

Zobrazit statistiky:
Change Log - Stable Branch 0.43.116251[EN/RU]
0.43.116251 Hotfix specific changes

  • Hotfix to address issues associated with severe lag and desync for many players.
  • Servers now support accelerated time as a configurable option. This results in faster day/night cycle.
  • New zombie animations in testing (they are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast.

0.42.116181 Original update changes

Known Issues:
Physics: Item throwing physics is currently disabled
Melee: Cannot conduct melee attack from "lowered" melee stance (press space to chance stance to "raised")

  • Actions: Vomiting have associated sound effects
  • Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan
  • Actions: Can check pulse on unconscious players
  • Actions: Searching for berries will now add berries to your inventory
  • Actions: Eat All now supported for consumables
  • Actions: You can catch rain into canteen and water-bottle from inventory
  • Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animations
  • Animations: New Ruger MKII Reload animations.
  • Animations: Player now can sit with gun/weapon
  • Animations: Completely new two-handed melee animations. New right-handed poses, moves and attacks for axes, baseball bat, pipewrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel, farming hoe. "Low" and "Aim" stances introduced for stand, crouch and prone.
  • Crafting: SKS painting recipe
  • Crafting: You can paint firefighter axe black and green
  • Crafting: Blaze 95 painting recipe
  • Environment: New rock textures
  • Food: Sambucus berry item added
  • Food: Canina berry item added
  • Gear: added black and UN ballistic helmet variants
  • Gear: Sickle added into loot spawns
  • Gear: 1911 engraved version configure added to loot spawns
  • Gear: Can opener can be used as melee weapon
  • Gear: Box of 10 bucks shots added configured and added to loot spawns
  • Gear: Wool Coat red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added
  • Gear: Green and black variant of SKS
  • Gear: Green and black variant of firefighter axe added
  • Gear: Flat Cap red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added
  • Gear: Rabbit leg, boar steak and chicken breasts added
  • Gear: Fresh and rotten tomato configured and spawning on the server
  • Gear: Fresh and rotten potato configured and spawning on the server
  • Gear: Fresh and rotten Green Bell Pepper configured and spawning on the server
  • Gear: Canned Peaches configured and spawning on the server
  • Gear: Tactical bacon configured and spawning on the server
  • Gear: Hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masks
  • Gear: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and respective magazines and ammo (22LR and 9mm) added to spawns
  • Gear: Wool Coats and Flat Caps added to spawns
  • Gear: Farming hoe configured and spawns
  • Gear: Long wooden ash stick
  • Gear: M4 attachment green variants added
  • Graphics: Adding lights to currently rendered scene changed
  • Graphics: Lighting from objects now is rendered during daytime also
  • Graphics: HDR improved and tweaked slightly to perform better with bright lights in scene (i.e. flashlights etc...)
  • Graphics: Engine supported point source light objects (e.g. Gaslamp) now working correctly
  • Map: Olsha has been updated
  • Map: Khelm has been updated
  • Map: New rock formations outside Svetlo have been created
  • Map: New Orthodox Chapel has been created
  • Map: Police Stations & Medical Centers have been placed across the map
  • Map: Village pub configured for spawning loot
  • Map: New villages surrounding Svetlo
  • Map: Chernaya Polana town + surroundings added
  • Map: Signs for "Chernaya Polana" added
  • Medical: Players can have a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" with pulse checking actions)
  • Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind, calculated on server and distributed to clients
  • Weather: Rain now causes items and player to become wet
  • Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method

