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41.3 hrs on record (36.2 hrs at review time)
This game just keeps getting better as time goes on.

It's not a game where there are large sweeping changes like many others. The reason for this is that they got the core of the game right. Instead they have continually added more to the game without destroying what was already really well done. An impressive feat considering how easy it is to take on the wrong kinds of feedback from players at times.

With every addition to the game it feels more fleshed out and more expansive as a whole. While still not being so much larger as to make it unnecessarily complex and ruin the games consistently fun PvPvE aspect. You are always unsure of how the match will go, and you still get a rush when you complete a run and get out with a bounty or more.

HUNT has clearly been a passion project for this team and that should be seen more often and supported as well. I hope more people come back to HUNT or more people start playing it as a new player as well and get to experience the world of the Bayou and the HUNT.

Posted November 23, 2023.
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7.5 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Got a hot chocolate and my world is now complete
Posted February 4, 2022.
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9.1 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
This is Takeshi's Castle in a really bright and cartoony world that allows the otherwise brutal violence to be entirely acceptable and funny to all involved.

This game would not work if people could type messages or voice chat. The anonymity of the entire thing is both it's saving grace and the sole reason it remains so funny, random and utterly brilliant for a party style BR game in the theme of a Japanese game show. That like many great game shows that come out of Japan Fall Guys prioritises the harm of the contestants over any credible player ability or skill and it is absolutely better for it.

You'll go from cursing laughing at people for being stupid and falling for a trap, cursing out all of humanity and then to yelling obscenities at a character model for getting in the way. Then giggling at the sheer absurdity of it all within the same minute of game play. It manages to be incredibly fun to play, while still managing to be incredibly competitive. Be it solo or with up to 4 friends on voice comms. You'll love the sheer hilarity and equally detest all of mankind for being bad team mates in the few team centric maps in the game.

It had it's launch issues for sure and people will probably have written bad reviews based on that. It's better now, but it will still probably have a few issues here and there as most games do. But this a game you need to play and enjoy while there are a lot of people playing. Because if for some reason it dies off at some point, it will remain a "you had to have been there" game with so many stories that people will probably remember for a good while after.

I have high hopes they'll keep adding new maps and content to keep this game going.
Posted August 5, 2020. Last edited August 5, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
This is an utterly stunning game that evokes a wide range of emotions without even using a single word. Either written or spoken. That a lone is a great marker for how well this game was designed and made. While I am sure there will be a slight difference for everyone who may play this in terms of events due to the nature of how it works. I still think at the core of it people will genuinely have felt a lot of things during it and be left with a great impression of their time in the game.

It's an incredibly simple game. With practically only a basic movement system, you can jump and glide and ring a bell while also pinging in an area. It has a beautiful artistic style and really works simplistic pallets to their best without having to overload every area or moment with too much visible clutter. It doesn't lack for beauty and really works the camera and the environments to great effect. Small touches to signal things like health, or being under the effects of something is so intuitive the game basically just leads you with no real interruption to the gameplay nor story.

I highly recommend playing this game at least once. It may well be an experience you remember fondly and at worst you'll waste very little time completing it. But you'll support a great game and potentially have a great unique experience that you'll not find in many other games.
Posted June 11, 2020.
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2.4 hrs on record
I was feeling lonely okay!!

This is a difficult game to write a review for as the premise is just plain weird for one, plus it's clear what the game is made for from the start. But the game is at least on the base level an interesting example of how you can make more interactive games with yourself as the main protagonist. I'd imagine a visual novel where you are in the actual scenes and talking to characters and having to look around to see them and then be able to interact as well (nodding in response and handling items). In that the game shows there is a a lot of potential and really stands out for that alone for a VR experience. It may well be a great thing if you were say a detective interviewing suspects or investigating a crime scene. I'd love to see Anime stories or just visual novels where you are allowed to feel a part of the story as opposed to just a spectator.

But there's no point in fooling as to what this game is, it's a ecchi game at the core. There is definitely a market for it as a lot of people in the world suffer from loneliness and can be detrimental to their health. Plus it allows people to be perverted in the comfort of their own home as well (kidding). Joking aside I can honestly say that it's kind of a creepy experience when you are put into different 'scenarios' within the game. While I can enjoy the comical "Lucky pervert" moments for humour sake like many Anime series of a suspect wind blowing a skirt and showing panties (in this case a fan). It's a different thing when you are forced to stare right at someone or be in a position to touch specific parts of them (or massage them with a electric massager). I can't describe the weird sensation of worrying about being seen while you are doing something like eating pocky or kissing (as the end entails).

It's not a normal feeling for one as you are basically standing headbutting an invisible person in your room. But also dealing with the feeling of such a disconnect of your action and knowing how you must look (without context to anyone who may see you). They clearly managed to meet their goals and delivered a game that is literally what they showed. But I'd say you shouldn't expect too much from it as it's short and more of a unique experience than a fully realised game. It's at best a tech demo with the means to understand a little more potential elements that VR could bring to different kinds of games or experiences. I'd happily play similar games, assuming it's not as embarrassing to play through or as awkward as well.

