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Recent reviews by Gextroll

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223.5 hrs on record (188.6 hrs at review time)
Democracy survived - and all it took was a mere 200.000 bad reviews.

Stay vigilent, the forces of the evil big corp never sleep.
Posted May 4. Last edited May 6.
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7.3 hrs on record
Very nice take on The Shadow over Innsmouth - while it is rather short (took me 6-7 hours) i feel that the price is justified. The Visuals are very good, as is the Audio, it has many little easter eggs that made me smile! Probably the most "adventurous" and least "horror" lovecraftian Game i have played and that is by no means a criticism.

The only downside i can really find is that at times it does feel a lot like it is on rails but then I'm not sure how the story could've been told the way it was otherwise.

I do hope the Devs might bring us more material like this in the future.
Posted June 27, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
926.3 hrs on record (256.7 hrs at review time)
Absolutely recommended game, the Devs are always working on new content which is always free, if you want to support them, go grab a cosmetic DLC because who doesn't need new beards?
Posted November 29, 2020.
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2.3 hrs on record
Very well made 2 Player Puzzle Game that you don't even have to connect to the other Player, very interesting concept.

If you enjoy Puzzles that don't hold your Hand too much give this a shot!
Posted November 27, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
45.5 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Easily my "wow" effect Experience in VR.

The Change from just hitting R to reload in a normal game to actually going through the motions (literally) is just phenomenal. Add to that that the Dev just keeps on adding content makes this a great example of what good development looks like.

Make sure you check the Devs Youtube Channel for in depth explanations and discussions of upcoming content.

And to Anton, the Dev - good job mate, keep it up, it's much appreciated :)
Posted November 23, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Great little Game!

I was actually first exposed to the Idea behind these "Find the Exit" Games in Real Life at my friends stag night and I really enjoyed that so I just had to try out this little Gem here.

This was in fact the first VR game that had me crawling on my knees and I'm a fluffy guy that needs some effort to get back up again so that's saying something :D

I did run into an Issue when trying to access one item (bulb) and had to shove my controller a bit under the couch to get to it. The Dev was kind enough to include a cane (which I obviously only found afterwards) so I could also actually retrieve another Item.

If there was one thing I wished for it would be a teleport option to tweak your Playspace in case your Room isn't quite perfect so I don't get stuck if my couch is in the way again.

All in all great game, would definitely buy a Part 2.
Good Job Heiko
Posted July 3, 2016. Last edited July 3, 2016.
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0.9 hrs on record
[Updated Review]

After taking a second look at the game (sorry for the late response, Devs) my first Gripe has pretty much been erased.

Before, the Ingame Ground pretty much matched the real ground in my room, after changing the setting I would guess it's more around waist height and playing is MUCH more comfortable.

As the developer pointed out, events (Seagulls on Runways for example) are randomized, I still would prefer an Option here for a more relaxed mode.

That being said, I can actually play the game for extended periods of time now without my back complaining so all things considered, I have changed my recommendation to yes because of that.


[Original Review]

This game has a lot of potential but at least at this moment it isn't the game for me.

I liked the early "ATC" games on my first iPad where you had to essentially do the same thing as here just in 2d - the same applies to this game, however my fun is severly dampened by two things in particular.

On the plus side I feel like those two things are easily changed IF the developers want to add the options for that.

Gripe #1:
The Height of the play area.
Now, it might be due to the fact that i'm a big person but while playing the game I really felt like... imagine you'd have to play with your three year old cousin and he's sitting on the ground but you have to stand and play with him that way. You're always leaning over and after a while, your back isn't exactly enjoying itself.

A possible fix to that would be to have the airport raised like on a table. If you've tried Valves Bow and Arrow demo and the Castle miniature you get a good understanding of what i mean. For example a living room with a big table and on that table sits the "playset" (would fit in with the feeling of "playing with Micro Machines")
That way, your back won't hurt after a while and you enjoy the game more. If the Devs would include that as an option I'd be very thankfull.

Gripe #2:
The frequency of "sh*t goes wrong" - now I get you want the game to be a challenge but I just felt like I'm doing nothing BUT shooing away seagulls and extinguising fires. That may be down to the fact that i'm not a great player at this or something but I would appreciated a more "relaxed" mode. In my opinion it was just "too much" and I ended up not enjoying the game anymore and just exiting - which is a shame because, as I said, I really enjoy the Idea behind the game.

So if those two gripes were to be adressed in later patches, I'd definitely change my recommendation for that game.

As it stands, the way it is now and from my point of view I would not recommend it, although your view may differ and perhaps you don't mind the two gripes I've mentioned.

-Gextroll signing off. o7
Posted May 10, 2016. Last edited July 4, 2016.
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A developer has responded on May 12, 2016 @ 8:09am (view response)
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries