Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition

Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition

Epic Encounters
I edited the out of combat movement speed to 8 instead of 5
EDIT: I made the final edits and tested the Mod in game. Works 100% now. All Walk settings are 2.66 and Run settings are 8 across the board. It works on both Heroes and all Companions.

(SJG) Epic Encounters Out of Combat Movement Speed Buff (fully compatible with EE and XC_Encounters)[www.nexusmods.com]


Title. The Fast Move Speed mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/divinityoriginalsin/mods/79) no longer works now that I installed EE. I hate wasting time running places out of combat and want the 8 setting back. Is there a way to do this?

I installed the XC_Encounters (https://www.nexusmods.com/divinityoriginalsin/mods/106/?) version of this mod manually.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Whatever; 28 marca 2019 o 12:57
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Elric  [producent] 24 marca 2019 o 12:06 
One thing to keep in mind with D:OS mods is that only one can be active at a time. So, if you have two entities that were built in the editor and the game considers them modules, only one can run. However, if you run a module with a "mod" that only alters certain files--like certain Nexus mods--the module and the "mod" might coesist. However, one needs to exercise caution when doing this because if both entities try to modify the same files the resulting conflicts can create "interesting" effects.

I think that in the case of Fast Move Speed with XC_Encounters, the same files are being modified and XC_Encounters is overriding Fast Move Speed.

If memory serves, the Developer Edition discussion has notes on how to alter the run speed increase that the Encounters package applies.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Elric; 24 marca 2019 o 12:09
Whatever 25 marca 2019 o 4:53 
I found out that not only does the XC Encounters mod override the move speed effect, it breaks things in your mod. (Edit: the fast move mod, not XC >.<)

It breaks Curse of Cuts which only does damage on the cast, and then never again. I've since had Steam repair the files to get rid of the changed files and now the spell works properly. Likely other things were broken as well, I just never came across them. The mod only changes a file, but it is not compatible.

I already read through this post: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/829837590/142261352656321576/

And if it had something about move speed edits, then I missed it. I don't mind doing the work myself, I've made 10 mods for Skyrim myself (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/2783759?tab=user+files). But I don't even have a clue where to look is my problem. If I missed a page number where the discussion happened, if you point me at it I'll do the legwork.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Whatever; 26 marca 2019 o 12:57
Ameranth  [producent] 25 marca 2019 o 14:25 
Hi there Skeleton Jack; sadly run/walk speeds in DOS1 need to be modified through the root templates of player-characters, you'll need Norbyte's extractor tool[s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com] to convert files.

- You're looking for AMER_Player.lsb (within ...\Public\Epic_Encounters_071a986c-9bfa-425e-ac72-7e26177c08f6\RootTemplates), you need to convert this file to .lsx extension, such that it is in a modificable .xml format.
- Within the converted file you'll find GameObjects entries for every player-character, as well as some other unrelated characters. You want to modify the "RunSpeed" and "WalkSpeed" entries for each of the relevant characters (or just find/replace RunSpeeds of 3.75 with whatever value you want).
- Once you've made the desired changes, you can convert the file back to .lsb format and place it back to the directory it was originally.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Ameranth; 25 marca 2019 o 14:27
Whatever 26 marca 2019 o 12:59 
Thank you!
Atmus81 26 marca 2019 o 20:04 
Hello Skeleton Jack
If you get this to work right, can you please upload the modified file or a quick step by step guide on what you did.
I have no modding experience and am kind of afraid of messing up my save game by tinkering with files
Whatever 27 marca 2019 o 13:00 
@Ameranth & Elric

So, thank you so much for putting in the instructions and converter! I'll be step by step explaining my process for anyone who wishes to follow my example and so that you guys can tell me if I missed something here as well.

So I assumed that manually placing the edited files in loose would override the primary mod. That's how Skyrim works, the loose files will always override the BSA files for mods.

I went under the Steam folder to place them and found the folder was instead named:

I figured no worries since it's a modded version of your own mod (combining XC bags and Epic Encounters) and I placed it there manually adding in the RootTemplates folder and placing the edited and reconverted file inside.

Folder Destination:
C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition\Data\Public\XC_Encounters_08883d92-3f51-4491-8c29-6567ead01471\RootTemplates

Loose file placed:

So I went into game and it worked for the 2 main Heroes with no problem!! :D But, there's a but.

When I swapped over to Beirdotr the run speed went back to normal. Which matters for me since I run around with her since she's got Metamind. Makes picking things up easier. I swapped to Jahan and same thing. No more extra movement speed.

