Crusader Kings III
TIP v5.0 changelog

--- General

- added 3 new legend seeds
- added a decision to Embrace the Hafizi Sect
- added a decision to Restore the Hunnic Empire
- added the Barabar Hill Caves as a special building
- added a +10 female ruler opinion character modifier to the Tomb of Batsheba
- added a few more Abbasids in 867
- added a few more Nubian royals in 867 (Alodia/Makuria) and a couple more vassals
- added several new playable counts in Nubia to add some variety and reduce domain limits (1066)
- added some traits and the Kavirajamarga artifact to Amoghavarsha I
- added some missing pilgrimage event modifier loc
- expanded the Hunnic name list and added a couple of mercenary company names
- Burial Site duchy buildings now provide a funeral bonus
- updated some loc and triggers relating to special religious buildings
- promoted Murchad Ua Briain to kinslayer
- demoted Prince Orti 'the One-Eyed' to prisoner of the Ummayad sultan
- restored Mieszko I and Kazimierz I as kings of Poland (so later numbering is correct)
- replaced the barony of Arun with Arundel
- renamed Kirov to Khlynov
- improved a load of Indian title loc
- improved the triggers for a few empire-creation decisions (e.g. Celtic, Bulgarian/Serbian) so that kingdom titles can be fully-controlled instead of actually held
- gave Prince László of Transylvania the March special vassal contract and a couple of health traits
- AI vassals should now pledge to defend their liege/domain when defending against holy wars
- various fixes and additions to the Nubian name list and historical character names
- various fixes and additions to the Vlach name list and dynasty names
- rulers converting to a heresy by event will now get the Heresiarch trait
- rulers converting to new faiths by decision will now lose stress if they have the eccentric trait
- the 'The Calling' pilgrimage event now requires the Lay Clergy doctrine to trigger
- the Battlefield Looters cultural tradition now also makes the Reaver trait more common
- the Unite Africa decision can now also be taken by Vandal culture characters who hold the Vandal Kingdom
- Varangian Adventurers now cannot be primary heirs or spouses of rulers
- Board Game challenges are now available to children over 12, rather than small toddlers
- added a two year cooldown to the 'Bowyer: Brace Yourself' tournament event so it doesn't fire multiple times
- added an imprisonment effect and piety gain to 'The Baby Eating Bishop' event with option B
- added an alternative option A to the 'A Servant of [WitchGod]' event for if your faith accepts witchcraft
- fixed the Azariqa Rebellion (867) creating their own Temporal HoF title if the rebellion is successful (could cause duplicate Sunni HoF issues)
- fixed rulers with the 'Temporal, for Life' doctrine not being able to appoint their own court chaplains
- fixed the 'Invite Knights' decision being able to recruit elderly, wounded or dying people
- fixed an incorrect loc string for tribal/non-tribal vassal interactions
- fixed the Manage Royal Guards task making enemy hostile schemes more rather than less likely to succeed
- fixed the AI being able to pick another legacy path due to the game not tracking them properly
- fixed a learn language scheme event saying you've learned your friend's language rather than vice versa
- fixed the Full Tolerance Doctrine wrongly appearing when reforming pagan faiths
- fixed a toast event not firing if your liege changes due to title conquest
- fixed AI non-feudal/clan baron-tier characters getting married (performance issues due to character bloat)
- fixed Zoroastrianism having a duplicate marriage doctrine applied (old vanilla bug)
- fixed measles, ergotism and dysentery being missing from several health triggers
- fixed misgendering loc in a number of events
- fixed a loc error in the description for 'the Anointed' nickname
- fixed 'the Witch' nickname and prestige hit being given if witchcraft is virtuous for your faith
- fixed the 'A Warm Welcome' event having an incorrect description trigger
- fixed the 'The Apple Falls' event not requiring an education focus already selected for option B
- fixed the 'Hunt: A Moment to Talk' event having most of its description missing
- fixed the 'Almost Home' travel event having no effect with option A due to an incorrect flag being set
- fixed the 'Repentance in [Province]' event removing secrets from random people
- fixed the 'The Next In Line?' event allowing your heir to be changed contrary to your realm's succession law
- fixed the 'Annoying Company' court event firing for female characters