  • Actions: Added 'inUseItem' back to action on target function
  • Actions: Proper nutritional value will be added when eating near empty food
  • Actions: Berry picking script messages to player improved.
  • Actions: Removed duplicate option for crafting splint in action menu
  • Actions: Fixed force drink message for action with waterbottle
  • Actions: Eat all rice animation length modified
  • Actions: Force feeding action now depletes right amount of food/drinks
  • Actions: Water Bottle stays in hands after force drinking
  • Actions: Eating cereals won't leave you with 0% box in your inventory anymore
  • Actions: Fluids deplete properly after force drinking action
  • Actions: Removed force feed action for disinfectant and alcohol tincture
  • Actions: Crafting splint from bandages now uses whole disposable bandage and half of dressing bandage
  • Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and wooden sticks doesn't produce infinite splints
  • Actions: Clicking on Eat All action if amount of food is below 1/4 will result in playing only short eating animation
  • Actions: Edited player messages in force drink action and fixing broken limbs
  • Actions: Force feed/drink doesn't use whole quantity of some food/drink items also canteen is not destroyed after action
  • Actions: Player message for drinking from well
  • Animations: Bandage and eating pills animation glitch fixed.
  • Animations: Holding animations of various weapon magazines correctly linked
  • Animations: Player can now be properly knocked out while in water.
  • Animations: New M4A1 reload animations.
  • Animations: Various glitches when moving / changing stances fixed.
  • Animations: Rolling left/right while zoomed in sights makes player zoom out for the duration of the roll.
  • Animations: Evade animations in prone (Q and E) are faster now.
  • Audio: Subsonic projectiles no longer emit supersonic crack
  • Balance: Buffed damage of 762x39, 9mm, .22LR. Slightly nerfed shotgun pellets
  • Gear: Added color variants of ballistic helmets into loot spawns
  • Gear: Purification tablets package contains ten tablets now. Cholera removing functionality added.
  • Gear: Painted SKS chambering
  • Gear: Even lower chance of backpacks spawning on construction sites
  • Gear: Changed inventory view of pitchfork
  • Gear: Removed quantity value from burlap sack tooltip
  • Gear: Display name for t-shirts with stripes
  • Graphics: SSAO in options saved
  • Graphics: Rain effect settings changed
  • Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes vs 12 bytes per vertex)
  • Graphics: Spot light culling fixed
  • Graphics: Fix of terrain intersections
  • Graphics: Fix of geometry trace for flares
  • Graphics: Rain now does not fall inside buildings for those on Lower/Disabled shadow settings
  • Login: Failure during new character creation could cause player to get stuck as unconscious
  • Map: Optimizations for Svetlo performance
  • Map: Forests surrounding Svetlo bugfixes
  • Medical: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions
  • Medical: Epi-pens will now wake anyone (briefly) from unconsciousness even if blood very low
  • Medical: Defibrillator used for restarting the heart of players who have a heart attack
  • Medical: Unconsciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack)
  • Medical: Melee damage application system changed to better balance
  • Medical: Chance of bleeding from fists reduced significantly
  • Medical: Arm and leg ache messages fixed
  • Medical: Disconnected players avatars did not take shock or blood damage
  • Medical: Falling from height while sprinting did not kill player when it should have
  • Medical: Player could vault with broken legs
  • Network: Dropped items appeared only after a delay (now instant)
  • Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete)
  • Network: Optimizations to network messaging updates should result in reduced bandwidth and some increases in FPS for clients/server
  • Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs)
  • Structures: Item disappearing when dropped from inventory on stairs or near walls
  • Weapons: Long-range scope reticle properly centered
  • Zombies: Zombies aims mostly for chest area now when attacking (stops the "helmet of armor" change)

Full plain text changelog is available here:
Naposledy upravil Rosco; 22. bře. 2014 v 8.21
< >
Zobrazeno 115 z 810 komentářů
Apologies for the posts I had to delete, forgot to make a double post so I could post the translated version for the Russians!

[/h1]Обновление DayZ Standalone От 19.03.2014.[/h1]

Список изменений

Известные проблемы
  • Физика: Бросание предметов пока что отключено.
  • Холодное оружие: Жесты пока что не работают, если в руках двуручное холодное оружие.
  • Холодное оружие: Невозможно провести атаку из "низкой" стойки (нажмите "space" чтобы сменить стойку на "боевую").
  • Network: Иногда зомби или игроки могут быть невидимы

  • Действия: Рвота теперь сопровождается соответствующим звуком.
  • Действия: Баллистический шлем можно покрасить (в зеленый или черный цвет) с помощью баллончика с краской.
  • Действия: Можно проверить пульс у игроков без сознания.
  • Действия: При поиске ягод они добавляются в инвентарь.
  • Действия: "Съесть все" теперь доступно для всего, что можно потребить.
  • Действия: Вы можете собирать воду во время дождя в бутылку и флягу.
  • Анимации: Новые анимации перезарядки Sporter 22
  • Анимации: Новые анимации перезарядки Ruger MKII.
  • Анимации: Игроки теперь могут сидеть с оружием
  • Анимация: Полностью новая анимация двуручного оружия ближнего боя. Новая правосторонняя поза, анимация движения и атаки для топоров, бейсбольной биты, газового ключа, лома, огнетушителя, лопаты и мотыги. "Low" and "Aim" stances introduced for stand, crouch and prone.
  • Крафт: Покраска СКС.
  • Крафт: Покраска пожарного топора.
  • Крафт: Покраска Blase B95.
  • Окружение: Новые текстуры скал и камней.
  • Еда: Добавлен предмет - ягода бузины (Sambucus).
  • Еда: Добавлен предмет - ягода шиповника (Canina).
  • Снаряжение: Добавлены варианты баллистических шлемов - черный и в раскраске ООН.
  • Снаряжение: Добавлено пальто красных, чёрных, коричневых, синих, зелёных и серых цветов.
  • Снаряжение: Консервный нож может использоваться как оружие ближнего боя.
  • Снаряжение: Маски больше не могут носиться вместе со шлемами и касками.
  • Снаряжение: Мотыгу теперь можно найти.
  • Снаряжение: Добавлены зеленые варианты частей M4A1.
  • Снаряжение: Добавлены зелёный и чёрный варианты пожарного топора.
  • Снаряжение: Добавлены ножка кролика, стейк кабана и куриная грудка.
  • Снаряжение: Добавлен головной убор панама в цветах: красный/чёрный/коричневый/синий/зелёный/серый.
  • Снаряжение: Зелёный и чёрный вариант СКС
  • Снаряжение: Зелёный и чёрный вариант Blase B95
  • Снаряжение: Long wooden ash stick
  • Графика: Изменено добавление света в просчитываемую сцену.
  • Графика: Рендеринг свечения объектов теперь происходит и днем.
  • Графика: HDR настроен и лучше работает с яркими объектами (например фонарики и т.п.)
  • Графика: Поддержка движком точечных источников света (например газовый фонарь) теперь работает правильно.
  • Карта: Обновлена деревня Ольша.
  • Карта: Обновлена деревня Хельм.
  • Карта: Новые каменистые образования созданы на окраинах Светлоярска.
  • Карта: Создан новый православный храм.
  • Карта: На карте добавлены полицейские участки и медпункты.
  • Карта: Новые деревни в районе Светлоярска.
  • Медицина: У игроков может случиться сердечный приступ (проявляется как "прерывистый пульс" при проверке пульса).
  • Спаун: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 и соответствующие магазины и боеприпасы (.22LR и 9mm) добавлены в спаун.
  • Спаун: Пальто и панама добавлены в спаун.
  • Погода: Дождь, облака и ветер теперь просчитываются на сервере и транслируются клиентам.
  • Погода: Дождь теперь вызывает намокание предметов и одежды.
  • Зомби: Временно реализован простой механизм респавна зомби, до лучшего решения.

  • Действия: Вернули 'inUseItem' на действие с целью.
  • Действия: Исправлено значение питательности почти "пустой" еды.
  • Действия: Улучшены сообщения для сбора ягод.
  • Действия: Создание шины теперь использует весь одноразовый бинт и только часть многоразового.
  • Действия: Сломанные (Ruined) лоскуты/бинты и палки больше не позволяют бесконечно создавать шины.
  • Действия: Если количество пищи меньше 1/4 использование кнопки съесть всё (Eat All) воспроизведет короткую анимацию приёма пищи.
  • Действия: Отредактированы игровые сообщения при быстром употреблении воды и наложении шины на сломанные конечности.
  • Действия: Added collision tests for availability of prone position and vaulting
  • Действия: Принудительный приём воды/пищи не использует всю воду/пищу, а так же не ломает флягу.
  • Анимации: Исправлена анимация накладывания бинта и приема таблеток.
  • Анимации: Rolling left/right while zoomed in sights makes player zoom out for the duration of the roll.
  • Анимации: Игрок теперь может |потерять сознание, когда находится в воде.
  • Анимации: holding animations of various weapon magazines correctly linked
  • Анимации: Анимация раскачивания (Q E) стала быстрее.
  • Снаряжение: Введено появление разноцветных баллистических шлемов.
  • Снаряжение: Упаковка таблеток для дезинфекции воды теперь содержит 10 таблеток. Добавлена возможность лечить холеру.
    Снаряжение: Снижен шанс появления рюкзаков на строительных площадках.
  • Графика: SSAO в настройках теперь сохраняется
  • Графика: Настройки эффекта дождя изменены
  • Графика: Улучшена геометрия дождя (28 байт вместо 12 на вертекс)
  • Графика: Отбрасывание (culling) направленных источников света исправлено
  • Графика: Исправлены пересечения ландшафта
  • Графика: Исправлена геометрия фальшфейеров
  • Графика: Дождь больше не идет внутри зданий при выбранных настройках качества теней "низко" или "отключено".
  • Login: Исправлен баг, при котором персонаж мог после респауна застрять в бессознательном состоянии
  • Карта: Светлоярск оптимизирован
  • Карта: Исправлены баги лесов возле Светлоярска.
  • Медицина: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions
  • Медицина: Адреналин теперь разбудит любого игрока без сознания, даже у которого мало крови.
  • Медицина: Дефибрилляторы восстанавливают работу сердца у игроков с приступом.
  • Медицина: Исправлены непредсказуемые эффекты от потери сознания. (Адреналин будет пробуждать всех без сознания, кроме случаев с сердечным приступом)
  • Медицина: Сбалансировано применение урона рукопашного оружия
  • Медицина: Шанс кровотечения после атаки кулаками значительно снижен.
  • Медицина: Боты отключившихся игроков не получали урон от шока и кровотечение.
  • Медицина: Падение с высоты не убивало игрока, если он бежал.
  • Медицина: Игрок мог прыгать со сломанными ногами.
  • Network: Предметы появлялись с задержкой (теперь сразу).
  • Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete)
  • Network: Оптимизация обмена сетевыми сообщениями должна привести к снижению пропускной способности и небольшому увеличению FPS клиента и сервера.
  • Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs)
  • Structures: Пропажа предметов, если они выкинуты рядом с лестницами или стенами
  • Звук: subsonic projectiles no longer emit supersonic crack
  • Оружие: Отцентрирована сетка оптического прицела.
  • Зомби: Теперь зомби преимущественно целятся в грудь при атаке (stops the "helmet of armor" change)
Naposledy upravil Rosco; 21. bře. 2014 v 4.00
Bruderlos původně napsal:
WTF is a tactical bacon?? Can i slap someone in the face with it or would you mean a beacon?

It's bacon used with tactical intentions for tactical reasons.
Is there seriously no hunting and cooking meat yet?!?!
MEATnPOTATO původně napsal:
Is there seriously no hunting and cooking meat yet?!?!

This is why we can't have nice things. Stop bi**hing and be happy about something. Damn
MEATnPOTATO původně napsal:
Is there seriously no hunting and cooking meat yet?!?!

