Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Maitah May 23, 2016 @ 1:26pm
Dear Voobly Promoters
Does voobly pay for you to come at HD disscusaion and apamming "voobly is better, go to voobly for better gaming, and bla bla...?

I know hd ia full of bugs, but I'm 100% sure that if i want to play at voobly, i can go there. But i dont want to :steamhappy:. We know how to visit a website ffs 11.

Dont u ask urselfs why we play here?
Bz voobly players are kids and they unrespectfull and they just care to get rates, i even bet that some of players can sell his mom just to have 2k rate lol. WHAT A COMMUNITY...

For last thing, ur replies will reflect ur personality and ur family and behaviour.
Rock on HD Players :AOEKnight:
Last edited by Maitah; May 23, 2016 @ 1:28pm
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Showing 1-15 of 34 comments
Jineapple May 23, 2016 @ 1:50pm 
I assume I'm one of the "Voobly Promoters" you mean - I mention Voobly when it's appropriate - When someone has a problem with HD that can't be fixed for example. And while you know may know about Voobly and decide not to use it (which is totally fine), by far not everyone does. I see no issue with pointing out another option. And the idea that Voobly pays people to advertise here is pretty funny :P

And the community thing - meh. It's just anecdotal evidence. Getting into a fight which community is worse is kinda stupid imho. Yes, many people are more competitive on Voobly which may result in more elitism. When it comes to rudeness etc. you'll find that in any community.
On the other hand, the old game has all the tournaments, a big forum and a lot of dedicated volunteers who work on improving the game which you won't find in this size for HD.

Just out of interest, how many games have you played on Voobly? How do you know the community is so bad?
gagman May 23, 2016 @ 1:50pm 
Originally posted by Maitah:
ur replies will reflect ur personality and ur family and behaviour.
same as your thread did ?
Maitah May 23, 2016 @ 1:56pm 
Originally posted by gagman:
Originally posted by Maitah:
ur replies will reflect ur personality and ur family and behaviour.
same as your thread did ?
I didn't insult anyone personally, i was talking in general, but the replies will usually targeting me bz i made the thread... Think About It!
Maitah May 23, 2016 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by Jineapple:
I assume I'm one of the "Voobly Promoters" you mean - I mention Voobly when it's appropriate - When someone has a problem with HD that can't be fixed for example. And while you know may know about Voobly and decide not to use it (which is totally fine), by far not everyone does. I see no issue with pointing out another option. And the idea that Voobly pays people to advertise here is pretty funny :P

And the community thing - meh. It's just anecdotal evidence. Getting into a fight which community is worse is kinda stupid imho. Yes, many people are more competitive on Voobly which may result in more elitism. When it comes to rudeness etc. you'll find that in any community.
On the other hand, the old game has all the tournaments, a big forum and a lot of dedicated volunteers who work on improving the game which you won't find in this size for HD.
I didnt mean you personally, but ur post was close timing with my thread that i was going to talk about.

Originally posted by Jineapple:
Just out of interest, how many games have you played on Voobly? How do you know the community is so bad?
2, which is high on voobly as it supports couble of games but none plays them, and the most popular games there are Aoc and AOM.

Bz i tried them for 2 years at least.
Last edited by Maitah; May 23, 2016 @ 2:08pm
IamJeo May 23, 2016 @ 2:14pm 
As Jineapple said, pointing it out as a better functioning option is definitely not an issue: personally I find it commendable. I havent seen anyone "spam" either, as you claim, just friendly suggestions, offering a solution to problems.

Originally posted by Maitah:
Bz voobly players are kids and they unrespectfull and they just care to get rates, i even bet that some of players can sell his mom just to have 2k rate lol. WHAT A COMMUNITY...

This bit amazes me tremendously. I think HD population is much more sensitive to ELO than Voobly's. I try finding games and offering advice, friendly game analysis, re:s and other forms of non-gameplay activity, including asking advice myself if approppriate, but most shun me as "pro", insults me for smurfing or just doesnt want to play due having some elo difference.

Ive played only a few games on Voobly, all of which have been good experiences in New Player Lobby, and from the amount of unfriendliness Ive seen on HD, I cant imagine Voobly being worse.