- fixed the 'A Spectacular Courtier' court event picking children who are ineligible for marriage
- fixed the 'The Builder: A View to Remember' event's book bonuses being switched for options B and C
- fixed the 'University Visit: The Guest Speaker' event allowing the guest speaker to be the teacher
- fixed the 'Danger: Life or Death' travel event allowing the assassin to be the player's character
- fixed the 'No Laughing Matter' epidemic event giving an incorrect opinion modifier with option D
- fixed the 'Cupid's Arrow' event targeting homosexual courtiers if your faith doesn't accept homosexuality
- fixed the 'Caught in a Trap' event saying treatment was a failure even if it was a success
- fixed the 'Burying the Hatchet' event incorrectly targeting a nemesis rather than a rival
- fixed the 'A Fine Favor' event allowing a soulmate to start a romance scheme against you
- fixed the 'Hunt: A Moment Alone' event not laying with your lover in option A (as implied by the text)
- fixed the 'Horse Race: As God Made Him' event allowing the streaker to be a child or the player
- fixed the 'Tournament: To the Victor' event trigger failing to specify the event target
- fixed the 'Meet Wise Man' event firing if you're already both a Witch and a Herbalist
- fixed the 'Grand Wedding: And Another Thing' event having a reversed opinion modifier with option D
- fixed the 'Grand Wedding: Betrothal Expired' event firing before the couple are old enough to marry (16)
- fixed the 'Grand Tour: Taxable Extras' event allowing children to be selected as random courtiers
- fixed the 'Gout: The Price of Indulgence' event firing for characters under 30; also tweaked some trait modifiers
- fixed the 'Tumble Trouble' event firing for wives broadly over child-bearing age
- fixed the 'A Ruler's Path' event not respecting the player faith's gender law
- fixed the 'Privy Squabbles' event not correctly targeting a rival
- fixed the 'The Cadastre' court event referencing the wrong character in the option B tooltip
- fixed the 'Grand Wedding: Dynastic Doubts' event referencing the wrong dynasty in part of the event text
- fixed the 'Secrets and Lies' court event triggering for secrets and traits that shouldn't distress like-minded characters
- fixed the 'A Beautiful Specimen' event being able to target your spouse (as spousal relationships are not secret)
- fixed the 'Mental Break: Wanton Desires' stress event allowing AI rulers to convert to random heresies; also added Arianism and Novatianism as possible options
- fixed the 'Grand Tour: May I...?' event allowing you to dance with yourself
- fixed the 'Caught in the Act' event firing for blind characters
- fixed some issues with the 'Tilting for Attention' tournament event
- fixed some issues involving eunuchs and infertile rakish characters getting peasant girls pregnant in the brothel
- fixed some knight improvement events increasing the prowess of dead knights
- fixed the cannibal trait not being properly gained by certain characters attending Gruesome Festivals
- fixed the 'One More Goblet' events firing for AI courtiers
- fixed some 'secret exposed' events potentially triggering wars against yourself
- fixed some issues with the Jizya vassal contract trigger
- fixed several epidemic events giving non-recoverable versions of epidemic traits
- fixed some flag issues with gaining nicknames based on education type
- fixed chancellor correspondence events picking young child rulers to correspond with
- fixed half-siblings having incorrect possessive forms
- fixed some broken script syntax in House Feuds
- fixed the Ruins of the Ctesiphon Palace not using its correct icon
- fixed the 'Treatise on Management' modifier giving negative rather than positive bonuses
- fixed some broken event text with the confidant stress event
- fixed House Feud events being able to fire if the victim's killer is not known
- fixed a couple of faith events referring to a parent as a Sinner regardless of their piety
- fixed a duel within the 'Feudal Favoritism' event having inverted success values
- fixed a duel within the 'Inspiration: Envious Artisan' event having equal success values
- fixed a Varangian event not removing the content trait as intended
- fixed a couple of sea zones missing sea provinces
- fixed prisoners not providing the correct gold values when being mass ransomed
- fixed Rattapadi having its duchy building in the wrong county
- fixed a scope issue resulting in characters being able to torture themselves in certain prison events
- fixed some Beja and Vlach family trees with floating members
- fixed *loads* of misc. event loc issues
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--- General

