Alexander J. Worthington
Fusion of Art & Games
lonergamer.blogspot.comDiscord [discord.gg]
Twitch [twitch.tv]
Alone in the Gaming Universe
Hi, I'm Alexander. I started gaming during the heyday of the Nintendo Entertainment System. I love video games and they have been a prominent part of my life ever since. I enjoy any and all gaming platforms and I try to keep up with the latest in console releases but Steam is my favorite place to play. I am pretty anti-social, though as I get older, I tend to appreciate the company of others. I hope to connect with more gamers in my life, and share the joy of this hobby with each other.
Featured Artwork Showcase
Best Girl Ever!
24 10 1
My Game Library
I have accumulated a total of 10,000+ games in my Game Library. I get asked the "How?" question mostly whenever I share this fact with others and the answer is that I have been gaming since I was very young and I keep all of my gaming items with me. It took decades for my collection to grow that big and let me tell you though, I had to move multiple times and transferring all those physical games between places was a total nightmare. I wish all my games were digital - thankfully, more than half are on Steam! Click here to check out the breakdown of my Game Library [lonergamer.blogspot.com].
Featured Artwork Showcase
Docked & Decked
21 9
Artwork Showcase
Winter Girl 2019
12 4 1
Video Showcase
Game Room Ver. 5.0
1 2
Artwork Showcase
To Ashes
8 2
Video Showcase
Suddenly... WTF Monster
184 14
Screenshot Showcase
The happy zombie.
105 12 1
Screenshot Showcase
Romance novel cover.
Favorite Game
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Review Showcase
Batsugun was the one that got away for me during the Saturn years, so I truly appreciate this game being made available for me to finally experience, especially here on Steam. It's obvious that City Connection put a lot of efforts into this and it's not your typical Saturn Tribute release, hence "Boosted" added onto the name I suppose. There are plenty of screen and sound options, plus you get that info panel thing on the side of the screen - though nowhere as fancy as the ones you get from a M2 release. As for the game itself, it's an enjoyable bullet hell shmup that gets real crazy real fast. The most unique thing about it is the exp gauge that you have to level up to increase your firepower beyond the power-up pickups. The game feels responsive and outside of a mini-freeze during one session of play, I haven't seen any other technical issues. Yeah, it's a little pricey but remembering how much I would spend to import a Saturn shmup back then, this is a steal. Thanks again City Connection!
Workshop Showcase
Relaxation with tiger barbs and friends. Enjoy my first attempt at a vertical aquascape! How it was made: https://youtu.be/uLSdRBbDrbc
Review Showcase
1.7 Hours played
What happens when you birth a twin; one with just an arm and the other with one eye? A bunch of f#cked up sh!t, apparently. This stylish, narrative puzzle game will leave a lot for you to unpack at the end of the journey, but it's quite a memorable one. The puzzles are simple, eerie, and they can get very disturbing. The only problem with the game is that some elements that you have to interact with would just refuse to activate, causing unnecessary confusion during my play-through. Other than that, Life Gallery is such a delightful surprise. It's the perfect game to finish in one sitting when you are up for something a little freaky.

- Alex @ lonergamer.blogspot.com
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Created by - elysium
251 ratings
11 cars, Quarry Track and Minepit Park Track for even more destructive races! Deadline Car Pack Elite Vehicle Livery Pack High-Octane Supercar Pack Pre-Order Vehicles Quarry Track Minepit Park Track IMPORTANT:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Created by - ArdentCourier
207 ratings
Not a broke ass using 1080p in these modern days? Using 1080p but want a cleaner, sharper, smooooother image? Here's how!
Recent Activity
47 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
257 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
0.4 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
Birgitlh Jun 1 @ 9:33am 

Have a wonderful weekend! :TPCLove:
Birgitlh May 17 @ 6:10am 

Have an amazing weekend! :pg_heart::pi_heart:
Birgitlh May 3 @ 10:21am 
Have a good weekend!:pg_heart:
Birgitlh Apr 16 @ 8:54am 
Have a great week!:luv::luv:
Birgitlh Mar 22 @ 1:31pm 
Have an amazing weekend! :luv::luv:
Birgitlh Mar 6 @ 5:56am 
Have a great day!:TPCLove: