Team Fortress 2
The Energizer
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 46 σχόλια
+ Repairs buildings with single strike.
+ Alt Fire (or taunt) causes sentry bullets to crit (Maybe have something similiar to rescue ranger with the use of scrap and designation of aiming the wrench)
+ Gain time of crits expanded by a a second based upon amount of kills with pistol or shotgun
- Build rate is down 40%
- Not invulnerable during taunt
- Cool down time after using crit fire.
- Take mini crits from bullets and explosions when deployed
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από StrangeBrain4:
+ Repairs buildings with single strike.
+ Alt Fire (or taunt) causes sentry bullets to crit (Maybe have something similiar to rescue ranger with the use of scrap and designation of aiming the wrench)
+ Gain time of crits expanded by a a second based upon amount of kills with pistol or shotgun
- Build rate is down 40%
- Not invulnerable during taunt
- Cool down time after using crit fire.
- Take mini crits from bullets and explosions when deployed

A bit overpowered...But a good start...
+25% Faster upgrade rate (Which means 6 more metal consumed when upgrading any building)
On crit hit: shocks both victim and attacker
On taunt: Enhanced abilities of any friendly buildings nearby (sorta like the Amputator taunt and the Buff Banner effect)
Crits on wet players
Using the weapon underwater causes damage to all submerged enemies within the same pool of water, including its user
-50% Damage penalty
Mini-crits when it would normally crit

~The Energizer~
+Able to repair buildings from a longer distance
+Able to fire a concentrated beam of energy to destroy all sappers off buildings and prevent sappers from going on for 5 seconds (Costs 200 metal and is activated by right click)
-50% slower repair time
All good starts, but no...All a bit over powered...
The Energizer

+ Makes sentrys mini-crit for 5 seconds, costs 200 metal.

- %50 slower repair time

- %40 less damage

- Sappers sap buildings %30 faster

Is this too weak?
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Bill Clinton - Frequent Flyer; 22 Ιουν 2015, 22:59
+20% faster hitting speed
+10% faster weapon switching
-25% damage penalty
+5% speed
-10% vulnerbility
-6 metal when damage

(+)On taunt reveals the silhouette of spies for 1
second, as well as slowing the enemies for 2 seconds in
a small radius (radius can go through walls)
(+)While taunting you are invulnerable to backstabs
(+) -1 second of taunt regeneration per
sentry kill (minimum seconds:5)
(+)15% faster weapon switch

(-) No random critical hits
(-) +2 added seconds in between swings (0.10 inbetween swings)
(-)+10% damage vulnerability while deployed
(-)10 second delay in between taunting

To deal with spies that failed to sap, and then cloaked before you could attack. With this you taunt (I would see that the taunt would be pretty quick, about half a second?), then switch and handle them with your shotgun.

On hit enemy becomes on fire for 8 secs
+25% Repair rate
+40% Firing speed

-80% damage
No random crit
Builds laser sentries.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Theo:
+25% Faster upgrade rate (Which means 6 more metal consumed when upgrading any building)
On crit hit: shocks both victim and attacker
On taunt: Enhanced abilities of any friendly buildings nearby (sorta like the Amputator taunt and the Buff Banner effect)
Crits on wet players
Using the weapon underwater causes damage to all submerged enemies within the same pool of water, including its user
-50% Damage penalty
Mini-crits when it would normally crit

Guys, lets review. This weapon is supposed to make the engineer's buildings better at what they do. So as Theo put it, it should probably act like the buff banner for buildings. I think that right click and hold should cause several effects to happen. first of all, an area around the engineer is established. This area will cause sentries to fire and load faster, and maybe increase their range and turn speed. Dispensers effected should replenish materials faster maybe at a 30% increase. also the range of its reach should double during the effect. lastly teleports should halve their reset time.
Now this sounds pretty OP right? Well the other shoe is about to drop. in exchange for this lofty power, the engineer must continue to hold down the right mouse like a medigun. Also this effect drains 10 metal /second to maintain. and while the wrench is active, the engineer cannot recieve ammo from his dispenser.
So what this all means is that the engineer effectively gives up any ability to repair buildings or to fight back in exchange for a building upgrade whuch will leave him very open to snipers and spies. it will also force them to build all their buildings in some close proximity making it easier for explosive classes to take them out.
in summary
with right mb - establish buff banner area of effect
+20% sentry firing speed
+25% sentry turn speed
+10% sentry attack radius
+30% dispenser ammo regen
-200% teleport reset time
field takes 10 metal/second to maintain
no ammo from dispenser while active
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από exala:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Theo:
+25% Faster upgrade rate (Which means 6 more metal consumed when upgrading any building)
On crit hit: shocks both victim and attacker
On taunt: Enhanced abilities of any friendly buildings nearby (sorta like the Amputator taunt and the Buff Banner effect)
Crits on wet players
Using the weapon underwater causes damage to all submerged enemies within the same pool of water, including its user
-50% Damage penalty
Mini-crits when it would normally crit

Guys, lets review. This weapon is supposed to make the engineer's buildings better at what they do. So as Theo put it, it should probably act like the buff banner for buildings. I think that right click and hold should cause several effects to happen. first of all, an area around the engineer is established. This area will cause sentries to fire and load faster, and maybe increase their range and turn speed. Dispensers effected should replenish materials faster maybe at a 30% increase. also the range of its reach should double during the effect. lastly teleports should halve their reset time.
Now this sounds pretty OP right? Well the other shoe is about to drop. in exchange for this lofty power, the engineer must continue to hold down the right mouse like a medigun. Also this effect drains 10 metal /second to maintain. and while the wrench is active, the engineer cannot recieve ammo from his dispenser.
So what this all means is that the engineer effectively gives up any ability to repair buildings or to fight back in exchange for a building upgrade whuch will leave him very open to snipers and spies. it will also force them to build all their buildings in some close proximity making it easier for explosive classes to take them out.
in summary
with right mb - establish buff banner area of effect
+20% sentry firing speed
+25% sentry turn speed
+10% sentry attack radius
+30% dispenser ammo regen
-200% teleport reset time
field takes 10 metal/second to maintain
no ammo from dispenser while active

Good idea. But in order to halve reset time, it only needs to be a 50% decrease. Not a 200%.
+ On equip: Gain 10 metal every three seconds
+ Buildings slowly repair themselves over time
- 50% Construction/Upgrade rate
- 20% Damage penalty
+Sentry builds charge through damge done
+once rage is charged, the centry levels up to lvl 4 and does an additional 50% damage
-100% mele Damgae penalty
I kind of think it could have an effect like the Wrangler, but without the manual aim. Build charge with gun damage or sentry damage, right-click to trigger at 100%, and then for... I dunno. 5-10 seconds? Your sentry has +100% fire rate, +25% range, and 50% damage reduction. If it's a secondary, then it's basically Engi Banner and I'd say that's enough. As a wrench, I'd have it only repair half the normal health and ammo per hit.
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