Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Before everybody makes topics about "where are the new taunts?" i'll make this here.

1. Extract ALL TF2 vpk files into the SFM game folders.
2. Done.

The models used in taunts can be found in "models/players/items/taunts."
The actual taunts can be found in the HWM player models aswell.
(example: "taunt_conga")
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For someone who is new to SFM, like me, what file are the vpk files under? I know how to get to the actual TF2 folder, but I am unsure as to which one it will be under after that.
steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf

- tf2_misc_dir.vpk
- tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk
- tf2_sound_vo_english_dir.vpk (voice)
- tf2_textures_dir.vpk
мяFunreal eredeti hozzászólása:
steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf

- tf2_misc_dir.vpk
- tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk
- tf2_sound_vo_english_dir.vpk (voice)
- tf2_textures_dir.vpk
Thank you!!
What about the new taunt unusual effects? Where are they after being extracted? any idea?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Lainis; 2014. jún. 21., 22:19
probably in some particle file inside the particle folder.
мяFunreal eredeti hozzászólása:
probably in some particle file inside the particle folder.
I'm trying to think of a fun way to say I CHECKED there, but i got nothing. So I'm just going to say I checked item_fx, impact_fx, taunt, and any other big files. All new particles are in there, like bread, but no unusual taunt effects, and that makes me sad.
they're there ,somehwere.

Would you belive the laser particle is in the "class.pcf" file? they surely hid those particles in a retarded file aswell.
yea, found them.
Ironically, Taunt_fx.pcf
Does extracting all the ,vpk's also apply to getting the new cosmetics in?
the vpk files contain all the things you see/hear in the game.
it doesn't work for me.
I've extracted the taunts but I cant use them. :/
then you're doing it wrong
Thank you very much for posting this! Very helpful.
Im trying to put the soldiers requiem in, where do i find it?
Show me the folder locations from Team Fortress 2 to the file
Team Fortress 2/tf/custom
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Közzétéve: 2014. jún. 21., 0:12
Hozzászólások: 15