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42.9 h registradas (6.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Easiest way to explain this game series is Total War in the modern ages, or Company of Heroes: The Cold War, with a dynamic campaign meta map. That is a complete over simplification of course, but the game basically takes place in turn based campaign maps with realistic real time battles on fixed maps during the late Cold War era.Graphics are great, sound is amazing, and the campaigns are really informed alt history ideas presented with enticing old school "news reel" videos. Simple, but fun and effective presenation. Quality wise these games are very well made, with a few bugs here and there, and UI "quirks" that take a little getting used to. The Wargame games are also constantly being patched and improved, and with a set of FreeLC at your disposal.

This one adds in naval combat as well to the series, so if you haven't bought a Wargame title yet and are wondering which one to go for first, I'd say this one for the simple fact it has all the bells and whistles of the past with the above and I'm sure a few more improvements I haven't really noticed being a bit of a noob with the franchise.

Only real consumer down side if your weighing this agaisnt something like CoH2, if you can call it that, is they have a very steep learning curve. Once you get past that first layer of learning however it becomes a very intuitive game engine. Online is a very steep curve to get used to as well difficulty wise, but I've run into a fair amount of like minded noobs to learn with. From my experience the existing old guard player base is a healthy, helpful community as well even when they're wiping the floor with you're army online lol.
Publicada el 13 de febrero de 2015. Última edición: 13 de febrero de 2015.
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4.2 h registradas (1.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Good, super fun, and simple RTS made in the style of an old 2.5D Command and Conquer game, yet with enough features and UI improvments in recent updates to make it feel like a modern game which is recreating the nostalgia of older games. This is a very well made(I've had no crashing issues or anything playing it so far), and well supported(frequent updates addressing issues, including even one just this morning), indie game that I'd argue should be rated with Star Craft 2 as one of the best, TRUE, RTS games to come out in a while. The plot is fairly boilerplate, but is well executed in the cutscenes, and despite its "stereotypical" framing, is well written and an engaging experience. Graphics, are well, they are the graphics of games ten years ago, only with high deff sprites and partical effects for once, which, in its weird 2.5D way, does look gorgoues during the fire fights. Sound quality is amazing for what the game is, actually really impressed by this aspect of the game.

If you've got nostalgia for the old days of RTS games, or are sick to your stomach as well with EA for shutting down their online servers...then buy SunAge: Battle for Elysium.
Publicada el 12 de enero de 2015. Última edición: 12 de enero de 2015.
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Probably the least mentionable of all the DLC. The Campaign is decent if you play as Carthage for a quick "history lesson", recreating Hannibals progress through the alps was pretty fun, but that seemed to be the only worth while period of the campaign, as I pretty much walked over Rome afterwards, and it was a fairly short experience/easy climb over all.

If Carthage is your favourite faciton, go hard as it displays them very well obviously, but otherwise even on sale you can probably skip this one.
Publicada el 18 de diciembre de 2014.
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Sets the stage plotwise for the Augustus campaign.

Okay over all, good strategy, and forces you to really strategize which faction is best to subjugate/remove entirely etc as you conquer your way across the board. Most of my campaigns were also quick, frantic affairs, with lots of back and forth so they were fun when I could get the upper hand, but also run the risk of becoming endless tug of wars.

If you can catch it on sale, i'd pick it up, otherwise don't think you're missing much with the Augustus campaign for free/If you've ever played as Rome in the Grand Campaign.
Publicada el 18 de diciembre de 2014.
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Rome's latest DLC adds one of their most convulted campaign maps yet. The strategy inherited in this campaign diverts you from being able to just rush and cap your main opponents capital building on the map. Like in Shogun 2, doing so causes great diplomatic penalties with every other greek faction, often leading an early game rush into you getting your ass handed to you from every angle on the map.

Diplomacy, and building up the right alliances are key, as well as learning your enemies routines and which territories will yield the best advantage. This isn't the same game as the Grand Campaign, and you have to resort to guerilla tactics, losing a settlement for a turn, or sacking an army to deblitate an enemies if nessicary making it a prime pick up for any fans of the style of game that Shogun was.

Unit/features wise, don't expect much, especially if you are into mods. I think we can all admit it, theres only so many units you can create, fan made or other wise from a certain period of history before you've exhausted every imaginable option, and the promises of CA on this DLC may be a good sign of that when compared with some of the fan out cry about it. Ignoring all that drama and focusing on the real issue at hand however, and you'll find yourself with one of the best, and most difficult campaigns out there due to the simplicity of unit choice. ITs not down to making your super legion of w/e units you play best with, its about outsmarting your opponents on the meta game, so that you always have the upper hand on the battlefield, or else logically even as Sparta, you can expect a lot of hoplite grind matches, and a general war of attrition.

Quality of the actual campaign map wise? Its a good one for what its meant for. Quick, dirty games with limited options for where to move and what to take, yet the type of terrain prominent in greece gives you a flexible array of ambusing, and other wise restricting enemy movements. ITs not your typical Grand Campaign experience, but it is an engaging one it is own way. Playing as Sparta I found building up my alliances not only crippled Athens into economic ruin, but also left me open to retaliation from a game starting ally, an experience I've rarely had in my playing of Rome total war, especially when the AI took notice of a weakness in my defences, and exploited it causing me to reload my campaign to an earlier point. So to people saying the AI is broken in this one...well its not that bad.
Publicada el 18 de diciembre de 2014.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
90.4 h registradas (69.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Good game for fans of the other two games, or of course diehard Batman fans. If you can get it on sale then it may prove to be a worth while distraction while you wait for Knight to come out. The plot is well executed, despite it being very obviously/predictable for what is going to happen. However if you purchase a game called Origins, then you probably expect a bit of the above in a well known franchise. More or less from what I could tell the plot isn't a reboot or anything but sets out exactly how Arkham became the hell hole we know it as from Asylum and City. Shows the rise of the Joker/seeds of other masked villians, and the fall of the classic crime syndacites due the events Batman arguably set in motion himself by donning the mask and cape. Of course were not talking acadamy awards stuff here or anything, but it is a good service to the game series, its versions of the characters and settings so far.

The good:
-Classic Batman story/gameplay
-Great graphics as expected from the series.
-Has all the hits from the past games, so for a good price its a fair bit of gameplay to take on.
The bad:
-It has ALL of the hits from the other games. It literally plays like a greatest hits collection at points, but if your a fan of the games then that is not a bad thing, and in an odd way makes it a good game for someone to get into the Arkham franchise as well. Where as the first game, may not be the best point due to its...arguable technical flaws comapred to City.
-Frusterating difficulty curve at times, stick with it however and you'll figure it out/luck out on one particular boss fight it seems. Once you get through all the BS though, the cutscenes always reward with some classic, badass "I'm Batman" moments.
Publicada el 18 de diciembre de 2014. Última edición: 18 de diciembre de 2014.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
57.8 h registradas (21.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great game, short but very sweet. Online when you can find a good match is a treat as well. Wouldn't recommend paying full price on this one due to its lenght, but if you can catch it while its on sale its a great bargain at $10 or $5 bucks. Great graphics, gameplay, and the plot is on par with other Tom Clancy titles.

Top features:
-Amazing amount of gun customization.
-Well written plot for a shooter/military simulator.
-Great graphics.
-Cool gadgets to play with/make you the "future soldier" of reality not some half baked sci-fy novel*cough new CoD cough*
-Co-op friendly
-No bugs etc, I experienced at least
Draw Backs:
-Audio: Not the quality but the levels, so keep the subtitles on if you don't want to miss your characters chatting.
-Short single player experience.
-Multi player can be a bit dead at times.
-Some parts of the campaign suffer from being "on the rails" at points, or too easy, but it is at least a very entertaining railroad trip the whole way.
Overall: Classic Tom Clancy experience of a game, but try to pick it up on sale.
Publicada el 18 de diciembre de 2014. Última edición: 18 de diciembre de 2014.
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32.3 h registradas (18.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Full release, October 13 2015 update review.

This game is amazing, and the reason you've probably never heard of it is the devs are too busy spending money on developing the game, and their time on developing the game for them to run any ads.

Seriouly if you are into racing games, or realistic racing sims you may be getting exicted by now if you've never heard of it...its okay, you should be. Even if you aren't into either but still like the classics like Need for Speed for the thrill of just driving a race car around for a change of pace; consider, look into, tell some friends or buy this game.

The dedication the devs give to this title compared to other greenlight projects COUGH COUGH PROJECT RIP OFF CARS COUGH COUGH sorry that was a bad one, should be commended if nothing else for the history of video gaming to understand and know.

Great graphics, great sound, LASER SCANNED TRACKS, real world gravity, weights etc you get the gist.

That is all, and remember kids don't buy into reviews that use numbers, don't trust whitey and always bring another pair of socks!

Publicada el 4 de octubre de 2014. Última edición: 13 de octubre de 2015.
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992.0 h registradas (809.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great game, and in its current state it is nearly flawless(if you ignore the usual quarks of CA game engines, I however have had zero crashes since the Emperor Edition was released a while ago.

Great replayability, great graphics, a huge thriving modding community, and the DLC isn't all just a money grab/if you just buy what you want almost everything enhances the gameplay options alot. Not to mention this game has a lot of FreeLC that has been released since launch(like the Emperor Edition for example, and its whole seperate campaign.)

If you're a roman history buff, or Total war fan I can't recommend this game more, however if you're looking into this title expecting the Total War series to have taken a new direction, or hoping some features you may not like have been removed etc, I hate to disapoint but it is just a total war game through and through and true remake of the original Rome total war, with of course many more updates to the game's mechanics, and even a few removals(not being able to gift territorties was one that really stuck with me).
Publicada el 23 de febrero de 2014. Última edición: 27 de abril de 2015.
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