Tim   New Zealand
Over 18000 hours spent playing video games. About $300 USD to show for it.

For anyone interest that equates to under 2 cents an hour. 0.016 recurring to be more precise.
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Workshop Showcase
8 ratings
Created by - dziλd
Screenshot Showcase
Beautiful Landscape
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Review Showcase
The best shoot em up game on the market, by a large margin. If you are completely new to shmups buy this game, if you are uninterested in shmups buy this game, if you love shmups buy this game. At its current price with this amount and quality of content I feel like I'm robbing the developer.

This game should be used as a case study for its mastery of progression, accessibility and ability to break taboo. The Void Rains Upon Her Heart's story is bizarre, the visuals without context are strange and in some ways can cause disgust. The game's presentation is so endearing and light. It tackles extremely dark themes in an approachable and nice way that few games have ever successfully replicated.

Genuinely the only thing that is holding this game is its publicity. Spread the word because I've yet to see anyone who has played this game and hasn't enjoyed it enough to recommend it to someone else. Veyeral Games has really made something special here.

Stop reading this and play the game.
SATAN_669S_U May 20 @ 5:43am 
yea I would copy and paste a comment as well if I got carried by a hacker friend. peasant boy stay in your lane
type35.arisaka Apr 9 @ 5:39pm 
whaddup mr president
Pom Jul 3, 2022 @ 10:09pm 
yoo thanks for the game, was very curious about it :spiffo:
Misha Chode Feb 2, 2022 @ 5:45am 
sorry bro I am ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I canb't play from ♥♥♥♥ countri
Jokane Apr 18, 2021 @ 1:28am 
get good lmaooaos
Misha Chode Nov 23, 2020 @ 8:37pm 
___I KNOW____________________######____
_______what you did______________####______
_________last summer_____________##________
_____________ _______________#######_____
___######__ ______________###_######___
_#######____ ___________###___######___
_______####### ###################__
_________##_______ ____##_____####______
_________##___________##_____#########__ _ Buahahah :D :D :D
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