Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia

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Kaldaien Feb 5, 2016 @ 2:34am
Tales of Symphonia "Fix" - v 0.10.5 [New DLC Manager] - (10/16/16)
Please refer to this post instead:


I will not be posting in the public forums until Valve hires more professional moderators and/or implements an ignore button to make them obsolete.
Last edited by Kaldaien; May 11, 2017 @ 10:43pm
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Showing 2,281-2,295 of 4,201 comments
sathy_s Mar 6, 2016 @ 4:51am 
So ive made forced3d9ex false to try and get gedosato to run. But i just get a black screen can still hear the menu and intro scene int he background just cant see it
BONKERS Mar 6, 2016 @ 5:07am 
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
I was just gifted a copy of Disgaea PC and I'm going to take a technical look at it eventually. But right off the bat, I was impressed that the mouse worked, and I feel stupid for saying that. My expectations are so low now that a working mouse blows me away :P
After the patches, it really only seems the resolution is the issue. How they got through 2 months of testing and 10 months of development without even thinking about this is baffling.
But at least they communicate.

I really don't get how SSAO and DoF ever came into the equation and were seen as good additions for that game though. All it needed was an artwork upgrade. And they did that for the UI and terrain. But forgot the sprites.

Originally posted by Kaldaien:
Originally posted by Great Duck:
So the windowed mode allows you to run resolutions higher than your monitor- could you technically downsample with that?

Well, in theory... you can probably render into a higher resolution framebuffer and then have D3D scale that down. That's effectively what DSR is, only NVIDIA has a fancy pants filter that is a million times more sophisticated than what D3D would give you (bilinear).
And i'd like to add further that the higher factor/ratio you downsample with Bilinear, the worse the AA/IQ get. Especially if it's a single stage pass like the old driver Downsampling trick.
GeDoSaTo has multiple stages, but bilinear is still not a good filter to do any kind of image resolve.
Last edited by BONKERS; Mar 6, 2016 @ 5:07am
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 5:52am 
Okay then, it would appear that for third-party compatibility sake, my default policy of using Flip instead of BitBlit needs to change.

This does not bode well for the future of gaming on Windows. DirectX 12 requires Flip presentation instead of BitBlit and a surprising amount of software does not know how to deal with Flip, including OBS.


Bottom line is I will be turning AllowFlipEx OFF in a future release and most compatibility issues in 0.7.1 and 0.7.2 will be resolved by this.

    For now, go ahead and do this yourself (in tsfix.ini).

You can turn it back on yourself if you have compatible software, and you will enjoy better performance and reduced latency. But it's too damn complicated explaining what is going on to people in light of this and it will always be something you have to turn on manually in future releases.
Last edited by Kaldaien; Mar 6, 2016 @ 5:54am
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 10:41am 
Tales of Symphonia "Fix" v 0.7.2 Pre-Release 2

Updates are slowing while I focus on compatibility fixes for my Tales of Zestiria and Disgaea PC mods, but I could use some help testing 0.7.2. This is the same as Pre-Release 1, only it includes an updated version of d3d9.dll that should load slightly faster if it does not crash ;)

Any problems versus the previous pre-release would show up immediately at launch, so I just need help testing launches.

    BE AWARE, 0.7.1 is responsible for black/white screens on some systems, that is not related to the changes here -- go ahead and set AllowFlipEx=false in tsfix.ini if you get a pure white or black screen.

Last edited by Kaldaien; Mar 6, 2016 @ 10:42am
Dordrac Mar 6, 2016 @ 11:09am 
What is the status of the 60 fps changes now that you're focusing on compatability changes for your other mods? I assume those are still coming soon?
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 11:13am 
Originally posted by Dordrac:
What is the status of the 60 fps changes now that you're focusing on compatability changes for your other mods? I assume those are still coming soon?

I have put 60 FPS aside for now. I wasted a lot of time on that, and because of the way the game is written it's going to be an insane hassle involving re-writing some animation code. I would have to re-write a lot of SSE2 math that the compiler generated. Compiler optimized code is not pretty to reverse engineer :(

I may re-visit it in the future, but it's definitely no longer a priority.
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 11:24am 
I really think the reason Tales of Zestiria was released with a 30 FPS cap was because QLOC was battling with Namco's horrendous framerate limiter. It can't even do 30 FPS correctly, much less 60.

They did a lot of work behind the scenes that's really difficult to do with just assembly language code. Thanks to their work at a more reasonable level (C++ code), it was pretty easy to get 60 FPS stable in Zestiria. It's not even easy to get it to happen period in Symphonia, much less iron out kinks such as collision detection :-\
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 11:38am 
Yeah, I am equally surprised that they chose to use OpenGL for rendering. But wow was that a fortunate decision on their part. I can optimize the bejesus out of their game because I have two decades of experience with OpenGL :)

Already I isolated all of the shaders that hard-code the game to 720p. If this were a d3d9 game, that would be almost impossible. GL has this quirk, where shaders are distributed in their original source code version and then compiled by the driver when the game runs.