Also Voobly is directly linked to a number of AoC/AoE2 streamers (Memb, T90, pro players like MbL, dogao, slam, to name a few often active streamers) and this is one off-game subject many HD players dont even know about. I learned about them via Voobly, and wish to share it with other Beginners as well, since it has increased my enjoyment of the game immensely.
Maitah May 23, 2016 @ 2:28pm 
Originally posted by jeowaypoint:
As Jineapple said, pointing it out as a better functioning option is definitely not an issue: personally I find it commendable. I havent seen anyone "spam" either, as you claim, just friendly suggestions, offering a solution to problems.

Originally posted by Maitah:
Bz voobly players are kids and they unrespectfull and they just care to get rates, i even bet that some of players can sell his mom just to have 2k rate lol. WHAT A COMMUNITY...

This bit amazes me tremendously. I think HD population is much more sensitive to ELO than Voobly's. I try finding games and offering advice, friendly game analysis, re:s and other forms of non-gameplay activity, including asking advice myself if approppriate, but most shun me as "pro", insults me for smurfing or just doesnt want to play due having some elo difference.

Ive played only a few games on Voobly, all of which have been good experiences in New Player Lobby, and from the amount of unfriendliness Ive seen on HD, I cant imagine Voobly being worse.

Also Voobly is directly linked to a number of AoC/AoE2 streamers (Memb, T90, pro players like MbL, dogao, slam, to name a few often active streamers) and this is one off-game subject many HD players dont even know about. I learned about them via Voobly, and wish to share it with other Beginners as well, since it has increased my enjoyment of the game immensely.
This the first, but after u get ur stable elo u will be fine.
If u want or trying to be in the pro community then i recommend you to go to voobly and all good players are there and tournments.
But not for people who come daily to play 2-3 games and relax. Which is many of steam players.

U can make one guide for how to be a good aoe player and add that moving to voobly will help u, but we see whenever someone faces a problem , they advice him to voobly...
he already paid for the game. Anyway its the devolopers fault as they didnt update the game since long.

I think they will back soon.
Last edited by Maitah; May 23, 2016 @ 2:29pm
Pantera May 23, 2016 @ 5:12pm 
I played two games in total at Voobly and still promote it.

It doesnt take much to understand that a place where the game is 10 times more playable (and this is not even an exaggeration) and that has actual scene with tournaments, is superior to a broken mess.
Even though i dont even play at Voobly it still provides me more joy than the HD eddition ever did. Simply because of the tournaments and the awesome streams. We had the Masters of Megarandom that Tatoh won just recently and the King of the Hippo that got hosted by Nilpferd which were both super fun. And this were just two of many many more. There are no such things at the HD eddition and the sad reason for this is that they are simply not even possible there. First the countless bugs and broken pathfinding and second simply lacking features. For example the spectator system at HD is still peer to peer, means specs lagg the game and 4vs4 cant even be spectated at all. There is also no overlay or anything good at all and the biggest joke is that when there is a spectator the players in game cant trade resources thanks to another of the already countless bugs.
I dont know which of the three companies (Microsoft, Hidden Path, skybox labs) is most resposible for the Hd edditon but i know that they dont care for the game, Hell they are not even there!! No single statemant or anything, they are simply vanished.
When African Kingdoms did came out why did the people behind the HD eddition nothing to actualy promote it. Why was there for example no african kingdoms tournament (well they are not even possible as i already explained) or atleast a just a little bit of showing interest in their own game and build something up like a scene. The sad thing is that the game could actualy be insane hughe, easily top 10 or even top 5 of the biggest competitive games if big companie behind it would actualy care for it. But they did nothing at all.
But thankfully there is Voobly which is nothing more than a simply meeting point for all people who love the game Age of Empires. They are nothing special just some simple men but since they love the game some of them do everything for it. And so it came that a guy programmed a tool in his freetime called WololoKingdmoms. Now its possible to play african kingdoms at voobly and the first thing that happend is that there will finnaly be a tournament for it. Before it was impossible, the best thing we ever had were the african kigdoms showcases from Resonance22 which were fun but plagued with many crashes and bugs because they were played on steam.
The tournaments are not very big beacause they are made from people just like me and you but they are there. Age of Empires is not as big as cs:go or dota2 or Leage of legends even though it has the potential to be just as big as them. But yeah it got abandoned no live signs or anything from the officals. The only thing that keeps the game alive is Voobly. It kept it alive all the many years in the past and i doubt that HD eddition would even exist without Voobly. It keeps the game alive now and it will also keep the game alive many more years in the future. You hope that the people responsible for the HD eddition will come back but it is more likely that they will pull the plug and shut it down completly before they fix anything, yes that can happen that HD will suddenly not even exist anymore from one day to the other. I dont care if the people play at Voobly or HD as long as they play our beloved game Age of Empires but Voobly will always be there we can trust in it.

