Dota 2
Legends of Dota: Redux (with BOTS)
Bug reports
Might want to change the name to LoD: Crashfest 2018. My last 5 games have all crashed Dota to desktop in the first few minutes of the game. Build saving does not work. It's pretty bad. I believe one of the first ones crashed even as it was loading.

Also the icons of the modded items and skills disappear randomly, but that's old news I guess. More old news is that in the hero builder, if you select a hero and hover over its portrait down where it says "Select hero", it does not show the popup with the talents and stats.

Something that would be really nice when testing builds is a button that says "Use settings from last game" which would put me smack into the Hero builder without any more fuss with my old settings all loaded.
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TLP 6. Feb. 2018 um 11:36 
Also, is there an ingame hero builder, or am I blind?
thats up to valve, not the mod.

valve is responsable of the crash and all trouble due to last update.
valve dont give a smurf about the workshop modders work, they just update and they think that mods can always modify their stuff for make it work on the last update.
its always the same with most of updates and specificcaly the big one. nothing new in this.
and mods not gonna update their mod and fix it all in a day or two, its not like only 1 script is broken, its more than that and that take time.

sound like valve know put the custom arcade mode on dedicated server, that broke alots of things.
Darklord  [Entwickler] 11. Feb. 2018 um 1:35 
HOTFIX FOR CRASHING: You cannot have the LoD:R game page open in the background while you are playing the game, or else it corrupts the game. The theory is that the game page accesses the VPK (file format that contains the custom game) and that is somehow interfers with the clients ability to access the VPK (hence it can't open script files and it breaks many things). A hotfix is to change tabs before launching the game, like in this video:
they are a bug with the bonus gold at beginning ( the christmass gift that give money)
its broken, didnt give gold at all and can all be used in 1 time no cooldown
- neutral ability evasion didnt work anymore , it also show an empty icon. it appear ingame but didnt work, also its selectable/activable ( it shouldnt )
- i see another empty icon on the hero skill ( i dont know wich ability is it, i didnt have see it yet again )
- they also are an "solo" ability that have no name and no icons, if i choose it, it didnt appear at all in the game ( exempl i should have 6 abulity with it, but ingame it show only 5 ability ) soo i have no idea at all wich ability its supposed to be.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von macadamstreet; 11. Feb. 2018 um 12:49
got a veryweird bug, no idea where it come from..
my hero (pitlord) have custom flesh heap hp regen at up to 500hp/s full stuff, heavy armor and all

i vaccuum enemis, i kill them all with a crazy cleave+crit ( thanks PA coup de grace)
all the enemis die and insta respawn as illusions from the vengeful spirit passive..

and here the surprise.. thoses illusion kill me in 2 hits !

i have no idea wtf happened and where this bug come from. i tryed again with similar way using OP ability to get faster.
i put the max possible flesh heap hp reg + flesh heap armor + neutral magic immune + PA blur at max and vaccuum OP...

once again, the illusion created by vengeful spirit insta kill me just after they spawn.

any idea where this bug come from ?

you can try to recreate it too, just have vengeful in enemis team and quickly kill them all together with vaccuum... and you'll see, those illusions make absolutly insane damage :O

i dont think its on the base game.... or its something really broken
flesh heap cooldown doesn't work
Is meepo ult removed? because with all game settings ive tried i always get the error message saying it is unavailable and that the error is thee because redux isnt configured correctly
Darklord  [Entwickler] 12. Apr. 2018 um 3:38 
Yes its removed
T. 6. Mai 2018 um 18:44 
fix io, cant do anything after pick
When some jungle creeps are upgrading (jungle creep upgrading every 2 minutes) they become invisible, invulnerable and can attack.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Падший:
When some jungle creeps are upgrading (jungle creep upgrading every 2 minutes) they become invisible, invulnerable and can attack.
thats a game bug. it happen to me alots too. mostly when they are too much creep ( neutral x4 ) and you kill them very fast.
the only way to counter that is to go away from the neutral creep camp bugged and wait until the new creeps respawn. then, kill thoses news creep slowly (normally). and it fix the neutral invisible camp.

its a common bug for me, and its not rare to see the bots trying to farm thoses camp for 5 minutes hitting invisible and invincible creeps.
Can't pick IO as a hero in custom mode. Also it breaks character selection...
vengeful spirit passive illusion is extremly OP sometime.. they just spawn, that lag the game and instantly kill you or deal between 500 up to 5K damage in 1 hit... ( when vengeful or else using this ability have dmg at 150.
If you oneshot the neutral creeps and you have the x4 option on, they will become "ghost" (invisible and unattackable) there and attack you and prevent further spawn.
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