So I swapped to both Heroes (Scarlet and Rodrick) and the awesome speed was back!! And the two companions kept up at that speed when moving as well. They only slow down when they're selected as the primary character and I walk somewhere.

So I'm not sure what gives here. I modified these lines changing the primary value to 8 across the board:

<attribute id="RunSpeed" value="8" type="6" />

I then noticed that the two Hero sections had a modified Walk Speed. The Companions had a value of 2, but the Heroes had a value of 2.66:

<attribute id="WalkSpeed" value="2.66" type="6" />

So I then went back and redid the file and changed this value on all of the Companions thinking it might fix it, but no dice.

So am I ♥♥♥♥ out of luck here? Or is there something I missed?

Here's a direct download link to the file if you want to take a look at it:

Thanks again for the help!! :D

If you give permission, I'll be happy to upload it to Nexus. Or, if you'd prefer you can add it as an optional file for Epic Encounters. I'm fine either way. If I can fix it to make the Companions work properly I'd really like to if you know the answer. And I can reupload that if you like. Just let me know.
Ameranth  [producent] 27 marca 2019 o 14:22 
Thanks for investigating this, and yes you do have my permission to post it as a separate mod if you would like.

You're doing everything right, however, reading over what you did reminded me of the special-case that is the non-CC player-characters, and how you'll need to modify them - sorry that I didn't remember this earlier. So:

- To modify the run/walk speeds of Madora, Wolgraff, and Bairdotr (not Jahan, he's stuck in a separate file for some reason), you'll need go to \Data\Mods\Epic_Encounters_071a986c-9bfa-425e-ac72-7e26177c08f6\Globals\Cyseal\Characters and convert "characters-LS2012-MATHIEU.lsb" to .lsx format. Within, you can find the entries for these three characters and modify their RunSpeed and WalkSpeed, similarly to how you did it before. When you're finished, convert the file back to .lsb format and place it in the directory it was in originally.

- For Jahan, do the same as above, but with the "characters-LS2013_DESIGN01.lsb" file instead (be careful not to get confused with the "characters-LS2012_DESIGN1.lsb" file).

It's necessary to handle these four characters in this way because, unlike the CC player-characters, these characters data overrides on the per-character basis, so merely modifying the root-templates doesn't work for these.

*Note that it is also possible to make these modifications from within the editor itself, by loading the Cyseal level within the Epic Encounters mod and selecting Jahan, Madora, Bairdotr, and Wolgraff with the "SideBar" open (opened with CTRL+B). Within the SideBar you can modify the RunSpeed and WalkSpeed of each. However, it's probably easiest to modify the files directly if you are unacquainted with the editor (especially since some recent windows updates have made the camera very difficult to move).
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Ameranth; 27 marca 2019 o 14:28
Whatever 27 marca 2019 o 22:28 
I previously downloaded the editor hoping I could figure out what to edit where in there like I started off with the Creation Kit for Skyrim. But I found the program daunting and unintuitive. And the camera was quite terrible. Couldn't tell what I was even supposed to be looking at.

Thanks for the info btw!! Editing the files themselves is far easier imo.

So, to keep things clean should I go back and re-edit the original file only on the main hero numbers? Is it possible for those edits I made to result in bad edit issues down the road? Or can I just leave it as is?
Ameranth  [producent] 27 marca 2019 o 23:13 
Haha, daunting and unintuitive might be kind :)

The original file you modified should probably be reverted for "DeathKnightPlayer" (Death Knights) and "FloaterPlayer" (Cyclops bomber-head things), I don't think it really matters for anything else.
Whatever 28 marca 2019 o 0:59 
I didn't modify those entries. Just the companions and the madoc paladin which had the Madora entry in it.
Atmus81 28 marca 2019 o 3:12 
wanted to say thank you very much for writing that up to both you guys. Also thank you for uploading that file to the drop box. it took me 2 hours because i am apparently slightly retarded but i finally got it to work with the speed increase. im so happy
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Atmus81; 28 marca 2019 o 3:15
Whatever 28 marca 2019 o 3:26 
Whatever 28 marca 2019 o 12:56 
I made the final edits and tested the Mod in game. Works 100% now. All Walk settings are 2.66 and Run settings are 8 across the board. It works on both Heroes and all Companions.

(SJG) Epic Encounters Out of Combat Movement Speed Buff (fully compatible with EE and XC_Encounters)[www.nexusmods.com]
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