And thats why i promote Voobly.
Maitah May 23, 2016 @ 10:38pm 
Originally posted by Pantera:
I played two games in total at Voobly and still promote it.

It doesnt take much to understand that a place where the game is 10 times more playable (and this is not even an exaggeration) and that has actual scene with tournaments, is superior to a broken mess.
Even though i dont even play at Voobly it still provides me more joy than the HD eddition ever did. Simply because of the tournaments and the awesome streams. We had the Masters of Megarandom that Tatoh won just recently and the King of the Hippo that got hosted by Nilpferd which were both super fun. And this were just two of many many more. There are no such things at the HD eddition and the sad reason for this is that they are simply not even possible there. First the countless bugs and broken pathfinding and second simply lacking features. For example the spectator system at HD is still peer to peer, means specs lagg the game and 4vs4 cant even be spectated at all. There is also no overlay or anything good at all and the biggest joke is that when there is a spectator the players in game cant trade resources thanks to another of the already countless bugs.
I dont know which of the three companies (Microsoft, Hidden Path, skybox labs) is most resposible for the Hd edditon but i know that they dont care for the game, Hell they are not even there!! No single statemant or anything, they are simply vanished.
When African Kingdoms did came out why did the people behind the HD eddition nothing to actualy promote it. Why was there for example no african kingdoms tournament (well they are not even possible as i already explained) or atleast a just a little bit of showing interest in their own game and build something up like a scene. The sad thing is that the game could actualy be insane hughe, easily top 10 or even top 5 of the biggest competitive games if big companie behind it would actualy care for it. But they did nothing at all.
But thankfully there is Voobly which is nothing more than a simply meeting point for all people who love the game Age of Empires. They are nothing special just some simple men but since they love the game some of them do everything for it. And so it came that a guy programmed a tool in his freetime called WololoKingdmoms. Now its possible to play african kingdoms at voobly and the first thing that happend is that there will finnaly be a tournament for it. Before it was impossible, the best thing we ever had were the african kigdoms showcases from Resonance22 which were fun but plagued with many crashes and bugs because they were played on steam.
The tournaments are not very big beacause they are made from people just like me and you but they are there. Age of Empires is not as big as cs:go or dota2 or Leage of legends even though it has the potential to be just as big as them. But yeah it got abandoned no live signs or anything from the officals. The only thing that keeps the game alive is Voobly. It kept it alive all the many years in the past and i doubt that HD eddition would even exist without Voobly. It keeps the game alive now and it will also keep the game alive many more years in the future. You hope that the people responsible for the HD eddition will come back but it is more likely that they will pull the plug and shut it down completly before they fix anything, yes that can happen that HD will suddenly not even exist anymore from one day to the other. I dont care if the people play at Voobly or HD as long as they play our beloved game Age of Empires but Voobly will always be there we can trust in it.

And thats why i promote Voobly.

U dont understand what i said...
I think u ahould read my replay to jeowaypoint.
IamJeo May 23, 2016 @ 11:14pm 
Originally posted by Pantera:
I played two games in total at Voobly and still promote it.

Even though i dont even play at Voobly it still provides me more joy than the HD eddition ever did. Simply because of the tournaments and the awesome streams. We had the Masters of Megarandom that Tatoh won just recently and the King of the Hippo that got hosted by Nilpferd which were both super fun.

I have 3 games total played it seems, just checked. THIS ^ is what I had intention of saying, about the streams and tournaments. That amounts 50% of my game-enjoyment, myself being exactly this player, I dont seek to be competitive on aoe2:
Originally posted by Maitah:
... people who come daily to play 2-3 games and relax. Which is many of steam players.

