

Pirates Ahoy!
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
_]|M|[_  [developer] Nov 8, 2022 @ 12:17pm
Feel free to leave any feedback about the submarines, missions and balancing in general!
How to test:
If you want to test everything in this mod quickly instead of playing through the campaign normally, you can create a new campaign and open the console with F3 and type "enablecheats" to be able to use commands. Now you can follow the instructions below to set everything up.

Give yourself money by typing "money 100000" into the console to buy a T2 or T3 submarine, as you're not supposed to fight with a T1 starter submarine!
Also use this money to buy supplies and upgrades and hire new crewmates.

Because the pirate submarine spawns are difficulty based, you'll need to visit the later biomes to fight against different ones, so you may want to use teleport.
To teleport around the world map, type the following:
"debugdraw" (let's you see the entire map without having to visit first)
Then open the map and double click on the location you want to teleport to. This will let you start from that location, but won't load it in until you re-dock or start a mission. When you teleported, type "debugdraw" again to disable the debug overlay.

Type the following into the console to unlock the missions at your current location:
"unlockmission pirate_heavy"
"unlockmission pirate_lord"
"unlockmission pirate_party"
"unlockmission pirate_piezo"
Last edited by _]|M|[_; Dec 15, 2022 @ 10:01pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Violen Apr 6, 2023 @ 8:53am 
Using DE Which apparently integrated this mod.

Pirate Station Massively breaks gameplay balance~!

Docked at such a station in the first zone after like an hour of play.
Every Pirate Was kitted in full body armor and carrying Smg's, There leader had what seems to be a legendary Smg. Was around 20 of um.

all of that was a moot point however because you can just use your ship's guns to easily kill the entire station. Took Very few shot's.
atop of all that, The station is filled with Bloody Duffle bag's full of more gear and weapons.

walked away with an endgame ammount of supply's.

Beyond unbalanced(game breaking)
RocketLobster Apr 11, 2023 @ 6:56pm 
Hey, spotted a bug where docking with a pirate outpost doesn't apply the "unwelcome transmission" unless you go back to the server lobby and load back into the outpost. This results in the pirate outposts more or less being docile regardless of your (high) coalition reputation.
Merc Apr 16, 2023 @ 5:19am 
Been using this wonderful mod for a while, but ran into an issue which bricked my savegame.
Coalition Cargo ship "Warden Coalition" could not be loaded, despite being in the files. upon further inspection it also turned out that i cannot open the submarine's file in editor either.
I've tried replacing the file with a renamed ship, didn't exactly work out either.
_]|M|[_  [developer] Apr 16, 2023 @ 8:03am 
Originally posted by A Mercenary:
Been using this wonderful mod for a while, but ran into an issue which bricked my savegame.
Coalition Cargo ship "Warden Coalition" could not be loaded, despite being in the files. upon further inspection it also turned out that i cannot open the submarine's file in editor either.
I've tried replacing the file with a renamed ship, didn't exactly work out either.
Thanks for the report. Yes somehow it broke, but I don't know why or how.
It's now fixed with the latest update!
Hiro Baker May 26, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
Would it be possible to add Razormind to this mod or the one on Dynamic Europa?
_]|M|[_  [developer] May 31, 2023 @ 2:10pm 
Originally posted by Hiro:
Would it be possible to add Razormind to this mod or the one on Dynamic Europa?
I prefer to stick to songs that wouldn't cause issues if you record and upload to youtube. Razormind seems to be copyrighted by a label and would most likely be detected and claimed if uploaded.

You can easily do your own add-on pack with music you want by creating a folder with however you want to name your pack.

Then convert all your music files from stereo to mono (I use Audacity for that) and save them as .ogg files and place them in that folder. If you want them to loop perfectly, you'll have to painstakingly make them loop via editing the sound file with Audacity or any sound editor. If you don't care about that, the song will just keep restarting on its own just fine ingame as long as the item is active.

When you're done with that, copy my filelist.xml and place it in your new folder.