D3D9 games, on the other hand, have their shaders compiled into a much harder to mod format before they ship. So if stuff is hard-coded into a HLSL (D3D) shader, chances are I will completely miss it while attempting to mod a game. I am so happy to finally get to work on an OpenGL game that needs work :)
Teriyaki Mar 6, 2016 @ 11:48am 
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
It would seem you have a bad driver. I would suggest turning AllowFlipEx off (in tsfix.ini), and paste a copy of d3d9.log and tsfix.log so I can figure out what driver you are using.
03/06/2016 13:46:52.170: d3d9.log created
03/06/2016 13:46:52.189: >> (TOS.exe) [d3d9.dll] <<

03/06/2016 13:46:52.189: Loading user preferences from d3d9.ini... done!
03/06/2016 13:46:52.189: System Directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
03/06/2016 13:46:52.189: Loading default d3d9.dll: (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll)
03/06/2016 13:46:52.190: * Loading Early Custom Import tsfix.dll... success!

03/06/2016 13:46:52.654: Initializing NvAPI: Success

03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: >> NVIDIA Driver Version: 361.91
03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: * Number of Installed NVIDIA GPUs: 1 (0 are in SLI mode)

03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: NvOptimusEnablement..................: UNDEFINED
03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance.: UNDEFINED

03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: Importing Direct3DCreate9{Ex}...
03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: ================================
03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: Direct3DCreate9: 649E3F60h
03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: Direct3DCreate9Ex: 649E7200h
03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: === Initialization Finished! ===

03/06/2016 13:46:52.741: [WMI] Spawning CPU Monitor... tid=0x0924
03/06/2016 13:46:52.832: [WMI] Spawning Disk Monitor... tid=0x1360
03/06/2016 13:46:52.922: [WMI] Spawning Pagefile Monitor... tid=0x1b24
03/06/2016 13:46:53.013: [WMI] Spawning Process Monitor... tid=0x0cb8

03/06/2016 13:46:53.908: [!] Direct3DCreate9Ex (32, 00B25A98h) - [Calling Thread: 0x053c]
03/06/2016 13:46:53.908: Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)

03/06/2016 13:46:53.914: [!] IDirect3D9Ex::CreateDeviceEx (07B06F80h, 0, 1, 000C04F8h, 0x0054, 00B25A60h, 00000000h, 00B25A9Ch) - [Calling Thread: 0x053c]
03/06/2016 13:46:53.914: Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)

03/06/2016 13:46:53.937: $ Spawning DXGI 1.4 Memory Budget Change Thread.: tid=0x1ed4
03/06/2016 13:46:53.944: % Setting up Budget Change Notification.........: eid=0x550, cookie=1

03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [DXGI 1.2]: GPU Scheduling...: Pre-Emptive (DMA Buffer)

03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [DXGI 1.4]: Local Memory.....: Node0 (Reserve: 0 / 1804 MiB - Budget: 0 / 3408 MiB)
03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [DXGI 1.4]: Non-Local Memory.: Node0 (Reserve: 0 / 3879 MiB - Budget: 0 / 7349 MiB)
03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [!] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset (0E805D00h, 00B25A60h) - [Calling Thread: 0x053c]
03/06/2016 13:46:53.946: Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)

03/06/2016 13:46:55.661: [!] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset (0E805D00h, 00B25A60h) - [Calling Thread: 0x053c]
03/06/2016 13:46:55.665: Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)

03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: Unloading Custom Import tsfix.dll... success!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: [RTSS] Closing RivaTuner Statistics Server connection... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: [DXGI] Shutting down DXGI 1.4 Memory Budget Change Thread... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: [WMI] Shutting down Process Monitor... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: [WMI] Shutting down CPU Monitor... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: [WMI] Shutting down Disk Monitor... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: [WMI] Shutting down Pagefile Monitor... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.781: Saving user preferences to d3d9.ini... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.782: Shutting down Steam API... done!
03/06/2016 13:47:15.782: Custom d3d9.dll Detached (pid=0x0d10)

