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7,759.7 uur in totaal (22.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Two vikings attack. The two of us head out, one with a stun stick because I need a prisoner for, you know, teeeeesting funny green rocks on... o/` .... One has good stats, we shoot the other dead. The other turns to flee. While the guy with the stick is chasing him down, the raider pings a razorjack right beside his pursuer with a shortbow while fleeing, causing it to go manhunter and buy enough time for his escape. Now as much as I know he simply missed firing at the pawn and hit the critter, you can imagine it being a planned 'thick of the moment' thing that one could easily envision taking place as an action movie scene.

And that is why I love Rimworld.

So many things that happen that get you imagining scenarios actually playing out.

Time for a big review update. it's been so many years...

Despite the graphics having a dated, tablet-game look* to them, the game is amazing as far as a Dwarf Fortress semi-clone of a game goes. Currently, probably the easiest of them to get into. It can be seriously addictive. Older computers might start to chug as the population expands, but fortunately there are plenty of manhunting animals, mechanoids, and raiders to keep the place in check.

It may not have the intricate hundreds-of-year-long backstories of Dwarf Fortress, but each character's backstory lets you imagine the lives of your colonists before they ended up on this backwater little planet with you. You can play the game purely for the game, or by looking into things, you can almost use it as inspiration to write a novel. How you play is up to you.

You can go the high road, rescue stranded colonists out in the world, try to reach the best standings with all the other factions you can, or take the low road, raiding caravans and other settlements, capturing every able-bodied schmuck you can and pressing them into service, drafting them into a bandit army to take on the bigger, more advanced factions. And if they aren't cut out for that, can always surgically dismember them and sell their body parts in return for more weaponry.

The game's modding scene in the Workshop alone can improve and/or fundamentally alter the base game into pretty much anything you could wish for. Huge steps have been made by this community to make the game even better and more immersive, adding features that honestly should have been in the game to start with, or things that were perhaps too ambitious for the original release.

* - At least it's not Dwarf Fortress 'graphics'. :D
Geplaatst 17 juli 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 8 mei 2021.
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167.9 uur in totaal (156.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
God daaaaamn, this is the Best Getting-Hammered-and-Doing-Stupid-Things-With-Your-Mates Simulator eeeeever. Eskel! Chop-chop! :D

Edit: Oh, forgot... also you play cards, and also kill monsters a lot.
Geplaatst 30 juni 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 28 november 2016.
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657.8 uur in totaal (224.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Love the game... despite the fact that it crashed and crashed every few minutes when I first got it, no errors, just sudden drop to desktops. And it's not just me, when I mentioned it, many people were having the same problem, and so far it's two weeks later and has not been fixed.

Got the Nexus file for Less CTD/Better stability and it helped some. Then the beta patch came and it helped a bit more, but lately it just seems that the game just becomes super unstable whenever anything other than "quietly exploring alone" happens. Particularily when visiting settlements or scripted events like escorting Strong and Rex in a later mission.

Finally giving up on the game for a few months, maybe they'll fix the bugs and I can get back into it, but eh, finally getting tired of restarting the game every 10-15 minutes. :(

Thumbs up for the game, but thumbs down for the support. Why isn't there a selection for 'Maybe, see review' recommend...?

LATER: It turns out my computer was responsible for the problems. It needed a good cleaning and afterwards I stopped having the crashes. Something must have been loose and at fault. Either way, it finally cleared up, and now I can play Fallout 4 (and Just Cause 3 which had the same issues) again. :D
Geplaatst 28 november 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 30 juni 2016.
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258.6 uur in totaal (206.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
"Klingons are evidently too difficult to defeat in real life... it always ends in a wipe."

My roomate added, "Pfft, I beat them with one hand behind my back!"
Geplaatst 12 juli 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 12 juli 2015.
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3,060.0 uur in totaal (1,474.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's amazing just how much wood a great beaver can get you.
Geplaatst 12 juli 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 27 januari 2018.
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0.8 uur in totaal
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Geplaatst 4 januari 2015.
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4.2 uur in totaal (2.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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Review very positively
Geplaatst 3 januari 2015.
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72.0 uur in totaal (36.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I heard someone shouting for help and ran over to see two guys cowering behind their truck on a roadside, being dive-bombed by a rather aggrivated black eagle. I managed to pick it off, and one of them walks out from behind the truck and says "Whew, thank goodness you came along, I thought I was done for!"

Then a passing minivan runs him over.


Gameplay speaking, it plays a lot like FC3. There's some new styles to the gameplay and there's an immense amount of verticality to it compared to the previous games. I feel like I have more options in how I want to play this time around. Alas, from the above statement, like FC2 and FC3, drivers on the road make everyone on SerbianFailBlog look like utter masters of driving finesse. Stay off the roads. For your life's sake in fact, stay *relatively far* off the roads.

Voice acting isn't bad but isn't great either. Some lines feel really forced ("Stop. Shoot. Shoot. Stop."). Min is certainly no Handsome Jack, and he tries to 'do the funny' sometimes and it mostly just feels mediochre.

Doing missions means putting exploration on hold generally, and getting "You're getting too far from the mission zone, continue and your mission will be aborted" is a bit annoying... especially since the game does not really tell you how far you can stray from the waypoints before getting upset at you.

There's a few weird physics glitches, like every so often I'd kill someone and their body would be vaulted ten feet into the air. Watching one of Min's men escorting a prisoner down a hill, the two of them would keep leapfrogging over each other oddly and switching sides they were standing on. And there was a few places where shadows of trees and nearby cliffs would clash and flicker at certain camera angles. No problems getting and staying online, have yet to try multiplayer or co-op.

Will update in a few days. So far, liking it for the most part. 4/5! Point loss for semi-spotty mouse controls (it's not entirely smooth and hard to adjust) and somewhat washed out contrast in daytime (Had to adjust Nvidia's control panel settings to make it look correct)
Geplaatst 18 november 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 18 november 2014.
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2.6 uur in totaal (0.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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This stands out from other online multplayer games because, technically, you're getting four games for one price. Sure beats having to buy multiple copies of anything these days. And hey, extra bonus: No PUGs, you'll probably know all your competition here personally!
Geplaatst 9 november 2014.
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8.3 uur in totaal (7.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Francis... your tribe misses you.

One day out in the strangely-coniferous jungle of the ancestors, I came home from an exhaustive afternoon of meat-gathering (double overtime shift) to find a styracosaurus and a carnotaur locked in mortal combat. They circled each other in graceful bounds, neither able to defeat the other, trampling over my poor teepee in the process. The word went out about the amazing spectacle unfolding and many came to watch as the pair clashed endlessly, neither gaining the upper hand. Bravely, some of the warriors even leaped among the two behemoths, spears and bows lashing out to try to subdue the monsters and end the battle.

Not a single f*&^ was given. To no avail, the beasts did not suffer the blows of the men gathered around them, and continued to joust at each othe when Thogg cried out in alarm, pointing over yonder as a third behemoth joined the fray, a mighty ankylosaurus! With only a few swings of its mighty tail, the now-outnumbered carnotaur lie battered, beaten, and broken upon the beach sands beside the remains of my one-cozy home, now spattered with the blood and entrails of the vicious combatant who lied defeated at my feet.

The relief was short lived, however, as though the styracosaurus was pleased to be able to eat sand in peace (yick), the living tank had other plans, and it involved the destruction of all the little spear-toting gnats that now surrounded it. Chaos ensued as hunters fled in all directions, ignoring the calls of "Prone! Go prone! Lie down!" from the wiser members of the tribe, as bodies flew left and right, scattered like so many leaves in the wind. The previously amazing (and rather amusing) spectacle became a bloodbath of epic proportions, the tribe finally following suit with the elders as the rampaging monstrocity charged off into the forest in pursuit of a threesome of unfortunate (and not very bright) onlookers from another tribe.

The next little while, the styracosaurus, on the other hand, hung around and continued to gleefully and peacefully ingest hundreds of pounds of sand a day. Pitying his digestive tract, the tribe found that the skittish animal was easily convinced to take a few steps away when approached, and so they lead him to where delicious grass and shrubbery was... but not before exploring the sciences of herd behavior, chasing the poor dinosaur all around the camp. In celebration of our good fortune, we named him Francis, and left him in the middle of the beach to continue eating.... pure sand. So much for being humanitarian.

Not long after, looking across the bay, we could see that the other hunters had returned home to their village, and the ankylosaur had followed them; over the next fifteen minutes or so we heard the death screams of many of what we nicknamed the Thoughrally Crushed Skulls Clan. Strangely it almost sounded like two or three tribe members dying over and over again, but we couldn't be sure.

A few days of peace passed by, the tribe flourished (well, ours, not the others, in fact, when I looked across the bay later, they had apparently dismantled and relocated to someplace not so hospitable to ankylosaurs, we wager). Anyways, Francis stood guard at the centre of our village now, and while returning from a quest for healing herbs from the nearby waterfall cave, I spotted another carnotaur on the far end of the bay, tromping down ito the deep waters and disappearing from sight. Thinking all was well, I returned to the camp, only to see the monster emerge from the deep waters and set its sights on poor Francis.

Shouting an alarm to the tribe, everyone hit the deck - didn't need to tell us twice any more after the last fiasco. Once again, Francis and his attacker began the dance of death, but we were all even more amazed when another carnotaur joined the fray... and another, and two more. A five-versus-one? Totally unfair! Once again, the entire island's population converged on the banks to watch the melee occurring just offshore. Just as we began to realize it seemed to be another standoff, despite the odds, guess who returns? Our ankylosaur savior!

Except this time, the results were not as kind. With lashings of tail and butting of heads, the single beast laid out all the toothy attackers, but not before, sadly, Francis was put down by one of them. And as before, once the main event was over, the ankylosaur was abruptly joined by a second, and both of them rampaged through the village killing anyone who was not wise enough to stop and drop.

Once again, they were eventually lead out of town by members of another tribe that probably are now trapped in their own homes as the monsters thrash and crash around just outside waiting for them to make a careless move, like respawning.

Amazingly, of all the victims, it was visible to all that Francis still breathed, despite his prone appearance. His wounds being too great to bear, and none of us having the required expertise to heal his wounds and officially adopt him as the mascot of the tribe, we bid our friend and protector farewell... and then unceremoniously hacked him up into dino chops and placed them by the firepit for tomorrow's brunch.

True story, bros.

RIP, Francis. 69,284,382 BC - 69,284,394 BC

I love this game, and it ain't even close to final yet.
Geplaatst 31 mei 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 31 mei 2014.
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