Originally posted by Maitah:
U can make one guide for how to be a good aoe player and add that moving to voobly will help u, but we see whenever someone faces a problem , they advice him to voobly...
he already paid for the game. Anyway its the devolopers fault as they didnt update the game since long.
Im not sure what you are trying convey here.... Improve your english a bit or otherwise elaborate? "U dont understand what i said... " <- This holds true for me regarding those sentences above :D

Originally posted by Pantera:
When African Kingdoms did came out why did the people behind the HD eddition nothing to actualy promote it. Why was there for example no african kingdoms tournament (well they are not even possible as i already explained) ....
... And so it came that a guy programmed a tool in his freetime called WololoKingdmoms. Now its possible to play african kingdoms at voobly and the first thing that happend is that there will finnaly be a tournament for it.

Just for HYPEs sake, here is the link to the tournament "Enter the Sahara" Announcement. This is the tournament referenced here I imagine.

Also, the guy is called Tails8521. All Hail this new era hero of AoE2 community.
Last edited by IamJeo; May 23, 2016 @ 11:46pm
gagman May 23, 2016 @ 11:18pm 
While Voobly and Userpatch Age2 player keep enjoying the game, hd edition player still waiting for the patches :D
IamJeo May 23, 2016 @ 11:29pm 
1v1 on HD is actually somewhat playable, and at least for me, it is on an enjoyable playability level. Maybe because I like my modest graphics mods on HD, Ive been lazy to play on Voobly even though it runs smoother.

I actually noticed that on HD, when setting waypoints with Shift, the game doesnt even register all mouse clicks, resulting in lack of wanted waypoints: this doesnt happen on Voobly, but its bearable for one with a low APM like me.
Maitah May 24, 2016 @ 12:16am 
Originally posted by jeowaypoint:
1v1 on HD is actually somewhat playable, and at least for me, it is on an enjoyable playability level. Maybe because I like my modest graphics mods on HD, Ive been lazy to play on Voobly even though it runs smoother.

I actually noticed that on HD, when setting waypoints with Shift, the game doesnt even register all mouse clicks, resulting in lack of wanted waypoints: this doesnt happen on Voobly, but its bearable for one with a low APM like me.
SOTL showed it on his video , the first waypoint after every new 10 waypoints added will disappear but the unit will move to that point and wont ignore it , i think its just to make land easy to read by eyes , and not to be full with waypoints.
IamJeo May 24, 2016 @ 12:58am 
Originally posted by Maitah:
SOTL showed it on his video , the first waypoint after every new 10 waypoints added will disappear but the unit will move to that point and wont ignore it , i think its just to make land easy to read by eyes , and not to be full with waypoints.

Not what I mean. The issue is in the interval length of the registered waypoint-clicks: I press 5 waypoints in mouse (very fast) but eg. only 2-3 to get registered ingame, while not being even close to the limit of 10 SOTL discussed. This kind of problem has persisted since 4.0 iirc, when (also iirc) there was a bug of ingame sounds not playing to announce given, registered orders, such as scout "thump" of movement-click.

Just one example of Voobly's UP smoothness over HD. ;) 11
Last edited by IamJeo; May 24, 2016 @ 1:00am
Tatsuya Hiroki May 24, 2016 @ 2:26am 
I dont think the situation is that hopeless as some people make it to be. I mean yes, the game has certain flaws that needs fixing but that doesnt mean its dead.

In fact, they helped reviving the series yet again, introducing it to newer people. I see no reason why the Voobly and the HD community wouldnt be able to coexist peacefully, without turning into some sort of artificial eepen measuring contest.
Maitah May 24, 2016 @ 3:11am 
Originally posted by Tatsuya Hiroki (たつや, タ):
I dont think the situation is that hopeless as some people make it to be. I mean yes, the game has certain flaws that needs fixing but that doesnt mean its dead.

In fact, they helped reviving the series yet again, introducing it to newer people. I see no reason why the Voobly and the HD community wouldnt be able to coexist peacefully, without turning into some sort of artificial eepen measuring contest.
YES :) , ur the guy who knows whats going on "thump up".
Last edited by Maitah; May 24, 2016 @ 3:11am
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Date Posted: May 23, 2016 @ 1:26pm
Posts: 34