Dota 2
Attack On Hero
Bugs (!!!)
all bugs sent here pls! =)
im start ^^
mushroom forest give a chanse for lag big bosses. sometimes boss stay on place.
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Venomancers ward does not cast venomous gale as it said in the tooltip, trying to manual cast doesnt work either
if witch doctor boss cast stun and die then stun is invisible
Disconnect from server after lvl 27 (Puck) happened 2 times in a row
Voi 17 dec. 2015 la 3:27 
Biggest game breaking bug on latest update : POTM arrow LITERALLY 1 shot EVERYTHING
- huska passive not working
- chen invurnability skill also effect enermy
and some others . ill post when i remember :)
but seriously. FIX POTM .
Juggernaut's Bladefury's sound stays.
Blademaster's blade fury sound doesnt stop after the wave if you are using juggernaut
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but..

When i purchase healing salve on some heroes, it cost 50 golds and 100 for some other heroes. Not sure if this was intented and it really is not that big of an issue but would hope to see you make it consistent. Kudo to you for updating the game so frequently. :steamhappy:
Voi 18 dec. 2015 la 6:50 
1 wind runner first skill never shackle

2 on twin head dragon boss. the phoenix never use sun beam or the skill which mini stun people (like level ? death or something)

3 Drow new agha skill sometimes cause her attack to go crazy. bouncing around like crazy and kill everything (kind of like a lich chainfrost suddenly bounce 100x faster)

- plz make IO tether last longer than 15s. it's just not fun having to retether 4 times a minute.
Editat ultima dată de Voi; 18 dec. 2015 la 17:01
faddh 23 dec. 2015 la 11:25 
earth spirit pushed me outside the map
Postat inițial de Voi:
1 wind runner first skill never shackle

2 on twin head dragon boss. the phoenix never use sun beam or the skill which mini stun people (like level ? death or something)

All heroes got decrepify abitility which decrease boss magic defense now permanent decrease our heroes 25 percent magic defence ( 0 percent magic defense after cast it on self or ally heroes)

Please fix Spirit Breaker if someone pick it game wont continue after first round, it stop game. Also neft ElderTitan too, his passive too OP, maybe decrease only half or 1/3 physical defense.

Bart 1 ian. 2016 la 9:58 
Админы после 17 лвл игра не идет!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it says i got a bad server and cliant. it wont let me in the game there is some bugs that need fixed
For some reason we couldn't revive a lifestealer about 37 minutes into the game. We were able to revive him before but now we couldn't. It was on the spirit breaker boss. Please fix I love this game.
This game is all about magic resist or magic defense but bug down 25 percent make melee heroes suck.

Many heroes got down from 25% to 0% magic defense ( maybe by level up or boss skill make them down magic defense FOREVER ) like Alche, Wk, Dk, am and many more, most time is affect on melee heroes and it make them can't stand on 1-2 boss skill, range not get decrease.

Please neft Elder Titan ulti down to 10 percent or 5 percent health cut , it still too OP with core and refresh, with 4 spam boss gone :(

Also increase coldown or down durable windrun from Windranger with core she can spam it forever, she is max tank with 100 percent evade in 10 second and can reuse it in 11 sec. Only boss with mkb and spell kill her but with slow from run, mkb boss hard to hit her.

And remove the barrier on top right map please, it make Spirit breaker boss useless....

Sometime game can't continue if someone pick hero and not click into game then he disconnect, the game start with stage 1 boss and not continue. Many ppl do that ...

Editat ultima dată de ..; 20 mart. 2016 la 19:34
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