Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Silk & Spice: Trade Route Rework
Bad Apple 16 ABR 2022 a las 22:19
Icons for 6T Grand Eras
I wrote code to add icons for these to the Tech and Civic trees for 6T Grand Eras, feel free to include it in your mod if you like.

I used Coast background with Trader icon for 4 tile range, Ocean background with Trader icon for 6 tile range.

-- Silk Road Tech Sea Trade Route Range
-- ==============================================================
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TechSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqTech, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM TechnologyModifiers

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TechSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqTech, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM TechnologyModifiers

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TechSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqTech, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM TechnologyModifiers

-- Silk Road Civic Sea Trade Route Range
-- ==============================================================

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CivicSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqCivic, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM CivicModifiers

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CivicSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqCivic, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM CivicModifiers

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CivicSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqCivic, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM CivicModifiers

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CivicSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqCivic, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM CivicModifiers

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CivicSpecialUnlockables
(Unlockable, PrereqCivic, Description, Background, Icon, Civilopedia)
FROM CivicModifiers

And the accompanying descriptions to go in the text file. Wrote it in XML since I couldn't get an SQL version to work.

<Text>Increases [Icon_SEARANGE] Trade Route range by 4 tiles.</Text>

<Text>Increases [Icon_SEARANGE] Trade Route range by 6 tiles.</Text>

(PS: I re-used descriptions for 4 and 6 tile so if anyone wants to use custom values, they'd just need to add a new description tag/text where applicable.)
Última edición por Bad Apple; 16 ABR 2022 a las 22:36
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Mostrando 1-6 de 6 comentarios
Alf.Net  [desarrollador] 17 ABR 2022 a las 8:39 
Hi Ciar, I really appreciate the help! I see now that 6T creates new tables. I tried incorporating your SQL code into the mod but couldn't get the Ocean and Coast icons to appear. I looked through JNR's files to see if I could figure something out, but I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I must be missing something obvious.

I'm a newbie modder and some simple things still elude me. So far I've managed to get what I want through trial and error and brute force, rather than a deep knowledge of SQL/XML.

I'll also ask for help in the modding discord, see if someone can lend a hand. Might be able to still sort it this weekend, otherwise it will have to wait until the next.
Bad Apple 17 ABR 2022 a las 10:35 
I'm not an expert either, I just learn through reverse engineering other code.

JNR created a new table for Tech and Civic unlocks; the background icons are imported in 6T_Icons_UnlockFrames.xml and declared in TechAndCivicSupport_6T.lua as COAST or OCEAN. It should work out of the box assuming you have 6T Grand Eras activated.

Only thing I can think of that might be the problem is the Load Order; JNR uses Load Order 10/11 for those files, while your DB file doesn't have one set.

Try adding a load order higher than those to your main SQL in the modinfo file and see if that fixes it on your end.

<UpdateDatabase id="MainSilkRoads">
Bad Apple 17 ABR 2022 a las 10:42 
Also, I'm not sure if that code makes 6T a hard dependency or not since I always use it anyway; you'll instead want to add the new SQL file and accompanying text in separate files and *only* load them if 6T Grand Eras is enabled.

<Criteria id="6T_Grand_Eras">


<UpdateDatabase id="6T_Grand_Eras_DB" criteria="6T_Grand_Eras">

<UpdateText id="6T_Grand_Eras_Text" criteria="6T_Grand_Eras">



Hope that helps.
Última edición por Bad Apple; 17 ABR 2022 a las 10:49
Alf.Net  [desarrollador] 17 ABR 2022 a las 16:31 
Today I learned how to insert ActionCriteria into a modinfo file, and also how to change it directly in the project file so that it appears in ModBuddy as a Criteria option.

Unfortunately, after many attempts, it still didn't work :D. I suspected that would happen as there was no reason for it not to work "out of the box" with 6T eras enabled.

I'll try again next weekend. I think I've got all of the info that I need. It will end up being a silly detail somewhere.

Thanks for the help!
JNR 2 ABR 2023 a las 21:49 
Can't see anything wrong with Ciar Aon's code right now. I recommend using a DB viewer such as SQLiteStudio to check if the code is inserted in the first place to narrow down whether the code is wrong or the file isn't loaded. Let me know if you have any further questions, if you really can't get it to work at all I can also look into adding it on my end.

Also, I think Ocean background should be fine. Apart from unit actions, notification icons can also be a cool source, I think the trade *post* icon would fit well here.
Alf.Net  [desarrollador] 3 ABR 2023 a las 12:55 
Issue is now resolved as JNR has kindly made the mod compatible on his end. Thank you.
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