ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Pet Finder
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
YMD  [developer] Feb 23, 2016 @ 7:17am
Servers Running this Mod
To post here if your server runs to help people find
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Showing 1-15 of 264 comments
Ayukyo Feb 27, 2016 @ 5:41am 
Server name is Rhavoks ARK 3x XP/Gather,5x Tame, Faster Breeding
Current Mods;
Small Dragons
DPs Tranq Sniper Rifle
Adv. Architecture
Metal w/glass
Behemoth wall
Corrected Structures
Joan's Egg N Poop Collector
Joan's Pet Finder
xTcR Seige Island
Water Well

Ark Rules;
No blocking Obelisks
No Volcano buildings
No spawn wrecking mountain builds
No Pillaring!
Respect your neighbor

While the server is PvE, there will be events (some of which that include PvP).
For PvP events there will be a server save before the event and a rollback after the event.
(Do as much damage as you can without having to rebuild and retame everything :))

Server has 3 active admins!
Frii Mar 1, 2016 @ 7:00am 
Flatline-ARK is seeking for more players to join our PvPvE-fun! (Wiped 2/18)

We run the Valhalla map, as well as plenty of mods to boot for an immersive experience. We have active admins and a friendly community.We run this mod, and many others. Please check our group for more information!

-Custom Player Levels and Engram Points (max player level 122)
-1.0 Difficulty (dinosaurs spawn between level 4 and 120)
-2X XP
-2X Dino Count
-3X Taming Speed
-5X Longer Day
-3X Harvest Amount and Harvest Health
-0.6X Water and Food Drain
-2X Structure Damage
-3X Platform Structures
-2.5X Crop Growth
-5X Mating
-3X Egg Hatching
-6X Baby Maturing

-No hacking, cheating or exploits
-No offline base raids
-No killing passive mounts
-Prefer no unnecessary base destruction
-No resource blocking
-NO GRIEFING (repeatedly destroying or killing players/dinos/bases)
-Cave building is allowed
TEF42 Mar 4, 2016 @ 8:14am 
[UK]PvPvE Arena Server with Mods

The Island
16 Slots (for now, will ramp up when concurrent useage increases)
Based in London.
Standard XP, Tame, Level Cap and Gather with 'bonus times' advertised in MOTD
2x Platform Structure Limit.
Brand New server so plenty of space to build (only 2 permanent tribes so far)
Active and helpful admin.
Not going to just randomly shut the server down.
Up 24/7 365
Pvp is welcome but no griefing is allowed
Character uploads available.
Gladiatorial events planned with prizes for the winners through our built Arena.
Server wipes will only happen if a vast majority of players agree, not at the whim of the owner (None planned)

I am more than open to suggestions from the community on which direction the server should take.

Come take part in our community today!
Bubelbub Mar 4, 2016 @ 4:17pm 
Our server is running this mod and a lot of other mods which are really helpfull.
German server. At the moment PVE. Maybe later with PVP events.
(English and other languages are welcome :))[]

Community (Forum):
TS³: http://ts3server:/

Play fair and have fun :)
Please respect your neighbours.
Check the announce on the server for current rules.

After announcing we turn our server into a PVP server so that all people can destroy everything. (Except team kill (maybe :D) and alliance kills)
Before this a backup will be created and afterwards restored.
We plan events with you! So you can discuss events with us in TeamSpeak and in our community forum.

Current activity:
Our server is on a good way in the ranking of (from 6k to 1,8k at 5th March)
We have daily playing peoples in the age of 18 - 38 (so everybody is welcome!).
At the moment 3-4 players are mostly online.
The community forum isn't really active but maybe you can change this :)

Current settings (on 5th March 2016):
  • Difficult: 1 (Max. Creature level: 120, Loot scale: 400%)
  • Platform structure limit: Unlimited (x 999)
  • Taming Speed: x 10
  • Harvest amount: x 3
  • Player dreains: x 0.7/0.8
  • XP Multiplier: x 3.5
  • Dino count multiplier: x 2
  • Crop growth speed: x 10
  • Lay egg: x 5
  • Egg hatch / Baby mature: x 15

Current mods (on 5th March 2016):


