Don't Starve

Don't Starve

[WIP] The Warden (THT gift) 1.0
Dutsusa Dec 9, 2014 @ 6:55pm
Dialogue ideas?
Put an idea adout something the warden would say in Don't Starve! Also ideas about what maxwell would say to him are included.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Riverman Dec 10, 2014 @ 2:05pm 
When he looks at the Beefalo, he should say something about the girl he loves who looks like a man. cant remember the name.
Joe da Immortal Dec 10, 2014 @ 3:21pm 
Her name's Alice.
TheWarburner™ Dec 10, 2014 @ 5:15pm 
Just make sure you you have dialoug relating to Ash, The Twins, Jacknife, The Doctor, etc.
cappycode  [developer] Dec 11, 2014 @ 10:16am 
@TheWarburner™ Absolutely! I've definitely included some (most of them, sadly, are in objects you have to examine or lines that will probably happen more rarely, not out of choice but mostly out of the circumstances), I should include more references though.
Dutsusa Dec 11, 2014 @ 5:50pm 
I only anded this dicussion to give ideas, if you have already added most of the dialouge, i'll take this down
cappycode  [developer] Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:55pm 
@BigDaddy No no no! This is excellent! I grabbed plenty of his dialogue from other Don't Starve characters so I'd LOVE some dialogue suggestions! I just wanted to reassure that there were a few original lines in his dialogue, but personally I feel they're not enough.
Last edited by cappycode; Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:56pm
Dutsusa Dec 17, 2014 @ 6:28pm 
Dead rabbit hat: I want one of these for every inmate!
Empty Berry bush: Pesky berries Escaped! Jailbot will bring em' back
Nightmare fuel: Real as Rainbows!
Gold/Gems: Jared handles this stuff
Chest: For my toys
Lying robot: Reminds me of my toys
Poop Bucket: Imates use this for the Jail Garden
Rope: Ugh. Hangings are so boring.
Captive Bird: Welcome to Supercage!

what items do you not have dialouge for, btw?
ivorie Nov 1, 2015 @ 2:06am 
instead of saying "i cooked it myself" when inspecting 'wet goop' maybe the warden could say "i wish alice were here to cook for me"
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