TLDR: It's a creepy game that may only appeal to some people (regardless of why you bought it). You can see it as a tech demo of what could be in different kinds of VR story driven games. But it's not a fantastic must have VR experience and you can probably be fine not buying it and just knowing how it works.
Posted July 2, 2019. Last edited July 2, 2019.
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1.7 hrs on record
This is a great virtual tour of the Yamato Battleship. It's by no stretch a Triple A game with impeccable design from top to bottom. It is not a visual master piece, but it wasn't ever meant to be that kind of game. It lives up to the idea of being able to tour around the Yamato and also allows you to get a sense of the scale of this gigantic Battleship as it actually was when it sailed the sea in 1941.

The key issues you will experience is slight translation issue with the voice simulation. I'd recommend turning on only subtitles and keeping the original Japanese voice overs. It feels a lot better than the robotic voice that attempts to bridge the gap into English. If you listen to the crew with subtitles it lends a little more personality and a sense of realistic portrayal of the crew on board her. At best the crew are animated in a static position. But at the very least give you information or allow you to get a sense of what i may be like on board her.

There is a lot to see on the deck, it's split into sections and you have to be careful if you warp around on the upper deck as you can often end up stuck in a weird location or unable to return from where you teleported from. It results in a long walk about the deck. But it's honestly a minor issue to do so considering the scale of it all and the fact you can see some things you might not have on a more restrictive pathed system.

I have yet to complete the entire thing within the scenario it plays out. But I can highly recommend this if you are a fan of the Yamato and would like to see the ship in a more personal experience. What issues it has are forgivable for the sense of wonder the whole thing leaves you with. I hope to see more of these and experience things that aren't available to us otherwise.
Posted January 13, 2019.
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163.7 hrs on record (43.8 hrs at review time)
This is one of the most impressive team based FPS games out on PC. While there are issues and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that can ruin the game for people in long term play, the game is still being updated and improved every year and genuinely makes it a fun game to stick to. I'd recommend it personally for the very competitve nature of the game and the amount team play factors into the game over individual play alone.

Solo play is a possible means to play and gain experiance or just to have fun, but that often results in varying success for a team and your individual chance of success. You can carry and be very effective against people and even net some wins. You can even adapt to your own teams play style and win via solid understanding of the map and enemy reactions. But a solid team can quickly counter a solo player and leave you lacking the benifit that comes from an actual team and the co-operation that can allow you to win and fundimentally improve as a player as well.

The operators you and your team have access to can really open up a lot of means to defend and attack. In this way the game is similar to a MobA. Understanding the team and their operators will effect your strategy as well. In early play the wall you will most come up against is not understanding what they can do or lacking the means to bypass their effect. You need key things to be able to win and that's often a solid team compostion of at least 1 breacher on attack (to open up reinforced walls and roof entries), a basic breacher and a mix of counter intel or gadget operators. A shiled can offer means to push and distract as well. But often results in people being slower or more obvious as well. Defense will require operators who work well with each other. Like Mutes ability to deny drones and explosives on reinforced walls. Things that will effect both your teams awareness and limit the enemies ability to move freely. A solid defence can force people into more dangerous routes of entry and net you a far more defendible objective.

The current state of play allows for a lot of methods of play that you will experiance as you grow as a player. Even the common starting strategy newer players employ of bunkering down and defending on the objective alone has various means to working or react to a push. While it is a newer player strategy it can also be an effective strategy in higher play, with some differences as well. Then even the more advanced roaming and adaptive defense that is used at the higher levels of play has even more variations. It's hard to specifically state an exact means of play, as a team can employ any method they feel comfortable in. Making every assault or defense very fun and a learning experiance as well.

The biggest issue at this time is via online play, specifically the peeking advantage that can be a huge advantage to a defender and also some times an attacker as well. This is network based lag, that causes a desync in clients of players. This basically means that a player with a high ping or 'lag' is able to peek and see an enemy, kill them and not show up on that players screen. It is an inherant issue with any compettiive FPS of this type and you can find people who will actually exploit it via playing on regions that will give them a higher ping and those who will throttle or use a switch to effect it at will.

This is some thing that they will hopefully work on resolving, but it may be a factor in your enjoyment of the game. I'd however still recommend this game, purely on the merits of the interesting design they have and the fun it can create.
Posted February 25, 2018.
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0.1 hrs on record
Genital Jousting stands as an epicly tongue in cheek game that is wholly based on something no-one would have ever really thought of as a valid device for a game (Male Genitals if that wasn't clear). Yet it manages to play it very well, fully aware of the over the top nature in how it plays, the many mini-games and even the winning screen. The game is hillarious party fun and with the right people playing a riot to play together.

This will not appeal to everyone, but as with any silly game it's either going to tickle your funny bone or not. All I know if I bought nearly every person I could a copy and have spread the joy of Genital Jousting for as far as I could. I personally think everyone should have a copy of this game in their collection. It's a genuinely funny game that will be ignored for a very childish reason.
Posted January 19, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
102.8 hrs on record (42.7 hrs at review time)
This game has a lot of really smart design choices that make it the best Battle Royale game available. Having you pick a drop location in a specifically direct flight path, with everyone else in the map means in almost every round you are equally capable of being in a good position at the start of the game. In this sense the game is akin to playing Poker and making calls based on what you have in hand and what you think others will have.

It is in no way completely free of luck or some aspect of random nature that will help or imped your chances for winning. But at the main state of how it works, you are the one in control of your game and generally gamble the entire time to be in the best position to win.

The key to a good play is adapting yourself around what you have and what you are going to face. Both the environment you are going through or sitting inside. If you elect to stay still, you run the risk of lacking gear and other supplies for the increased chance of being in a better defensive position than others. Where as being aggressive and moving the entire round can net you more gear and equipment, but this can make you far more noticeable and generally easier to counter. This can also be the opposite for both instances as you can just as easily wait on people to loot and then ambush them for good rewards. The amount of options and strategies you can employ are very expansive, and makes each engagement really enjoyable.

The more you are able to think on your feet, or adapt to the current issue. The more likely you can overcome a disadvantage and pull out a win. In that way the game feeds into the ego and creates tension and risk/reward moments that can be utterly enjoyable or devastating. 

The games big downside is that in order to learn you must play for real. There is no practice range to learn the weapons characteristics, recoil patterns or even manage to practice item pick-up fundamentals like efficient looting or distribution of items. This often means your initial games will be met with trying to get quicker at looting and learning what you can use with each weapon and what you will prefer yourself. This is something I think it needs as a basis of being able to sharpen your base level skills and polish your reactions to better help when you are caught mid fight trying to react correctly and not accidentally miss critical shots or switch weapons by mistake.

If you enjoy the premise of this game you won't find a better game for it than this at the moment. It's core is well designed to give you the best realistic elements without overly complicating everything too much. It's simple enough that it won't take very long to learn or understand without constantly checking key-binds. But to master it all will take a good few rounds and to bring it all together in a way to net consistently high placements and wins may take a lot more losses than most are comfortable with.

But genuine wins without cheats will always be worth it. That first chicken dinner is always a brilliant moment.
Posted January 3, 2018. Last edited January 3, 2018.
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1.7 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
A very fun Serious Sam VR experiance that I recommend if you are a fan of the Serious Sam games and it's specific type of action based humour with large hordes of enemies to cut down.

While it doesn't work like the other games before it, as it's pretty much just a static horde shooter. It does however provide an instantly familiar and enjoyable Serious Sam experience with really fun weapons that will be instantly familiar to any Serious Sam fan. The feeling of standing your ground and unload on the mass of enemies like the headless kamikaze's and other classics like the Kleer or the Clones is immensely satisfying. They either explode, crumble into piles of bones or just lumps of meat around you and it's easy to just feel all powerful as heck. I'd be suprised if this game didn't put a smile on your face as the shooting is incredibly accurate and when you get to the point of being able to just quickly aim and shoot without having to look too much, you'll feel incredibly satisfied by how awesome you are as Serious Sam himself.

The weapons are essentially bought mid levels and supplied before playing, so there is very little added mid levels. But the game has 'drops' in the form of parachutes that will replenish all weapons ammo (by 25% by time of writing), health and give money (it also replenishes shields in multiplayer). This allows you to risk taking in a costly weapon load out without full ammo, and rely on the drops to allow you to use it all. It can be risky as heck I'll warn you, but if you fail a few times you'll get a good idea of what to expect as it doesn't change every time you play, so you can adapt your load out every retry to suit what happens. There's a lot of satisfaction in dual wielding weapons in this game, you select what weapon to have equipped at any time and can wield the same weapon in each hand or use a different one in each to allow a different strategy (plus you don't use twice the ammo when wiedling different ones). For example the chainsaw is as large as you are and it's incredible to swing around in VR and feel all powerful to any enemies that get close as they are oblitirated. This saves ammo on other weapons and means you can also focus off from what's near and kill some thing else.

The core of the shooting is a mix of precision and spam. The smart use of weapons and focusing pick-ups is key. Too much spam will reduce your ability to react and take on larger assualts and too little will leave you exposed to attacks while also trying to kill enemies. I can't recommend the Assault Rifle enough, it's incredibly usable and accurate with the laser sight. Dual wielding them is a very effective means to take out multple targets and nullify enemy attacks, with practice you can nail a lot of things at once with minimal eye tracking and it's an incredible feeling to just oblitirate so many headless kamikaze's while sweeping the horizon.

The only thing's I can say that you'll find issue with is that the game is incredibly close to you. The menu's are far too close for comfort and I'd recommend stepping back a little from the centre of the room to get a decent perspective. Too far however may make it too easy as the focus of the enemy is within the front 110-130 degree's of view (they do go behind if you let them however). So you don't want to go too far back otherwise it'll make it far too easy to see everythigng and that will just ruin the fun.

The other thing is, be mindful while you will feel amazing and all powerful. Do not pose and strut at the enemies, this does not translate well outside in the real world at all. :P
Posted September 23, 2017. Last edited September 23, 2017.
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