Custom Warmap

Pimp My Rex V1.0

Small Dragons

Aku Shima

Advanced Architecture Mod WIP

Industrial Grinder

Big Raft

Reusable Grappling Hook

Stone Crusher

No Collision Structures

Arkrobaten Mega Mod

Joan's Death Helper

Joan's Pet Finder
Last edited by Bubelbub; Mar 4, 2016 @ 4:32pm
CrazedSadeyr Mar 6, 2016 @ 8:12pm 
SERVER NAME: The Filfy World of Malesto



A new-ish PvPvE server, with the hopes of bringing together a good community of both PvE and PvPers. I like to consider myself a laid back admin, but I do have a couple strict rules that I would like to be followed. vv

MAP: The Center! Beautiful map.
XP: 5x
TAMING: 2.5(Takes 1 hour to tame a high level dino!)
Third Person View: Allowed
Show Location on In-Game Map: Enabled
Show Crosshairs: OFF
Allow Gamma Change: ON
Survivor Downloading: OFF
Dino Downloading: OFF
Item Downloading: OFF

--NO KILLING PASSIVES: Passives are off limits. Simple as that. This is probably my most important rule and can be met with a ban if broken. - Passives are passive for a reason. If you are at war with another tribe, feel free to attack dinos they have prepared for defense, but passives are and always will be completely off-limits unless a very specific exception takes place.
-EXCEPTIONS: Passive dinos need to be kept -away- from places that explosives will be used on, such as a vault. If you are raiding someone's base and a passive dinosaur is close enough to their vault to be injured or killed by the blast, or something like that, then its death is not on you. - HOWEVER, there -must- be proof of this being the case, through a screenshot or otherwise. Please contact me if you see someone abusing this rule in anyway, either through the report page on the forums, or in-game.

--RAIDING/TRIBE WARFARE: By default this is a PvE server, however PvP is very much allowed, and even encouraged! Tribe vs Tribe combat is a big focus for our server. We use the tribal warfare system currently, though this may change in the future. - But it will most likely always be similar to this. To raid someone or to be raided you -must- be at war with the tribe you plan to raid. Both sides must have consented to this war, a mutual battle, and raids can only happen when one or more of the opposing tribe's members are on. This includes killing their neutral dinosaurs, you must be at war with them to do so.
-EXCEPTIONS: NO OFFLINE RAIDING. - This is important to remember. - If the enemy tribe has no one on able to defend, raiding is not allowed. Please report anyone breaking this rule ASAP.

--WORLD PVP: World PvP is also something we allow, at set times. Currently we have world PvP set to be allowed between 5PM and 10PM[CST – Central Standard Time] - During this time you will be able to go out into the world and fight without being within a tribe or being at war with the people you are fighting. -HOWEVER-, this does not mean you can raid a base during this time. World PvP is for just that: World PvP. Fight around beacons, out in the world, but do not raid another's base. This is a great time to go out hunting for other participants, or people outside of their base that look like a decent target. Our own little purging time.
-EXCEPTIONS: Low level players, fresh spawns, etc are not to be camped nor attacked unless they attack first. This daily event is meant to be fun for all sides, and constantly assaulting someone who will provide no gear, supplies, or challenge to yourself is considered harassment and is a bannable offense. Keep this in mind.

--NO GRIEFING/HARASSMENT: Don't be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! This goes without saying, however many have different beliefs for what griefing and harassment means. So, I will be listing off a few things that -I- consider either. Please report anyone breaking these rules ASAP.

-SPAWN CAMPING: Spawn camping is harrassment. Simple as that.

-UNNEEDED BASE DESTRUCTION: Destroying something in someone's base just to cause them trouble is considered griefing. If there is nothing to gain from the destruction of something, then do not destroy it. Simple.

Supply Drops
Research and Development
Ark Futurism
Ark Advance
Big Raft
Joan's Egg N Poop Collector
Joan's Death Helper
Joan's Pet Finder
Morecrafting Ark
Simple Food Recipes
Temp Building Mod
Corrected Structures
Metal and Glass Set
Extra Ark
Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls
Jurassic Ark
Simple Fences/Guard Rails
Roofing Plus
Crystal Lamps
Plants and more
Tamable Titanboa

Come join the fun!
Jorrekreaver Mar 8, 2016 @ 2:18am 

I have run this server for a couple of months with members of a tribe I started on another server joining when I started it, though our numbers are small we are a friendly bunch who often help each other out. It is a PVPVE Server and I am planning on hosting events, such as arena, and possibly all out war depending on what people on the server think I will decide on that later.