Open the filelist.xml and remove everything between <contentpackage ......> and </contentpackage> (basically everything like <Item> <Affliction> that is moved slightly more to the right)

Also change the name to your pack name and remove the steamworkshopid="" and expectedhash="" from it at the top <contentpackage .....>.

Now add <Item file="%ModDir%/signalitems.xml" /> above the </contentpackage> (like how if looked before you removed all the stuff) and save the file.

Now get the signalitems.xml AND signalcomp.png AND SpeakerInventoryIcon.png from my mod and copy paste it into your pack folder.

Then open and edit signalitems.xml to fit the amount of songs you have.
Basically remove or add more items depending on how many you want.
An item consists of everything starting from <Item ...... > to </Item>
It is important to make the identifiers unique! They are not allowed to be the same as any of the ones in the game or other mods. Otherwise you'd have to override existing ones which would replace them ingame. Names are what you see the item as ingame and don't have to be unique, but it would make sense to name the items after your songs to easily identify them.

The items listed below <!-- OUTPOST SONGS --> use the custom speaker texture and will require you to change the <InventoryIcon ....... /> of these to
<InventoryIcon texture="%ModDir%/SpeakerInventoryIcon.png" sourcerect="0,0,88,88" origin="0.5,0.5" />
if you decide to use them in case you prefer the speaker item over the siren item.

After making the identifiers unique, adjust the <Sound file..... /> to
<Sound file="%ModDir%/YOURMUSICFILENAME.ogg" type="OnActive" range="14000.0" loop="true" volume="1.8" />
for each song item you have.

If you want the item to be sold at the pirate store, you can add
<Fabricate suitablefabricators="piratestore" requiredtime="3" requiredmoney="832" fabricationlimitmin="0" fabricationlimitmax="1"/>
and change the fabricationlimitmin and max to how many you want to be sold per piratestore. The game will pick a random number between these two values. Set requiredmoney to how much the item should cost.

Save the file when you're done and start the game

You should now be able to enable it ingame and your music sirens should spawn in the same cabinets as mine do.
Kreigar Jun 13, 2023 @ 9:40pm 
warden sub cannot dock/be docked
_]|M|[_  [developer] Jun 14, 2023 @ 8:38pm 
Originally posted by Kreigar:
warden sub cannot dock/be docked
Aren't all pirate submarines non-dockable nowadays? Pretty sure I read in one of the games changelogs that the devs made it so you can't dock to them anymore so you can't cheese the mission by just docking and invading them, if I recall correctly.
blazrandom Sep 2, 2023 @ 3:51am 
great mod however i barely get to see any pirate vessels..
Daniel95818 Oct 6, 2023 @ 8:37pm 
So the purates are automatically hostile? They said I was with the coalition? When I'm not?
Heyo, the Red Alert CD plays no sound atm. Bought a bunch of the disks from an outpost the other day, that was the only one that didn't play.
_]|M|[_  [developer] May 31 @ 6:17am 
Originally posted by ProtoTypeRaavyn:
Heyo, the Red Alert CD plays no sound atm. Bought a bunch of the disks from an outpost the other day, that was the only one that didn't play.
I've tested it and it seems to be working. I've used the workshop version for testing so we're definitely on the same one. Went to pirate outpost, bought music player and Red Alert CD, wired the player up and turned it on. CD played fine. Are you getting any errors in the console that could lead me to the issue? My current assumption would be that steam messed up during your download and might've just created an empty sound file if there are no errors or missed that file entirely if there are errors about missing files.

I recommend trying to reinstall the mod fully as that potentially fixes it:
Main menu > mods > right-click on Pirates Ahoy! > view details > click on the circular arrow in the top right corner.
Originally posted by _|M|_:
Originally posted by ProtoTypeRaavyn:
Heyo, the Red Alert CD plays no sound atm. Bought a bunch of the disks from an outpost the other day, that was the only one that didn't play.

I recommend trying to reinstall the mod fully as that potentially fixes it:
Main menu > mods > right-click on Pirates Ahoy! > view details > click on the circular arrow in the top right corner.

Reinstalling now, thank you.
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