ARK: Survival Evolved
Extinction Core
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Suggestions and bugs
Please post bugs and suggestions here so Psycho and the team can reference it for fixes/ideas.
Автор останньої редакції: EliteGamer11388; 7 листоп. 2018 о 19:49
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Jerbo costume slots not there. I was so excited when i got the fire jerboa costume but cannot apply it. here is a screen shot of the item and animal inventory
Цитата допису BelladonnaStorm:
Jerbo costume slots not there. I was so excited when i got the fire jerboa costume but cannot apply it. here is a screen shot of the item and animal inventory
Added! Reminds me, Pegomastax has the same issue
The bug from the manticore not moving is from the 4th attack X. If you push X while on manticore, megapithecus, dodowyvern, and probably others, you will not be able to fly until you relog.

-Bosses still not taming when placing the saddle on them sometimes.
Автор останньої редакції: Chron; 11 лют. 2017 о 18:16
Mosasaurs spawning in massive quantities on the Island
Grapple hook bug - game thinks that it is still connected & will try and drag you from wherever you are to where it was connected, end result is teleporting wildly across the map and back. Can see the wire when mounted & on dismount it occurs. Remains throughout client restarts & deaths.
Gas mask works fine. Mosa's can't be passive tamed though
Цитата допису Joe:
Gas mask works fine. Mosa's can't be passive tamed though
Gas mask tested on our server, NOT working fine. Killng riders directly who are wearing the mask.

Цитата допису Chron:
The bug from the manticore not moving is from the 4th attack X. If you push X while on manticore, megapithecus, dodowyvern, and probably others, you will not be able to fly until you relog.

-Bosses still not taming when placing the saddle on them sometimes.
Hmmm, I don't remember pressing X when I tested this, but I will try and check it out. Regardless, a bug lol
Further to my claim about gas masks, for some reason I wasn't taking damage on my alpha quetz, but I was on my fire wyvern. So now it's got me thinking that maybe it isn't working, and my quetz's big nose is keeping the gas ball away from me.

I know the gas mask is protecting against the cloud left after the ball explodes, but maybe it's not protecting against the ball.
Psycho  [розробник] 20 лют. 2017 о 17:42 
I don't consider "-More Dinos to fit in Boss Arenas" as a bug, but as a suggestion.
I have a Bug with my Manticore.

I have given my Manticore the Jungle Costume and now i can't remove the Costume from my Manticore.

Then i have tested a little Bit. I have spawned a new Manticore and have Tamed it. Then i have Equipped the New Manticore with a Saddle but no Costume, and now i am not able to remove the Saddle from the Manti. Can you help me? I wan't to remove the Costume from my Manticore
Цитата допису Psycho:
I don't consider "-More Dinos to fit in Boss Arenas" as a bug, but as a suggestion.
You are correct, I added it to the wrong section. My bad Psycho, wasn't paying enough attention when typing it xD
Цитата допису GER Raptor:
I have a Bug with my Manticore.

I have given my Manticore the Jungle Costume and now i can't remove the Costume from my Manticore.

Then i have tested a little Bit. I have spawned a new Manticore and have Tamed it. Then i have Equipped the New Manticore with a Saddle but no Costume, and now i am not able to remove the Saddle from the Manti. Can you help me? I wan't to remove the Costume from my Manticore
I think not being able to remove saddles from the boss creatures is intended? I'm not sure. Though it would be nice to remove them so we can upgrade them with say, the Upgrade Station, it's really up to Psycho to determine if this is a bug, or a feature
I tamed a really nice looking Manticore and wanted to see what the costumes looked like so I put one on. I cannot remove the costume (not wanting to remove the saddle, just the costume) and can't. This makes me very sad as I will never see the original colors again :(
Цитата допису EliteGamer11388:
I think not being able to remove saddles from the boss creatures is intended? I'm not sure. Though it would be nice to remove them so we can upgrade them with say, the Upgrade Station, it's really up to Psycho to determine if this is a bug, or a feature

The saddle used to be unequippable, which meant you could go around taming a ton of bosses with one saddle. It's better this way, if you intend on using upgrade station on it you'll want to prepare for that before you tame the boss. I just kill off my current one when getting a better one if I can't make another saddle. I assume the costume removal problem is a side effect of the saddle change, annoying but I'm not sure if he can do one without the other.

In regards to bugs; the grapple bug is most definitely a thing and annoying, not sure the exact cause, possibly the speed at which you can fire it, but it's pretty hilarious when you get randomly dragged across the map to an old grapple, only fix is death but it soon happens again. We just use reusable mod to get around this as it doesn't have the bug.

(all this stuff is from playing on Center, if that matters.)

Alpha Fire Wyverns still kill themselves with fire.
edit: speaking of fire, the fire breaths from the Dragon/Firebird/Dodowyvern and probably Wyvern seem to be acting super weird, not hitting where shown, or at all, even when standing still, Dragon breath sometimes will kill something almost at max render and sometimes won't even hit something directly in front of you unless you aim in a super weird way like straight down.

Most creatures that fight tribesman will get stuck fighting their tames and not actually damage them, Firebirds are a good example of this with black tribesman on The Center map, as well as Gigas. The pets damage the wild dino but the wild can't seem to damage the pet.

Not so much a bug as annoying, many dinos including Rexes and Wyverns will attack bosses and get murdered, the first couple Alpha Rexes I saw died this way before taming.

Автор останньої редакції: Funky; 22 лют. 2017 о 12:29
There is a very, very strange and rare bug that happens that's kind of hard to describe and probably even more difficult to fix/find. Occasionally you will find a spot where you can't mount/dismount properly, huge desync happens and you eventually get kicked from the game via 'client not responding'. This happens in small localized areas and seems to move around, this has happened a few times on Center and Island.
You can walk out of this affected area and things go back to normal, I don't think where this happens is the issue, and I have no idea of the cause. It desyncs the location of your character, the server seems to register you in a different spot than your client. Very weird stuff.
Only seen this on extinction.
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