The Server is London Based

The Rules of the Server are:
1. No Base Raiding
2. No Griefing
3. No Killing Passive Tamed Dino's

Other than that everyone enjoy themselves and I look forward to growing a strong community together.

Server Is Boosted with:
2x Harvest
4x Taming
2.5x XP
4x Breeding/Hatching

Mods Currently running are:
Stargate Atlantis
Small Dragons, Until a viable replacement is made
Utility Saddles
K9 Stacks
Joan's Pet finder
Ocean Tides
Industrial Grinder
Reusable Grappling Hook
Utility Saddles

Server Details
30 Slots hosted with GTXgaming
Alley_Killa Mar 8, 2016 @ 6:32pm 
The Center Map Fresh Server w/Mods, Increased Rates, Free Tribe Voice Server

Server Name:
The Center Map|PvE TW|5xXP5xG12xT

Casual server with the following attributes:
  • Server centrally locacted in Dallas
  • Tribal Wars on
  • 12x Taming Speed (after all this game is about dinosaurs not watching them sleep)
  • 5x Experience Multiplier
  • 5x Resource gathering
  • 5x Faster resource spawning
  • 3x Bredding
  • Character Download
  • Custom player levels! Unlock all of the engrams you want/need!
  • 10x Difficulty Offset (up tp level 300 Dinos!)
  • 0. 5x Daytime Speed scale (lower=longer days!) 2x longer days!
  • 2.0x Nighttime Speed Scale (higher=shorter nights!)
  • NO structure decay! (What you build stays persistent!)
  • Map Marker Location: Yes (If you are drawing a map then you of course know where you are on it)

Mods added in:
  • The Center Map
  • Primite+ Unrestriced (This is NOT a primitve server! This mod only adds in a lot of gameplay items)
  • Dynamic Color Mod v1.3
  • Tower Extension
  • Bridge
  • Extra Ark
  • Progressive Weapons & Tools
  • Arkville Pub Decor
  • Arc Furnace
  • RWT Standalone
  • Stairs
  • Metal with Glass Set
  • Research and Development
  • Corrected Structures
  • Simple Fences
  • Roofing Plus v0.01 (WIP)
  • Reusable Parachute
  • Death Healper
  • Pet Finder

    Create your own free tribe voice server:
    Super easy to do. No ip's or anything. Just click the link to join in.
indyjett Mar 9, 2016 @ 7:36am 
New Center Map Server
Server Info:
NAME: Core Dimensions PVE - The Center Map (Amazing Map)

Exp 3x
Harvest 4x
Taming 15x

Stargate Atlantis
Advanced Architecture
Cute Hair
Ultimate Remote Control
Joan's Oil Compressor
DPS Uber Generator
Industrial Grinder
Larger Cages
Simple Food Recipes
Improved Spyglass
Joans Pet Finder
Joan's Pet Companions
Stairs mod with rounded walls
Big Raft
My Personal Dragon
Joans Egg N Poop Collector and Incubator
Deep Freezer
Tavan's Trough
Storage +
RayRayAntics Mar 9, 2016 @ 3:13pm 
[PvE][Modded] Into Oblivion

Into Oblivion is a fairly fresh server with a small community. We are looking to expand and bring more people to the server, so feel free to check us out! :)


Server Name: [PvE][Modded] Into Oblivion
Server I.P.:

  • Player vs. Environment
  • Friendly fire is disabled.
  • Downloads are currently enabled for characters, items, and dinos (will be disabled if abused).
  • Difficulty Offset: 1.0
  • Taming: 5x
  • Harvest: 3x
  • Experience: 3x
  • Hatching: 3x
  • Maturation: 5x
  • Dino Count: 1.25x
  • Crosshairs are disabled.
  • Map location is enabled.
  • Third person is enabled.
  • Flyer carry is enabled (to help, not to harm).
  • Player and Tamed Dino stats per level currently set to 2x.

More Info
For rules and more information, please check out our steam group:

To find out what mods we are running, take a look at our mod collection!

