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10.3 hrs on record
As someone who loved the original Mafia more than most games. I was very excited for this remaster. The voice acting is honestly a huge disappointment. Tommy is fine, but Paulie is absolutely horrible. He sounds like Murderface. Its painful at times. The gameplay is improved and its more fun to drive and shoot than in the original. Honestly they should have just reused the same dialogue. The original voice actors were stunning and it added a lot to the depth of the story.

The remaster is solid, but the VO is sorely lacking in comparison to the original.
Posted February 7, 2022.
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60.8 hrs on record (50.6 hrs at review time)
While it doesn't have the magic of the first game. Shadows of War is a fun open region game that despite being repetitive was quite fun and engaging. The story is good, while it doesn't have the heart of the first one. I enjoyed the game but I wish there was more mission variety, and I wish the nemesis system would have evolved a bit more, especially in terms of how microtransactiony the system became. While you can get all the upgrades with ingame upgrades now its still a grind and gets annoying. Solid fun game with excellent third person combat, very satisfying.
Posted January 28, 2022.
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63.7 hrs on record (45.7 hrs at review time)
An Absolute Triumph of a remaster. I just wish the cut scenes would have Ultra Wide Screen support. Incredible trip down nostalgia lane, excellent games and an excellent remaster set. So happy this finally game to PC!
Posted March 7, 2021.
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8.7 hrs on record
Another atmospheric exciting psychological thriller, featuring excellent voice acting and great sound design. Fun, clever and interactive puzzles. Thrilling chases, and terrifying monsters. This game is great, would recommend to any fans of the original Amnesia.
Posted November 4, 2020.
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86.1 hrs on record (30.9 hrs at review time)
I am only about 40 percent done with the games story. This game the actual game is fantastic. The game world is truly one of the most remarkable things I have ever experienced. You can interact with every NPC, people will remember you, even dogs will remember you. The games combat is incredibly similar to Max Payne 3 (which is a very good thing) Max Payne 3 had the best 3rd person combat in a game, so this continuing that is fantastic. The game is truly cinematic and beautiful, fantastic voice acting and a joy to play. I absolutely love this game, there is so much to do and I have not even touched multiplayer yet.

The biggest problem is the performance. I have a 1080SC, 32 gigs of DDR4 ram, an i7 5826k OC'd to 4.2. I am mirroring the Xbox X's settings and when I stream I get around 40 frames average. Its abysmal, HOWEVER when not streaming and using Vulkan I would be getting nothing below 60fps. Which is excellent considering I am running at 1440p resolution. Rockstar future proofed this game, so if you don't want to deal with bad performance (especially during streaming) then wait on this game to have its performance increased or wait for the new 3080tis that are supposed to be meant for 4k and 1440p resolutions. If you have a 2080 you should be able to run the game a lot better than me.

This is Rockstars best game (other than MP3, and I say that because I am a huge fan) This game is worth your time. Do consider what your computer can handle though, this game isn't well optimized.
Posted February 20, 2020.
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25.8 hrs on record
Prey was an incredible game. The story, atmosphere and game play were all something else. It has a Bioshock feel to it. The game allows you to play with the world and tailor your character to your play style. Never want to harm a human? You can do it, want to sneak around everywhere and listen to conversations you would have never heard? You can do it. Want to develop different skills and not use conventional weapons, you can do it. Its a fantastic game that is worth your time. Beating the game took me 26 hours.
9/10 Highly recommend.
Posted January 9, 2020.
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17.7 hrs on record
As someone who enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboot a lot, I cannot recommend this third installment. The combat is horrible, story is boring and and not well done. This game just falls flat, and while the world is beautiful and graphics are well done its just not what I was hoping we would be experiencing in the third installment of the new Tomb Raider series. The second one started to go down the hill with the story, and the gun play was horrific. The thing that bothers me the most is in the original killing felt like it took a toll from the character, where as now they may as well call it Lara Croft: Blood of millions. She slaughters more men than Rambo, its just not the direction I was hoping the series was going. Puzzles are fun, tombs are challenging and if you are truly a fan of the series its worth getting on heavy discount.

Other than that play Tomb Raider 2014, or the Uncharted series.
Posted December 25, 2019.
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98.9 hrs on record
I have played every GTA game to date, and I can honestly say this is not my favorite story. However the mission design is fun, the gameplay is fun and the story is pretty good. Long story mode, good gameplay and its worth a play if you are a fan. Fun game.
Posted December 24, 2019.
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84.5 hrs on record (43.8 hrs at review time)
This is probably one of the best games I have ever played. This coop is excellent and honestly the way the game should be played. As someone who owns a farm in real life, this is an awesome chill game to play. Highly recommend this game to anyone who wants a game that will grab you and not let go, great game for couples.
Posted September 29, 2018.
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247.6 hrs on record (191.6 hrs at review time)
Alright, lets break down the average PlayerUnknown Battleground experience.
After almost 200 hours I think I have a solid idea of what its all about.

Experience 1 (most common)
You land, and if you land with other people you will probably be immediately killed.

Experience 2 (semi common)
You land with your team, you kit up, spend 20 minutes not seeing anyone, you are fully geared. First encounter with people everyone is killed, generally 2 people out of 4 won’t even get a shot off before incapped.

Experience 3 (rare)
Luck. If luck is on your side, no other reason you will get the drop on your enemies, get good loot and make it to number 1.

Why am I not going to recommend this game after playing almost 200 hours? Well in short, my friends enjoyed this game, I played it because its all they wanted to play. Did I enjoy it? Sure, yeah it has its appeal and can be fun. Was most of my experience with PUBG die immediately, or die after getting fully kitted, yeah. That was 60 percent of the time I’d play the game. Am I good? No, not really, so bear that in mind. So here are the cons

Horrible support and optimization – BlueHole seems to think it’s a great idea to do 3-6 hour maintenance during peak player time on West Coast time zone. I can’t tell you how many nights my squad wanted to play PUBG and guess what we couldn’t. It showed me how little they care for their American fans and players. They do not give a ♥♥♥♥.
Gunplay is embarrassing/input lag with movement and picking up items – This game has the worst combat I have ever had the displeasure of playing, its all random. You either hit what you are aiming for and every shot misses, even though you are dead on, or it works because RNG, or latency. There is no reliability with combat, it’s a grab bag of general trash and disappointment.

The movement system feels like you are walking on mush, when you hit spacebar it takes a second for you to jump, when you want to pick up something it takes a couple seconds to register. Its all just awful.

Lack of Content – 3 maps since release, 1 of them Mianmar (Mexico) is plain trash. They had to remove map selection because everyone veto’d it. No one wants to play it, there is no cover and its too frikken big. The new map is better but it feels like a cluster ♥♥♥♥. Their first map was the best.

I wanted to like PUBG more than I was actually able to. I see the fun and I see the appeal, but in the end, it is an absolute waste of time, made by devs more interested in selling 6 dollar parachute skins instead of actually improving the combat or server problems.

Hard pass on this game, play Cuisine Royale or Totally Accurate Battlegrounds instead, both have better combat.
Posted July 7, 2018.
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