Arma 3
Sank Nov 21, 2017 @ 11:24am
Trouble with triggers and tasks
I am messing around in eden editor trying to get a better grasp on triggers and tasks so I can make some custom missions. I've watched several youtube videos and there is one video in which, after following exactly, the setup doesnt work at all for me. This is the video in question

Like I've said I'm a bit of a noob at this stuff so if its an obvious fix then apologies. If anyone knows why it possibly isn't working or if theres another method to achieve the same results I would be very grateful

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Fenris 89 Nov 22, 2017 @ 8:31am 
I had this problem to, but i had get 3 to work from 4! Now i use task scripts its easier and not so frustrated!

Here is an example for killing an other target task:

1. Place 2 units ( 1x Player; 1x Target)
2. give the target the name unit_0
3. save your mission, tab out and go to documents\ Arma 3\ Missions\ Your Mission
4. create there an "discription.ext" and put follwing in it:

0 = [] spawn {
sleep 1;

0 = [] spawn {
[player,["task1"],[format["Kill %1",name unit_0],format["Kill Target %1",name unit_0],""], getPosATL unit_0,1,2,true,"kill"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
waitUntil{!(alive unit_0)};
["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

5. Tab back to the game and reload, try! Now should pop up the task and an marker where your target is should seeable!
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Date Posted: Nov 21, 2017 @ 11:24am
Posts: 1