We also have a GameVox server!
Join us:
Tisena Mar 11, 2016 @ 9:00am 
To Find Us Filter: Ark Of Shadows PVPVE

Valhalla Map

Server Owner: Shadow
Server Admins: Tisena,rwr124

We will be looking for 2 more admins in the near future so keep an eye on the group page. :)

PVE Times Monday 6am till Saturday 6am EST
PVP Times Saturday 6am till Monday 6am EST

Multipliers are 10x Everything
Max Player LVL 301
Tamed Dinos Will Gain 120 Extra Lvls after Taming so some
dinos will reach lvl 300
Max Wild Dino Lvl 120 (may bump up a bit later)

"Giganotosaurus Have Been REMOVED!!!!" Alpha Rexs take their spots

No offline raiding!

Server Rules

1. No Wipe Outs - This means you can raid people on pvp weekends but it is against the rules to completely wipe out their base

2. Don't enter another persons base during PVE time without their permission

3. Don't pick up and drop people/their dinosaurs during PVE time. If you turn out to be a victim of this please take as many screenshots as you can of your carrier and they will be dealt with

4. Building is prohibited on the southern icebergs and the floating isle, any buildings that are found on these areas will be destroyed without warning

5. No autoturrets on quetzal platforms..(Manned Turrets Only)
(Plant Species X Limited to 6 per Platform)

6. No turrets outside your walls BUT they can be higher than them.

7. No Building On Ruins

Group Page
Last edited by Tisena; Mar 11, 2016 @ 9:00am
Sgt.Rock Mar 11, 2016 @ 10:52pm 
Canadas Playground Server

10x Gather & XP 25x Tame 50x Breeding
Players 200 level
Resistance 0.8 Health Recovery 1.3 Water & Food drain 0.8

Dinos Wild 120/300 Tamed & Dino Nerf Removed
Venom Mar 18, 2016 @ 4:47am 
Name of the server: Newbs-R-US Valhalla-PVE
Slots: 35

Mods: VALHALLA, Joan's Egg and Poop Collector, Thatch and Fertilizer Silo, Egg Incubator, Corpse and Pet Finder, Corrected Structures, RAWR's Beacons,RAWRS Stacking Mod , Industrial Grinder, Dehydrator, Improved Spyglass (binoglass), Improved Ankylo, Glassmetal Set


5X Gather
5X Experience
10X Tame
20X Maturation


Raiding: No

We don't have scheduled wipes, but that doesn't mean it won't happen down the line.

We are a friendly PVE Server with fair rates and good times.
DesmondNero Mar 20, 2016 @ 9:39am 
ARK Quietus: An Advanced ARK Experience |

Server Name: [PvPvE] |2xXP|5xG|6xT|ORP|Mods|Events

Server Address:

ARK Quietus is a community of individuals who play and appreciate ARK: Survival Evolved from an advanced perspective. Our dedicated, modded server was recently established with an active player base and room to grow. Those who are new to the game are encouraged to join. The server utilizes well-developed and tested mods. Our admins host frequent and engaging events.

Server Info & Settings Summary:

• Location: Montreal, Canada (survivors from around the U.S. report low pings—20-35)
• Server uptime is nearly 100%
• Max survivor level is 100
• PvPvE
• XP x 2
• Gather x 5
• Tame x 6
• Difficulty offset is 1.0
• Longer days and shorter nights
• Admins are available daily and receptive to feedback
• No micro transactions—we don’t try to sell you anything

Rules Summary:

• Players/Tribes are permitted to construct a protective pen for passive dinos (see rules for details)
• No offline raiding (mod supported), griefing, or harassing others
• No killing passive and penned dinos
• Do not interfere with others who are taming
• Those who degrade the community will be banned
• Gigas and small dragons (mod) can be used for defense only
• Limit auto and plant turrets on platform saddles and rafts to a total of four (this does not include manned turrets)
• No building on the volcano peak, in or near caves and cave entrances, on carno island, or near spawn points
• No killing players under level 30
• Visit for full rules

Mods List:

We hope you will join our adventure. |
Last edited by DesmondNero; Mar 23, 2016 @ 6:08pm
The Lord Mar 20, 2016 @ 9:07pm 
Lords of Valhalla(PvP/Mods/1000LvLs/50xH/1000xT)
(PC) [Lords of Valhalla] ARK: Survival Evolved PvPvE (PC)

Server Name: Lords of Valhalla(PvP/Mods/1000LvLs/50xH/1000xT)

Teamspeak: {LINK REMOVED}


Free Small Dragon to new players who join the server. Just ask for an admin and let them know you're new to the server.