It's on a different branch - there should be a working prototype of all the other changes up soon.
Aug | Stoneez původně napsal:
Do zombies still walk through walls

Agreed... I was and hopefully am still a HUGE supporter of DAY Z standalone after the success and fun we have in our DAY Z Short clips series of gameplay on youtube. However... Why are we getting updates about extra cans of a new type of food spawning and less bags as if those are the major issues or tweaks to be made at this stage. Why not forget working on the crud that doesnt matter... Animations for players hurdling fences etc... and work on zombies walking through walls which is a major game breaking mechanic.

I am seriously beginning to doubt that we will see anything even close to the dayz mod and this is yet another "Early Access" Scam...

I have paid my money and will wait for the finished product but when you feel your investment in the developers is being made a joke of by them implementing new items and new animations and making the can opener a weapon..... when the core of the games mechanic is clearly not improving just smacks of poor organization.

Information being passed along to us on what they are aiming for with zombie movement or hitboxes or the plethora of mechanic breakdowns this is experiencing would be much preferred rather than wasting my download by implementing a can opener as a melee weapon when that weapon cannot effectively be used because of the complete lack of a melee system or defense or hitbox radius from the zombies....

Come on lads.
Naposledy upravil MEATnPOTATO; 19. bře. 2014 v 3.14
MANBEARPIG původně napsal:
Why did I buy this game

Because its Funny - Brilliant and hmmm .. i have a funny taste in my Mouth :pandashocked:
MEATnPOTATO původně napsal:
Aug | Stoneez původně napsal:
Do zombies still walk through walls

Agreed... I was and hopefully am still a HUGE supporter of DAY Z standalone after the success and fun we have in our DAY Z Short clips series of gameplay on youtube. However... Why are we getting updates about extra cans of a new type of food spawning and less bags as if those are the major issues or tweaks to be made at this stage. Why not forget working on the crud that doesnt matter... Animations for players hurdling fences etc... and work on zombies walking through walls which is a major game breaking mechanic.

I am seriously beginning to doubt that we will see anything even close to the dayz mod and this is yet another "Early Access" Scam...

I have paid my money and will wait for the finished product but when you feel your investment in the developers is being made a joke of by them implementing new items and new animations and making the can opener a weapon..... when the core of the games core mechanic is clearly not improving just smacks of poor organization. Information being passed along to us on what they are aiming for with zombie movement or hitboxes or the plethora of mechanic breakdowns this is experiencing would be much preferred rather than wasting my download by implementing a can opener as a melee weapon when that weapon cannot effectively be used because of the complete lack of a melee system or defense or hitbox radius from the zombies....

Come on lads.

As has been said, multiple times before, by multiple people - it's not something that can just be 'fixed'.

The entire zombie system is being redone, the current implementation is only temporary, there really isn't any point in wasting time fixing the crappy zombie behaviour at the moment.

This is a LOT of work and not exactly something they can implement gradually like items and objects, it's something that must be 100% complete if it's going to replace an existing system.
"Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method"
Finally, we'll have some zombies in the game
Wounding Havoc (Zabanován) 19. bře. 2014 v 3.25 
So is this stable? And will i have to redownload this if i change back to stable?(i'm on experimental) These updates are giving me the ♥♥♥♥♥!
J3 19. bře. 2014 v 3.25 
Bruderlos původně napsal:
Gear: Tactical bacon configured and spawning on the server

WTF is a tactical bacon?? Can i slap someone in the face with it or would you mean a beacon?

is bacon for tactical people.
Wounding Havoc původně napsal:
So is this stable? And will i have to redownload this if i change back to stable?(i'm on experimental) These updates are giving me the ♥♥♥♥♥!

This is currently stable and yes, due to the way Steam works you will have to download it all.
I cannot open Doors? Have somone the same Problem?
Wounding Havoc (Zabanován) 19. bře. 2014 v 3.32 
I didn't have to download it and it works! Praise to the Dark Lord!
< >
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 19. bře. 2014 v 2.47
Počet příspěvků: 810