m or other controllers quite easily without having to restart. All of the controls are pretty straight forward.
Reliability: 10/10
No complaints here. The game ran smooth and never crashed or did anything odd.
User Interface: 9/10
Even though the UI is very intuitive for the most part, there are a couple of things that definitely would have helped throughout the experience. One is the boat "improving/editing". Takes a while to move the in-game cursor to the specific buildings. Another is a tracker to track your quests and where you need to go. Also possibly highlighting NPCs who have quests for you. None of these are game breaking, but with a little more effort and thought into them, it would have really helped the overall experience.
Music And Sounds: 10/10
The music and sounds are one of the best things about Spiritfarer. The character sounds, the town sounds, even the different event sounds were all just amazing. If there is one area where Spiritfarer stands above all the rest, it is in their music and sounds. Also, the song that is played when you complete the game is absolutely fantastic! (I've got to find that song)
Originality/Story: 10/10
No doubt that the story in Spiritfarer is by far one of the most unique storylines that you'll ever come across. The fact that each character has their own story is a story all in itself. I believe they tried really hard in order to connect with each person on an individual basis, which is, in my opinion, very difficult to pull off in the short amount of time that someone spends in your game. Excellent job on this. Kudos.
Community Vibe: 10/10
The community absolutely loves Spiritfarer! Go check out some of the reviews and the community posts for yourself. I'm sure many are looking to see Spiritfarer 2! (you better be making a 2 lol)

Total Score: 98/100


All in all, Spiritfarer is a very well thought out game that is intended for the child in all of our hearts. There are many things that I can say about Spiritfarer, the gameplay is unique, the storyline is unlike any other, etc, etc, but to simplify it into just one word, Spiritfarer is simply "beautiful"! The storytelling, the artwork, the sounds, everything about it is "beautiful"! I had an excellent time playing and I look forward to a Spiritfarer 2 someday. (you better make a 2, lol) Maybe some guy named Asher and his dog Gio? haha.

As I posted in the review that I made for our group Games You Absolutely Must Have "If this GYAMH doesn't touch your emotions in some way, check your pulse!" Because it's true. There are so many different avenues and personalities within Spiritfarer, that if you can't relate to not even one of them, maybe you need to go outside and touch some grass. Idk, just a suggestion.

Be sure to check out the group we run and find some more Games You Absolutely Must Have by clicking on the link there. We provide game reviews, giveaways, and other gamertainment, so stop on by.

Thanks for taking out the time to read this review. Have care!

Cheers :)
Posted November 11, 2022. Last edited November 11, 2022.
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34 people found this review helpful
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23.7 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)
The Title Says It All

While I admit that I was reluctant to purchase Destroy All Humans because on the surface level it seemed as though it was just a remake which was rushed out of production for people to run and buy, however I was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable this game is. Sure the stage challenges may get repetitive and some of the gameplay monotonous at times, but the story and the humor of the dialogue was enough to keep me pushing forward.

The setting is world domination of course, what else do aliens want? The further you go, the more abilities and power you unlock, plus you'll uncover a lot of artwork along the way. Pay attention to your surroundings and you may just find several little things that will give you a chuckle.

The gameplay is not all that difficult, it's easy enough for a child to play it without frustration, however if you are trying to get a perfect in every challenge, there are a few parts that can be daunting to most. It's fun to explore and switch from being in your ship to just roaming around reading the peoples minds or if you don't like what their thinking, you can simply extract their minds for a little extra DNA.

The thing that I thought was the funniest moment in the game is when I found out that you can make a cow dance. Don't finish the game without ever doing this, it was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

There's enough content to keep you busy. Between the challenges, the missions, and finding the drones, there's a lot to do. I'd had like to see some different challenges on each stage however, because they can get monotonous after a while. Switching this up to different tasks would have flowed a little better imo, but it still works.

The animations are good for this type of game. It is not a realistic setting, so don't expect realistic animations, but rather a cartoon like game. So that being said, the animations were right on part for the course.

