Just call me Rex.
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Your Kind isn't the one that uses magic
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Meteor Strike and other Oc's and planets and Rp style
The way I RP

I will not Rp if i'm not in the mood or not ready.please dont throw a hissy fit...

I will not cross franchise in a RP i hate doing that, so no Fnaf or sonic crossover with mlp...

Every Rp with a friend is its own individual Universe so don't be angry that my Oc isnt your boyfriend or girlfriend in another person's RP. I do this so there is no official canon Rp and theres more creative freedom for others and I.

Don't start a Rp without a good begining. I hate being thrown into the action without explanation.

Don't make my oc inferior to your oc I hate people that do that. I'm fine with strong ocs but if your making others feel inferior then thats just a ♥♥♥♥ move.(reason why my oc isnt an alicorn anymore)


Paragraph Rps are fine just don't force it into people if they don't want to write a paragraph on how they breath or the wind blows against their fur in a 30 degree angle or a whole page on a yes or no answer to a simple question.

Alidonians are a Race alien ponys from another world called Alidonia. They look like equestrians however their biology is different as they possess blue colored flesh and blood. Their tails aren't nubs but fully lengh like a cat and as flexible as a tenticle. Their culture is Knight based as they are a warrior race. They follow a King and Queen rule with their lives. Sadly their world was destroyed by Darthanos and his Shadowlings.

Some say that the Alidonians are decendents from gods. Their muscles hard, their brains filled with knowledge, masters of the enchanted armors.They defend justice as their power is unmatched, their army 10,000 strong for each squadron. The Ares Squadron, masters of the battlefield they hit hard with their hooves as their metal armor clashes with each foe with the fury of a war god as they lead the charge of battle in the front lines. The Athena Squadron, smart,tactical,clever you name it, these knights fight with careful stratagy with each percision strikes and kicks. The Zeus Squadron, the elite royal guards of the king and queen, they guard with powerful loyalty and service and strike hard like lightning. The Poseidon Squadron, masters of the seas, they command powerful ships and submarines as powerful as massive hurricane! Hades Squadron, judge,jury and executioner, they patrol darkest of Alidonia's prison and dungeons with patience and the eagerness to put down breakers of the law. Helios Squadron, they clear the land and sky of Alidonia with their mighty chariots as they are the cavalry of the sun! The Thanatos Squadron, they strike silently,serve in the shadows, always follow orders, they will not question an order, hope you aren't their target. The squadrons of the Alidonians represent the old gods...no wonder they are always compared to them sometimes.

Alidonian Traits

Shared On All 3 Species
Fully lengh and flexible Tails
Usually have 1 or 2 Tails
Have Blue Colored Blood
High Metabolism

Alidonian Pegasus Exclusive Trait
A Sharp barb on their wings can be retractable

Alidonian Unicorn Exclusive Trait
Bioluminecent Cutie Marks

Alidonian Earth Pony Exclusive Trait
Night Vision

Name- Meteor Strike
Age-Equestria girls age 18
Mlp age 20-27
Eye Color-Reddish Orange
Coat color-grey
mane/tail color-3 Shades of Red
species-Alidonian Pegasus
traits-3 tails
cutie mark- A red Meteor
loves-his family,equestrian waffles
powers- Strengh,Speed at least mach 10 to 13(13 is only gain through the meteor strike move),Armor adds extra strengh and durabilty and uses a magic battery core to allow small uses of magic.
fears-failing his friends,loseing his friends,darkness and evil takeing over the whole universe
family-Sister Bloom Everlight

Bloom Everlight
Age-Equestria girls age 18
Mlp age 20-27
Eye color-Cyan
Coat color-lighter grey
Mane/tail-3 shades of blue
Species-Alidonian Unicorn
Traits-3 tails
Cutie mark-Shining Blue Star
Powers-Strengh,Powerful Magic,Armor boost Strengh and magical abilities
Fear-war coming back to haunt her new home
Family-Twin Brother Meteor Strike

Meteor and Bloom's back story
Meteor strike was the prince of Alidonia along with his twin sister princess Bloom Everlight, the children of King Aster Strike and Queen Lumina Everlight.Both Meteor and Bloom even though they are both raised to be royalty, they both wanted to be knights, strong and honorable warriors of the planet. In secret at age 7 they went through training from one of the captain royal guards named Lance Thunder Bolt. Training as a squire to knight as a alidonian is hard work it took Meteor and Bloom 7 years to complete their training finishing at age 14 however they are not Knighted as it would alert their father and mother whom they don't want to anger.3 years past Darkness invaded planet Alidonia a war sparked for years with the Dark God's army tieing with Alidonian Legion however the unlike Alidonians...Shadowlings don't run out of soldiers...Meteor and Bloom had enough they couldn't stand by and watch their people suffer and the combine rage hearing their mother's recent murder they want to join army ignoreing their father's words.when their father relize his children wont listen to him, he finally knighted them and send them to the squadrons that match them, Meteor joined the Ares Squadron Elite Front line Knights and Bloom joined the Athena Squadron masters of battle strategy.The army worries that having its possible future king or queen be in battle is a huge mistake and foolish, they protect them so much, Meteor and Bloom understands it however they eventually prove they can handle themselves and rally their armys.With so much victories and losses it finally ened with Meteor and Bloom's Father being slain by the god of darkness Darthanos.Meteor and Bloom then turned cryo stasis in a pod sent to a safe planet by their comrades knowing it would be suicide to avenge their father in a head on fight.The last few Alidonian Knights send Bloom and Meteor into space in a pod to a safe world.But they were followed by the shadowlings.....

eye color-purple
mane-firey black and purple
traits-monterous taller than tirek
cutie mark-An evil eye
loves-destruction and darkness
family-daughters selena,diana,vail
powers-Once a being meant to balance the universe's hope and light. He lost his powers after fighting an evil entity with his siblings...after the battle he lost his godly powers.He went into a lust for power doing and finding anything to get his godhood back...but at a price....he used the entity's part to create a helmet to give his powers back but it also turned him into a monster hell bent on conquering the universe and cosmos

name-Night Cloud
age-Equestrian Age 124
coat-night blue
mane-black and dark blue
species-Alidonian vampony alicorn
traits-has a birthmark on his back thats a bat
cutie mark- moon and clouds
powers- super strengh,vamp speed,hyponotize,turn to a bat,turns to a swarm of bats
Extras-Has the Mark X armor like meteor strike
He used to be a prince of vampires on Alidonia also threatening to make war on the planet, but the war of darkness happend.Night and his vamponys fought with ferocity and power against the shadowlings but the planet eventually lost and Night is the last of his kinds makeing him more mean and angry.Knight cloud was the Luitenent of hades squad

Anime fantasy rp

"Once upon a time there is mysterous large magical super continent.This land is full of wonderful sentient and beastial life.Examples of these creatures are the high and prideful elves,The stubborn but Strong Dwarves, and the Potential humans.These 3 races thrive the north,south,east and west.The lands always been peaceful but theres
Jurassic World Evolution
Black Dragon's Wrath
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