Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

Your Personal Castle
Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2014年5月31日 12時14分
Here's your chance to affect the future of the mod. Share your thoughts! :guardian:
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DMKI 2014年6月8日 14時10分 
Would it be possible to have a switch to automatically upgrade the castle? For example, if you have a strategic castle that you would like to be up-to-date, but don't want to waste time on selecting the upgrades? That would be really awesome function.

I mean - to queue upgrades, as if it would be managed by AI.
Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2014年6月8日 14時23分 
dmitry の投稿を引用:
Would it be possible to have a switch to automatically upgrade the castle? For example, if you have a strategic castle that you would like to be up-to-date, but don't want to waste time on selecting the upgrades? That would be really awesome function.

I mean - to queue upgrades, as if it would be managed by AI.

I wish the game was that moddable but AFAIK that is not possible.
Muslims shouldn't have negative church opinion or piety for observatory I think. However it may give tiny increase in decadence or something like that.
Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2014年6月30日 19時55分 
@DonKihot, I'll look into that. We only recently started thinking of cultural differences, for example, in the latest version we added random event for zealous muslims with wine cellar to pour the wine on the streets. Next patch will for example feature mead cellar for norse. :guardian:
最近の変更はNuubialainenが行いました; 2014年6月30日 19時56分

This has been one of my favourite mods so far, do you have any advice for someone who only wants to make additional events for the game where to begin?
Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2014年7月19日 5時55分 
DoominaBottle の投稿を引用:

This has been one of my favourite mods so far, do you have any advice for someone who only wants to make additional events for the game where to begin?

Thank you for your kind words!

First off, check the wiki for guides setting up the mod file. Never edit the vanilla files directly, always set up a mod, so it is easier to turn off/on, share with your friends, and to keep the vanilla files functioning properly.

Wiki will also get you started on the very basics of event modding:

Then, if you haven't already, register your game on Paradox forums to gain access to the modding subforum. There are a lot of people who are willing to help with any modding related questions.

Useful stuff:

I hope this helps! :guardian:

This is a great mod. Very innovative and honestly it feels like this is meant to be in the game. I love the study, its great.

Possibly adding more features to that would be cool.
-If you have a study and are educating someone maybe you can give them lessons in certain areas (like stewardship, and learning) which has a chance of leading to stat increases and possibly gaining traits, however it should be like most CK2 choices and also have a chance of giving negative traits like stressed. This can give players more control over how their eldest son who they are tutoring turns out.
-This could go for the training ground as well. You could tutor your ward in martial arts and as said above they could gain stats and possibly gain traits (though I'm not so sure on which) and they could also have a chance to gain negative traits, like stressed.
-Also I think the library should have more events associated with it. Like when you appoint a master librarian, maybe they ask you to donate to the library to expand the collection or something and this can give you opinion boosts or the possibility of gaining traits for the cost of gold. This is much like the church events with the clergymen selling books or asking for donations.
Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2014年12月16日 2時34分 
nowazaisdp182 の投稿を引用:
This is a great mod. Very innovative and honestly it feels like this is meant to be in the game. I love the study, its great.

Possibly adding more features to that would be cool.
-If you have a study and are educating someone maybe you can give them lessons in certain areas (like stewardship, and learning) which has a chance of leading to stat increases and possibly gaining traits, however it should be like most CK2 choices and also have a chance of giving negative traits like stressed. This can give players more control over how their eldest son who they are tutoring turns out.
-This could go for the training ground as well. You could tutor your ward in martial arts and as said above they could gain stats and possibly gain traits (though I'm not so sure on which) and they could also have a chance to gain negative traits, like stressed.
-Also I think the library should have more events associated with it. Like when you appoint a master librarian, maybe they ask you to donate to the library to expand the collection or something and this can give you opinion boosts or the possibility of gaining traits for the cost of gold. This is much like the church events with the clergymen selling books or asking for donations.

Excellent ideas! Currently we are thinking of including the tribes in the mod and we are also considering adding some elements to supplement the release of Way of Life DLC.

One thing to note is that random events are extremely tedious to work with compared to their output. Typically a random event works only once, the next time it pops out the player ignores it, at least the roleplay elements of it. So in comparison, working on a mechanic like say the curing system, mechanics give a lot more to the player per hours invested by modders.

We tried it at one point and could only produce half of the random events we initially had planned for that patch, simply because how time consuming it is and also because we were quite ambitious with the random events. (We wanted long event chains with different paths to choose from.)

Of course adding random events consisting of just a single event is easy, but they especially tend to work only once, and after that they become something the player ignores.

I do agree however that all the buildings could use more events, it is just that the work required to make interesting and long event chains that the player enjoys playing through more than once is extremely tedious.
Love the mod, and thanks for the hard work! Here are my suggestions
1.Water and food storage: increase siege time ( Due to more resources) and small income ( Because you buy in bulk and could sell off excess)
2.Small guard tower: Cheap, but provides only a few troops Causes small military spread
3.Small (Inland) trade post: Like guard tower, cheap but provides a little tax boost Causes small culture spread
4. Small (Coastal) trade post: Cheap but provides only 1 or 2 ships
5. Embassy Super expensive but gives a + General opinion based on the skill of your diplomat ( Council member) Example 10 diplo skill = 10 general opinion

Here are a little more complicated ones:
Guest Lodge: Increase relations with a vassal or other lord, could have an upkeep and your vassals have to accept, while other lords have a choice.

Conscription center: Super expensive to build, has a decision to 'Conscript local peasants' Gives troops based on tax income and garrison, causes you to collect only 5% tax while decision is active.

Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2014年12月31日 3時06分 
imnotcreative の投稿を引用:
Love the mod, and thanks for the hard work! Here are my suggestions

Thanks for the ideas!

I think some of them are not in line with the current upgrades of YPC, as they are not stuff for the ruler's personal use. Storage units, guard towers and such sound like stuff that should already be in most castles.

But I really like the idea of a Guest Lodge, that sounds personal! :ambition:
Your Personal Gaurds barracks? XD XD XD? :P Where the Best of The Best Troops are :P and could for example provide protection against intriuge? and other things . And i actually agree to nowazaisdp182 To provide such Long events it would Become perhaps become boring But not if you add in many choices like it was an RP Game if its an long event . maybe also specialice what you what your kid to learn . i usally only Train my own Heir As i dont want my pretenders to become to powerfull . so this events Popping up would perhaps only happen in 60 game years each . and i dont know perhaps you could work with anicent religons for Hellenic events To :P as i use it for ck2+ And the Rp is awesome made me play 300 years gona try to play it to the end
最近の変更は[TPPL] King Leonidasが行いました; 2015年1月30日 5時26分
Perhaps a Nursery room which will decrease the chance of kiddies dieing?
Also, the norse need a chance to improve their feasthall more, perhaps in a way that would improve Blots?
Nuubialainen  [開発者] 2015年2月27日 14時49分 
Thanks for the ideas! :guardian:

The effect you describe for nursery could be merged to having a court physician, I think.
hey man your link for manual download only downloads the mega program... it wont send me to anything specific to use for ck2. you have an actual download available? or maybe an idiot's guide to mega in case i'm missing something?
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