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Recent reviews by musical jesus

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67.7 hrs on record (23.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I just want to give the game a thumbs up and I think I have to write a review for that? So here goes short one. It's a fun game and it looks very polished, I've had minor bugs with Healer getting stuck in places but nothing major and that's a surprise for a game in Early Access. The game itself is quite fast paced, a bit too fast paced for me maybe, but very enjoyable nonetheless. Just been impressed with how well the development is going for the game and the fact that we do get an Early Access game that works without any major bugs, at least for me.

I recommend it for anyone interested in RTS games and willing to spend hours on learning and improving, this isn't a game where you'll sit down and get the hang of it instantly. Takes a while to understand the happiness system and you'll have a few "wtf, i had x000 food, where did it all go?!" but its not overly complicated.

This is NOT a chill and play game though like some other RTS games are.
Posted May 11, 2017.
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57.4 hrs on record (54.4 hrs at review time)
Dont usually do reviews but I felt that I'd give this a recommendation since it really don't deserve "Mixed reviews".

The game is genuinely fun and I enjoyed it with 30+ hours in it. It depend on what kind of game you're looking for. If you've played Deus Ex before then you'll definitely feel the Deus Ex feel when you play it. The bad reviews come mostly from the pitchfork people who has a "all in game shops are evil", which I also dislike, but I personally never had any issue with it in this game. It's like a paid cheat engine for single player, if people have money and dont want to bother installing cheat engine then they can pay for praxis kits

Praxis Kits can be found and easily gained in game thus I personally don't see an issue here. I don't care how others play the game personally.

This game is very heavy on the graphics though, more CPU intensive than most other games, which is why many people are reporting bad fps. Most games out there are heavily gpu dependant thus a game like this makes more of an impact on most players settings.

There are bugs and people who have some serious issues with the game/optimization but I haven't had that personally. There are definitely things that could be improved about the game as a whole, plenty of things imo, but the gameplay and the game is still fun regardless imo and the reviews don't reflect that.

I'd rate it an 7- 8 out of 10.
Posted August 27, 2016.
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0.7 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
This review is purely on the effects used in the game. I have played the game more than the hours it says on my account. First time was during release and I played it for 6 hours or so, I was very nauseated and felt horrible most of the time but I thought it was just me being sick. I later on saw on the steam discussion forum that many people were having issues with feeling sick while playing. Some more research showed that it was Chromatic Aberration, Swaying/Head bob, Film Grain etc. A big plus for them is that they added FOV settings which many games miss/ignore.

There need to be an option where you can turn some of these things off, especially Chromatic Abberation which is just awful and makes the game look worse anyway. Just googling "Dying Light" "Nausea" is gonna get you a lot of hits so I am not the only one suffering from this. Oh well, mistakes were made.
Posted December 31, 2015.
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47.6 hrs on record (38.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game more than anything need to be optimized better. There are people with 8 gb ram having issues to run the game. I have little to none with 32 gb but I still do get random freezes midgame and died more than once or twice due to it. The game have been unbearable at times with Connection Interrupted, on EU PVE server, all the time. People I play with seem to face a 10% chance to either freeze/crash whenever they enter a loading screen, besides the fact that it takes them about 10 min to just actually get into the next zone.
  • + Great potential for the game
  • + Good class/leveling system/Quests can be annoying but are generally good
  • + Blueprint system to learn new stuff
  • + Graphics, look good compared to Early Access games in general
  • + Music, really lovely music. Some nice space ambient on at times and other Mass Effect like tunes
  • - BIG MINUS; Memory issues
  • - BIG MINUS; Option, graphical settings, sound settings
  • - People being able to destroy and loot your bags even in PVE(Could be FoF locked for friends)

P.S If you crash when you first start playing or having major issues, please refund it instantly .It wont get better for you and itll make you upset once you can't refund it. The game definitely is borderline unplayable for many people due to memory issues, some are champs and still go through it but I don't think you shouldd have to spend that money and be suffering those issues. Buy it when it get fixed.
Posted December 31, 2015. Last edited December 31, 2015.
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1.0 hrs on record
I bought this game even after hearing about how short it was because it really looked like a blast but sadly due to the very low FOV, causing me to get nauseated, and lack of fov slider I couldnt play it and had to refund it. I can't judge on gameplay but I do think that at 2015 one can start adapting ones games with a bit wider FOV or allow users to decide on their own.

Dont take it as a purely negative review on the game, just negative point for lack of FOV options.
Posted December 31, 2015.
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31.0 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
There are some aspects of the game I like. The different sectors and different environment and the graphics and that's about it. The lack of Save function is ridiculous The lack of Sandbox mode is pretty disappointing too. Big fan of Anno series but quite disappointed with it.

I'll still play it though, like an addict getting worse and worse supply and still going at it. I recommend it but never for the full price tag.
Posted November 6, 2015. Last edited November 6, 2015.
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14.1 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Love this game.

+++ Narrative
+++ Graphics/animations
+++ Soundtrack
+++ Combatsystem/difficulty

Just overall a great game. Combining all of the above so well that it creates a perfect atmosphere and draws you in. I like it a lot more than Bastion personally.
Posted December 14, 2014.
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19.1 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Gotten tired of these games that are so dark and always are played in dark enviroments. There's darkness and grayness enough when I look outside my window so I really appreciated the new "atmosphere" and colorful enviroment of the game. The normal difficulty level might be a tad too easy for almost everyone so I'd recommend setting it a bit higher. Anyway, it was a real fun experience and a emotional rollercoaster throughout the game. I've been rarely captured by a games story as Bioshock Infinite but most of the interest and the love comes from the last moments of the game and instead of thinking "I finished", you think "What now? Need to know more".

I probably spent more time reading about the story than I actually played the game, I wish it would've been quite a bit longer but but we can't have everything. Recommend this wholeheartedly.
Posted February 25, 2014.
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4.0 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Loved this game even though it made me sad at times. Lovely story, gorgeous art, amazing feeling and interesting concept with the language.
Posted October 3, 2013.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries