Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Enhanced Gravity Generators - pulling ships together, literally
Is this a bug, and topics for possible enabling of gravity generators being able to be used as a weopon
Well, the bug is that I kinda made was while testing on singleplayer, I put a single block just in it's field, and it slowly moved to my ship, destroying everything from thirteen blocks into the wall and twelve blocks around on the surface.
I then tried to made something of a manned or remote controlled missile, with two gravity generator thingys in the front, then you get this close to a ship, then turn on the gravity. It isn't fully devoloped and the gravity generators are usually shot and destroyed before the missile is able to get to the ship.
Details: There were no explosive things where the cube hit, and the thing it hit was a twenty block wide armor block wall, and when tested with a ship, it still had the smae effect and nearly took out a reactor room in one go. The generators are three blocks apart with the block being placed directly in the middle.
Last edited by Bunnies&Cherris; Mar 31, 2016 @ 7:25pm