Probably the best part of the game if I do say so myself. The artwork is amazing and the attention to detail didn't pass this team up. The Illustrations that you unlock along the way are unsurpassed. The graphics, for this type of game, are among the best in the industry. The team really knocked it out of the park with their artwork, good job!

Although the gameplay is very engaging, the downfall is in the repetitive tasks on each level. Although these are secondary objectives, you pretty much have to do them in order to unlock upgrades for your character (Crypto) and for your ship. It would have been nice to see a variation. Other than that, the gameplay was very fun, and very engaging. Some of the secondary objectives on the missions seemed a little difficult, but with work, you can get them done as well.

The controls are pretty straightforward. The only thing I had trouble with was getting ammunition for my ship. I'm sure this was explained on how to do and I could of just looked it up, but it was something that wasn't apparent on how to do by simply looking at the functions. It's not that big of a deal though, because in most cases I had plenty of ammo in the secondary weapons to use whenever I wanted, however more would have been nice. (how do you do that again?) It's not a flaw in the controls itself though, as they worked very well.

The game ran flawlessly all up until the president was about to get out to do his speech after the escort. I'm not sure what happened, but the game crashed. it was the only crash I experienced throughout the game. So for this reason, 1 point is deducted from reliability.

After playing for a while, you start to build up your abilities and the icons at the bottom of the screen can get a little confusing. You'll get the hang of it, however with a little more thought into the UI, these functions would have been much more apparent and not a cause for confusion. Color coding each function a different color would have helped, or some other way to tell them apart.

The music and sounds were pretty good, I can't complain. The voices were probably my favorite part of the sounds because you never knew what someone was going to say next. A good job was done all around on the music and sounds of the game.

Although this is a remake, it shouldn't be taken out of context of how original the story is. Of course there's the whole Aliens taking over the world for domination backdrop, but the story in and of itself was enough to keep me going and find out whats next. It was a very good single player campaign.

The community seems to really like the game, regardless of any flaws that it may have and I think for good reason. I never did play the original so I can't relate to those who have played it, but this remake was very fun to play. How many games do you get to be an Alien taking over the United States of America? All in all, I can tell the community really enjoys Destroy All Humans, whether it be from nostalgia or because it's a great game to play.


Destroy All Humans is a very fun game to play. The artwork, cut scenes, and gameplay all added up to a pleasant experience all around. Though there are some things that could of been better, the UI and some of the repeating challenges, it was not unbearable to look past them. The story was well worth it, and I think there's a hidden message behind it (you'll have to determine that for yourself though) but I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the game. The most enjoyable thing though, at least to me however, was the small bits of comical artwork and dialogue throughout the experience. If you have the chance, pick up this Game You Absolutely Must Have and partake in some alien world domination for yourself.

Thank you for your time, and if you want to check out some more Games You Absolutely Must Have, have a look at our Steam Curator group here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamesyouabsolutelymusthave

Cheers :)
Posted May 14, 2022. Last edited May 14, 2022.
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294 people found this review helpful
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132.3 hrs on record (100.4 hrs at review time)
You have little to no idea what you're missing out on until you actually purchase and play Stardew Valley for yourselves. It is one of the most fantastic, relaxing, open world gameplay experiences you will ever play in your life. And one wouldn't know that by simply looking at the games graphics alone. Stardew Valley is how a game should be made!
Posted June 14, 2021.
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12 people found this review helpful
146.6 hrs on record
Exciting to start your own trucking company in Europe and explore the countryside while listening to some great Euro tunes.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is well worth purchasing and it will give you many hours of fun if you have the patience to get there. It is not a fast gameplay type of game, it will take some time to get your company established and to start turning a profit. You will also want to purchase a truck of your own and more garages along the way. The choice is up to you how you get there. Take out a bank loan or grind away to get your company off to a good start, then just truck around the countryside to explore and unlock new places.

This is simply a short review to express my thoughts on Euro Truck Simulator 2. I may or may not do a longer review later, we'll see.

All in all, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is well worth the purchase and you can usually catch it on sale for $5 USD which isn't bad at all for what you get. There are also plenty of expansions for different truck loads, paintjobs, even different countries to explore.