- fixed an issue with Jizya contracts not being properly assigned (old vanilla bug)
- updated a number of triggers to reference the Jizya contract parameter rather than the Jizya tenet specifically

--- General

- fixed some issues with the Integrate Title chancellor task not having bonuses applied correctly (old vanilla bug)
- cleared some diarch and building slot stuff from the error log

--- General

- added the Sarir, Chaghanid, Kumiji, Khazari, Gardizid, Qumis, Azadmardid, Sebükid, Asateginid, Pamirid, Urtujid, Badakhshanid, Khumarteginid, Sebeg, Avarid, Yadav, Bahramid and Anghatnawid dynasties
- added a couple more Zunbils
- added a few more vassals in Kabulistan, Persia, Jazira, Kashmir, Khorasan, Makran, Khorezm, Syr Darya, Transoxiana, Zaporizhia and Caucasia
- fixed some issues with the destroy_papacy_scripted_effect when dismantling the papacy (old vanilla bug)
- fixed several instances of Muslim dynasty names not correctly using the al- prefix
- fixed the vanilla merkabah faith icon being saved as the wrong file type

--- General

- added the Temple of Zun as a special building
- added some more religious flavour loc for Zunism and updated the faith description
- added a nickname for when converting back to Zunism with the 'Embrace the Sun' decision
- added a few more Monomachos dynasty members; now playable in 867 (count of Galatia Prima)
- added some more Karluk, Tocharian, Uyghur, Kirghiz, Uriankhai and Naiman placeholders in Dzungaria and Mongolia to break up domain limits a bit
- changed a load of Saka and Tocharian characters over from Vajrayana to Sarvastivada (their historical branch of Buddhism)
- given Assyrian culture the Garden Architects tradition
- made the Irrigation Experts tradition available to Aramean cultures also (previously only Iranian)
- promoted Cumania to an empire in 1066
- changed the Sanchi holy site to Balkh for Mahayana
- changed the Ushi-darena holy site to Balkh for Gayomarthianism
- changed the Nishapur holy site to Balkh for Zunism
- changed the Kabul holy site to Zamindawar for Zunism
- changed the Bost holy site to Khojand for Zunism
- changed the Memphis holy site to Heliopolis for Zunism
- changed Zunism's HoF doctrine from none to Temporal
- changed Zunism's homosexuality, adultery, deviancy and witchcraft doctrines from criminal to shunned
- replaced the Unrelenting Faith tenet with Cthonic Redoubts for Zunism

--- General

- added the Hornbrjótr dynasty as counts of Härjedalen
- added some traits and a nickname to Hrane Gautske (and renamed his dynasty to Gauting)
- added some more religious flavour loc for Catharism and Alevism
- added Odoacer to Italy's title history
- added a decision for East Germanic rulers to convert to Arianism under certain conditions
- added Kylfing as a North Germanic/Balto-Finnic hybrid culture name for Northern Europe
- added Kven as a North Germanic divergent culture name for Finland and Sápmi
- added the spread of Nordic Christianity in 1066 and updated a few dynasties accordingly
- added Sufism as a Muslim flavour name for the Esotericism tenet
- the Convert to Saxon pagan decision can now also be taken by Suebi culture characters
- the Establish Bactrian Supremacy decision can now also be taken by Scythians (culture or religion)
- the Initiate Endura decision can now also be unlocked by holding Albi as a holy site (for Cathars)
- changed Catharism's Kinslaying doctrine to Dynastic is Criminal
- changed Alevism's Kinslaying doctrine to Dynastic is Criminal
- changed Alevism's gender doctrine to Equal
- changed Alevism's marriage doctrine to Monogamous
- changed Zunism's bastardy doctrine to None
- changed Harald Fairhair's calm trait to lustful
- changed some ancient Arian rulers over to their correct faith
- replaced the Vows of Poverty tenet with Cthonic Redoubts for Apostolic Christianity
- replaced the Literalism tenet with Syncretic Folk Traditions for Alevism
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