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189 Hours played
Regarding the private policy. Allow me to give you a rundown for Hitman 2.

For thouse that don't know. Hitman is a game about assisination, breaking into people's mansions and stealing their clothes. Mindless slauther is discourage. For every npc you killed in game, you would get the big red font that says 'non-target kill' and deduct 5,000 points on your score. Sure, you can still complete some challenges while raising hell. You would end up lossing the silent assasin raiting, anyways. Literally, you goal here is to eliminate only on the target and try to get out of there without any resistence coming after you.

It may suprise other people. Does anyone totally forgot that there never been a James Bond video game for ages? Yea, sure. we already see a bunch of 007 lisence game make by EA and Activision. For Hitman, this is the probably the closet 007 like video game you could ever get. In the 007 films, every Bond villian need to die. The villians are meant to represent the worst of the worse instead of having the highest bid. Most villian are said to be rich, powerful, and currupt. Only one person has to die. This is meant to be the case for Hitman 2.

In fact, the bigest kicker you have to understand is this game has a heavy empasis on the puzzle. It turns out assasination is mean to be the main theme for the puzzle. Pay very close attention to the details on the envirnemt and the level design. Most level design would usually want to keep the player safe and encourage you to go to point A to B. In Hitman. the level design is in a specifc way where there multiple route you can take. In Marrakesh, the target is located in a Swedish Embassy. There are two ways I could get inside. I could climb over the stone wall, make my way through the parking lot and take the locked doorway so I can go after my target. Or or. I could take the camera man disguise and calmly get inside the Embassy without getting too much attention. So many way to take on the target. Variety of ways to kill the target.

What make it appealing is the well crafted storytelling that fill our the details depending on what map you play on. Most FPS would usually require players to shoot x amout of people, trigger cutseen, shoot x amout of people again, trigger another cutseen, and so on. In Hitman, the game does not constantly shoved up a story on your throat as you play though the game. If you take the time to easedrop on the NPCs conversation, you should be able to get hint about the target, their daily routine and look for variety of ways to silently assasin your target. The story is there if you want to pay attention to it, but it really dosen't get in the way of the game.

While Hitman 2 wasn't nessearly meant to be the true proper sequeal, it was considered to be a major improvement on the already best seath video game. More weapons, and gear are added, including the briefcase. Bigger sandbox enviornment. New game mechanic were added (foilage and NPCs can see the player through the mirror, just like in IRL). New difficulty game mode (Casual, Professional or Master mode). Of course, Co-op sniper and ghost mode included in multiplayer.

While the performance is not really that demaning compared to other triple A titles. The game is very optimized. Depending on the hardware, grathics setting, or the map you play on; your milage may very. Luckly for me, I was able to run the game quite fine between the minimum and recomended reqirements. While the framerate may dip depending on how many NPC, explosive or whatever might throw on me. It playable.

Instantly marked as the "Game of the Year" award for the Steam Awards.


Did I ever mention that anyone who own Hitman 2016 can also play the legecy pack on Hitman 2? You can play the Hitman 2016 legacy pack for free in Hitman 2 if you like.
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