We have a numerous amount of fun mods to keep everyone entertained. We've only listed a few of the most used mods on this list but we have a lot more. We encourage you to log on and see what else we have to offer.

Annunaki Genesis
(More types of Dinos such as DodoRexs, Wyverns, Badass dinos, Alpah Tames and ect.)

Annunaki Genesis (v3.5.4)
A Workshop Item for ARK: Survival Evolved
By: Psycho
If you like Annunaki Genesis, support us and give us a Thumbs Up! MOD ID: 538986229 Readme First We have a ZERO-Tolerance policy for advertisement and foul...

ORP: Offline Raiding Protection
(Helps protect your dinos and base by increasing your dinos and structures HP by x3)

ORP - Offline Raid Protection v03.13.16.14
A Workshop Item for ARK: Survival Evolved
By: jslay
The wait is over! Over 750+ hours of development and in-game live testing! PLEASE read the entire Description and Discussion pages before asking questions or installing this mod!

Ark Advanced
(Different smaller versions of the industerial forge along with smaller vaults and wall vaults. Also has smaller generators along with other things that you can craft in the advanced smithy)

Ark Advance 8.1
A Workshop Item for ARK: Survival Evolved
By: iSpeZz
This mod/code/work is protected by the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons License.

Shopping Mod
(You can sell resources and get gold pearls. The gold pearls allow you to buy items you don't wish or have time to farm. Weapons, Ammo, Dino Kibble/Saddles, ect)

Shopping Mod V1.86
A Workshop Item for ARK: Survival Evolved
By: davetiger
Customizable Shops ALL prices and some quantities, can be set by the server admin .. Can even build your own shops(admin only build but usable by all).

Other mods include: Small Dragons, Metal with Glass Set, Fatty Stacks,Pocket Cages (Poke Ball)*Use at your own risk*, Ark Advance Supply Drops, Jurassic Ark, Healthbars & Torporbars V2, Laser Turret, Joan's Photon Sentry N Tranq Rifle v2, Crystal-infused Obsidian Structures, Vault Collection, Stargate Atlantis, ect.

**About Us**
We have very active admins on this server. We talk and chat frequently with players online in both game and teamspeak. We're laid back and will help any tribe and player as needed. We are more than happy to help answer any questions a player may have about how to use certain mod or about logging onto the server.

**Server Settings**
Harvesting is X 50
Taming X 1,000
XP X 100,000

Max character max level 929
Max Dino levels is the base level tamed at +1,000

**Server Rules**
Rules include:
*No modded turrets on any dino platforms.
*No blocking spawns by placing structures on metal, obsidian, or crystal nodes.
The server currently allows for 35 spots, but as we grow we will be happy to expand as long as the community maintains it's friendly nature. Join the ARK, have fun and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your game experience more enjoyable.
Last edited by MadPandaSX; Just now
ARK: Survival Evolved > Server Hosting & Advertisement > Topic Details
Date Posted: Mar 20 @ 9:48pm
Daraptor Mar 25, 2016 @ 10:54am 
Thrudvang: The Center (PVE/2X/4H/5T)

New PVE Server March 23/2016 located in Norway

The Center Map

2x XP
4x harvest wood, thatch, stone
2x harvest for everything else (may be adjusted)
5x taming
4x spoil timer and corpse decomposition timer
2x night time speed
6x hatching
4x maturation
0.5x mating interval

Gamma, crosshairs, third person, flyer carry and friendly fire enabled.

- The Center Map
- Joan’s Corpse Finder
- Joan’s Pet Finder
- No Collision Check
- Metal with Glass Set
- Industrial Grinder
- Improved Spyglass
- Auto Torch

- Be respectful to other players
- Don’t block resource spawns or caves (exceptions may be given on a case-by-case basis)
- No briefing or hacks/cheats/exploits
- Clean up after yourself (taming pens, campfires etc)
- Other than that, use common sense and ask if in doubt
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