If someone has directed you here, they are likely trying to scam you.
I did NOT contact you via Discord to discuss an account issue.
Valve/Steam Support will NEVER contact you via any means outside of the support ticket system. If someone contacted you via Steam chat, Discord, etc. claiming to want to help you with an account problem, you are being scammed. Stay safe.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
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yhteensä 0,3 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 25.5.
yhteensä 74 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 24.5.
yhteensä 36 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 23.5.
demo 6.5. klo 0.01 
Please steamcommunity.com/id/DSADAS2231231312 this account scammer he told hes a moderator valve and he wants block me if i dont give my items to account Database :MKEY he told me its like program And I believed it, that he could block me, and I gave almost all my things as a gift to account Database :MKEY He is already selling my things, he has already sold my taunts and my serial killer widower has already sold me I had 4 tantras please help me I want to return my things one of the Valve admins help who is online my items from team fortress 2 please help me
Steelsmasher 3.5. klo 10.56 
let's pool our talents
egzekutor 28.3. klo 11.50 
nice lvl
JoyBoy 12.2. klo 20.34 
can you accept me i have something important to tell
Rise 7.1. klo 17.34 
ahahah +rep mate
liron4ik 4.1. klo 13.00 
:nrhombuz: hi I want to become your friend!---:nrhombuz:
:nrhombuz: send me a friend request,----------:nrhombuz:
:nrhombuz: or write a comment on my profile.-:nrhombuz: