§The LÅ BåkeR§
Scott   Chico, California, United States
Hey Bob, how are we doing on that Henderson file? The deadline is fast approaching and we really need to get this locked down. This is a Million Dollar Account and we don't want to let it slip through our fingers. We should meet for lunch on Wednesday, no make that Thursday, you know, to discuss this and see where we are. Let's meet at Carlito's Cabo Cactus Room for the Cactus Margaritas and we'll brainstorm the details. We don't want to let that jerk Bartowski get the account like this time last year.


The Netherlands opened the first video game addiction clinic. They report that 95%+ of all their clients are habitual cannabis smokers (Stoners).

Update: In June 2006, the Smith and Jones Clinic in Amsterdam – which has now gone bankrupt – became the first treatment facility in Europe to offer a residential treatment program for compulsive gamers. Keith Bakker, founder and former head of the clinic, has stated that 90% of the young people who seek treatment for compulsive computer gaming are not addicted.


Sociologist Talmadge Wright has logged many hours observing online communities interact with and react to violent video games, concluding that meta-gaming (conversation about game content) provides a context for thinking about rules and rule-breaking. In this way there are really two games taking place simultaneously: one, the explicit conflict and combat on the screen; the other, the implicit cooperation and comradeship between the players. Two players may be fighting to death on screen and growing closer as friends off screen. Social expectations are reaffirmed through the social contract governing play, even as they are symbolically cast aside within the transgressive fantasies represented onscreen.


After trying many many games I realized TFC is still the best FPS ever made. TFC for life!


Phone Losers of America - 公開グループ
The Happiest Place in Roy, New Mexico!
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
4 4
記録時間: 1,372 時間
4月26日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 30 時間
4月15日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 54 時間
4月7日 に最後にプレイ
76561199059904475 1月26日 3時34分 
* ' * .  ⭐️ *  '*  *
*  . '  ✨✨     '  *
.   *  💫❄️💫 *   '  .
  *  ' 🍭❄️🎂🍭
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 * *. ❄️🥶⛄️☃️💎❄️  *
* .  🎀💸'🎂🎊🎉⛄️🎀 .
  . 💰💸🎂🎁🎀🍭💸💰
 * .🥶☃️⛄️🎉🎊💰💎🍭🥶* '   *
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. *🎁🎉🎊💰💎🍭🎂⛄️☃️🥶🎁  ' *
 .     . ⬛ ' ' *     
⚜️ We can be friends  for future games ⚜️
✅✅✅+REP Have a nice day ✅✅✅
✅✅✅+REP Nice profile  ✅✅✅
✅✅✅😁Friendly Guy 😁 ✅✅✅
❄️❄️❄️Happy Holidays ❄️❄️❄️
Jura Lith 2023年10月28日 1時57分 
Hey baker long time no see its F_O_D s9n use to go by blood wolf back in th3 day? And my bro went by crazyhead62
Zachery 2021年10月27日 20時58分 
🦎 +rep good player🦎
§The LÅ BåkeR§ 2020年11月22日 15時53分 
christopher 2018年10月29日 10時49分 