Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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termit 23/mar./2013 às 11:44

What is included in Megaton Edition?
- Original Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition (DosBox)
- Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition (OpenGL port)
- Duke It Out In D.C. expansion (OpenGL port)
- Duke: Nuclear Winter expansion (OpenGL port)
- Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach expansion (OpenGL port)

Any walkthrough guide?
Official walkthrough available on 3D Realms website: http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d/walkthrough/index.html
achievements guide:

Where is multiplayer?
It is available from the main Menu right now! You can also play multiplayer with community made ports:

Can I get achievements in dosbox version?
No, achievements available only in OpenGL version

Is there censorship for specific countries?
No censorship

What about Linux?
Linux support now included!

What about Splitscreen?
No Splitscreen sorry

What about controller support?
Will come in a later update

How can I restart the level once I died. SPACE is not working.
Use key that binded to "Open" action. By default it's "E" key

How to run the Expansions via shortcuts?
For base game, change shortcut url to steam://rungameid/225140/
Duke It Out In DC: steam://rungameid/225140//-addon 1
Nuclear Winter: steam://rungameid/225140//-addon 2
Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach: steam://rungameid/225140//-addon 3

Duke It Out In D.C. has the wrong music!
No. The original game used the music from episode 3 of Duke Nukem 3D. Learn more here http://steamcommunity.com/app/225140/discussions/0/810919691121113642/


I found a bug, how I can report it?
Please post detailed description here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/225140/discussions/2/ Specify your hardware, OS version, version of the game, dosbox/opengl

Game crashes on startup:
- It may happen if game resource are corrupted. Try to verify game cache (Right click on the game in Library->Properties->Local files-> Verify integriry of game cache). If any problem found you then you need to reinstall the game
- Some AMD video cards users are having problems caused by AMD drivers. To fix that you need to install different version of video card drivers. Try to revert your drivers to Catalyst 13.1.

I have a black screen on MacOSX 10.6
If you still have this issue after 1.0.1 update remove
Duke Nukem 3d/gameroot/duke3d-local.cfg" and restart the game.

Game runs slow and menu background/header is white
It's a drivers issue, you need to install latest version of video driver.

Weapon sprites are pixelated and/or crosshair is not visible
In the gameroot folder of Duke Nukem 3D: Megation edition, find duke3d-local.cfg and change GLTextureMode to 0


Do you plan to release Shadow Warrior?

Do you plan to release Blood?
Short version: It is currently unknown

How can I play EDuke32 using Megaton grps:

Can I use custom music in-game?
Última edição por Lunick; 30/jan./2014 às 23:21