Check out Games You Absolutely Must Have for more great games like Euro Truck Simulator 2, for special giveaways, and other forms of gamertainment.

Thank you for your time
Posted May 3, 2021.
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9 people found this review helpful
280.9 hrs on record (164.6 hrs at review time)
Risk of Rain 2 is a Game You Absolutely Must Have. Solid gameplay, a pleasing soundtrack, and several things to unlock along the way. Its fun to play alone, but better with friends. I nominated Risk of Rain 2 for this year's Game Of The Year Award, because I feel like they have worked very hard to get this game here and the game is awesome! Everyone should check it out if they haven't already.

Nominated for Labor of Love award 2021

Also join the group I run called Games You Absolutely Must Have. We do game reviews, game giveaways, and some other gamertainment there, so look us up.

Posted November 26, 2020. Last edited November 24, 2021.
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51 people found this review helpful
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2.1 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Lets be clear, this is not a video game to say the very least. What Virtual Cottage actually is, is it's a gateway to achieving all of your dreams in life! and a lofi music player...
Posted October 26, 2020.
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17 people found this review helpful
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97.1 hrs on record (64.7 hrs at review time)
I've used CPU Cores enough to know that it is a good product and I would recommend it to everyone. However I would get the full package when it is on sale if possible. And you have to get ClearMem no matter what, its very good.

I can really tell a difference when I use CPU Cores and when I dont use it. The games seem to run smoother and are stable, and I think that stability makes all the difference in the world. You start missing out on frames and you're in a world of hurt, but when you have a constant, steady fps, it reduces having to change up your gameplay to fight against your own system.

All in all Im satisfied with the software.

I haven't really messed around with it too much though. There are other things like Network Analyzer, Hardware Analyzer, and something still being tested called Game Probe Detection. Also shows Current Processes and has a few more bells and whistles.

I dont get into price usually in my reviews because price shouldn't determine whether software or a video game is worth getting. I believe that gameplay, usability, aesthetics, along with several other factors, make or break a game and/or software title, not the price.

If you enjoyed this review, be sure to check out some more great reviews we do (mostly on video games), over at Games You Absolutely Must Have and Co-op Cowboys

Thank you for your time.

Posted September 18, 2020.
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32 people found this review helpful
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4.2 hrs on record
Pretty cool, looking forward to the full game. Several things could be improved upon and I hope they do improve upon them. I like that you have to be sneaky and watch out for the police. Of course thats one of the things that needs fixing. Currently even if you have nothing, and you stop for the police, they will still taze you lol. Anywho, I just restarted from last save the few times this happened. When the demo was over, I didn't know what the heck happened. The little humorous remarks by the narrator are nicely placed as well. All in all I look forward to seeing the full game.

Of course, mixing amp* and baking soda, the same mix and percentages didn't go into the same jar. Also, you should be able to mix whatever is left into one container to make it a mix that you can then sell later. Needs someplace to get more jars and equipment, which I imagine could be these places on the map you'll be able to do just that, the supermarket, abandoned farm, etc...

Would like to see guys try to jump you once you get known, and that be a whole thing, trying to find clues as to who it was, and taking your stuff back, along with turf. Not that I would like to see it happen very often, however if it happened every once in a while, about every 4 or 5 hours, that would be interesting. Also if you can have 'mules' which seems like that is something in the works. Growing your own plants should be a thing as well.

Anyways, looks real promising from here. Wish the graphics were a little bit better, not a big deal though, graphics always come secondary to gameplay.

Well, thanks, hope the developers see this review and take some pointers from it.

If you all would like to see some great reviews and more gamertainment, check out our curator group here Games You Absolutely Must Have https://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamesyouabsolutelymusthave

Posted April 8, 2020.
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11 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Really fantastic for what you get. Heck I've listened to it for about 3 hours straight and all different songs. There are a few songs that are like grunge metal, they are few, but even the grunge metal songs are good, its mostly relaxing music though, which is great for organizing or doing work around the house. I highly recommend getting if you are anyone who wants to relax a little while or that needs to just chill. It will work, Im sure of that. Cheers
Posted March 19, 2020. Last edited March 20, 2020.
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