------- [Tales of Symphonia "Fix"] -------
03/06/2016 13:46:52.201: tsfix.dll Plug-In
=========== (Version: v 0.7.1) ===========
03/06/2016 13:46:52.253: [] Kernel resolution.: 1.000700 ms
03/06/2016 13:46:52.254: [] New resolution....: 0.500300 ms
03/06/2016 13:46:52.255: [] Module image consists of 420 pages, from 00400000h to 02EFB000h
03/06/2016 13:46:52.258: [StutterFix] Scanned Namco Framerate Bug ("Limiter"): 005C8D80h
03/06/2016 13:46:52.332: [] Installing Deferred Hook: "GetRawInputData (...)"... MH_OK
03/06/2016 13:46:52.717: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' C:\Windows\system32\nvapi.dll' <LoadLibraryExW>
03/06/2016 13:46:52.740: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam2.dll' <LoadLibraryExW>
03/06/2016 13:46:52.768: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\CSERHelper.dll' <LoadLibraryA>
03/06/2016 13:46:52.796: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer.dll' <LoadLibraryExW>
03/06/2016 13:46:53.912: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' nvd3dum.dll' <LoadLibraryW>
03/06/2016 13:46:53.915: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' ext-ms-win-core-resourcepolicy-l1-1-0.dll' <LoadLibraryExW>
03/06/2016 13:46:53.930: [DLL Loader] Game loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI.dll' <LoadLibraryA>
03/06/2016 13:46:53.933: [Render Fix] Opt-In: D3D9Ex FlipEx Model (Windows 7+ Detected)
03/06/2016 13:46:53.933: [Render Fix] ^^ 0 Backbuffers ^^
03/06/2016 13:46:53.933: [Render Fix] % Caught D3D9 Swapchain :: Fullscreen=False (1280x720@0 Hz) [Device Window: 0xC04F8, Pointer: 0E805D00h]
03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [Render Fix] Opt-In: D3D9Ex FlipEx Model (Windows 7+ Detected)
03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [Render Fix] ^^ 0 Backbuffers ^^
03/06/2016 13:46:53.945: [Render Fix] % Caught D3D9 Swapchain :: Fullscreen=False (1280x720@0 Hz) [Device Window: 0xC04F8, Pointer: 0E805D00h]
03/06/2016 13:46:53.951: [][!] CreateTimerQueueTimer (... 16 ms, 16 ms, ...)
03/06/2016 13:46:53.994: [] # Found window in 1.3 seconds, installing keyboard hook...
03/06/2016 13:46:53.994: [] * Installed keyboard hook for command console... 1 try (0 ms!)
03/06/2016 13:46:55.162: [][!] DirectInput8Create (0x400000, 2048, ..., 0021F7B0h, 00000000h)
03/06/2016 13:46:55.162: [] Calling original function: 03/06/2016 13:46:55.165: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' HID.DLL' <LoadLibraryW>
03/06/2016 13:46:55.257: [][!] IDirectInput8::CreateDevice (0E92F104h, Default System Keyboard, 00E29C18h, 00000000h)
03/06/2016 13:46:55.257: [] Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)
03/06/2016 13:46:55.491: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' XAudio2_7.DLL' <LoadLibraryExA>
03/06/2016 13:46:55.564: [DLL Loader] Game loaded ' avrt.dll' <LoadLibraryA>
03/06/2016 13:46:55.660: [Window Mgr] SetWindowLongA (0x0C04F8, GWL_STYLE , 0xCA0000)
03/06/2016 13:46:55.661: [Render Fix] Opt-In: D3D9Ex FlipEx Model (Windows 7+ Detected)
03/06/2016 13:46:55.661: [Render Fix] ^^ 0 Backbuffers ^^
03/06/2016 13:46:55.661: [Render Fix] % Caught D3D9 Swapchain :: Fullscreen=False (1920x1080@0 Hz) [Device Window: 0xC04F8, Pointer: 0E805D00h]
=========== (Version: v 0.7.1) ===========
03/06/2016 13:47:15.780: End TSFix Plug-In
------- [Tales of Symphonia "Fix"] -------

Also not sure if this is related, but after 0.7.1 alt tabbing started to cause about a 2 second delay again. Never had this issue in the older versions
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 12:30pm 
0 backbuffers?!

That's a problem right there. Windows doesn't support single-buffered rendering anymore. That needs to be a number between 2 and 4 for things not to go completely haywire.

Did you set that up, or did that happen on its own somehow? You have been copying the INI file from the .zip correct?
Last edited by Kaldaien; Mar 6, 2016 @ 12:30pm
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 12:33pm 
Either way, I'd also suggest you pickup 0.7.2. It'll reduce delays and increase alt+tab reliability to boot.
Teriyaki Mar 6, 2016 @ 12:57pm 
alright ill try it later today and let you know
Dee Mar 6, 2016 @ 2:00pm 
Originally posted by Dee:
Using the pre-release fix, starting the game with no customconfig gives me the game in a 720 window like it should, but when I change the resolution to 1080 the game screen pretty much dissappears and I have to force quit the game through the task manager. v0.7.1 works fine.

Just tried the 2nd Pre-Release, and same thing. For some reason the game window seems to be placed off screen when I set it to desktop resolution : / Other resolutions work as they should I think.
d3eiel Mar 6, 2016 @ 3:04pm 
wow.. so glad to hear that you are working on disgaea too.
zestiria, symphonia, and disgaea are the games that I am playing currently.
are there more japanese games you are planning to work on?
Kaldaien Mar 6, 2016 @ 6:36pm 
Since most JRPGs seem to be intrinsically broken, I suppose I'll be doing this sort of thing indefinitely :P
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