Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Express Bus Services
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Vectorial1024  [developer] Nov 8, 2020 @ 7:53am
Known Issues and Ongoing Research
Here lists some known issues of this mod.

IPT2 unbunching rules are not respected
Visit the relevant GitHub Issue for more info:

Updated November 2020

The sister mod for better compatibility with IPT2 is already completed, please subscribe to that:

TLM termini settings are not respected
Updated 25 March 2022

I actually fixed this way earlier, but I forgot to update this section. Anyways, the sister mod for better compatibility with TLM is already completed, please subscribe to that:

"Bus just does not leave stop"/"Bus is sluggish to leave stop"
Updated November 2020

Symptoms: bus completes loading/unloading of passengers, but waits a little while before departing. Expects immediately depart after finishing loading/unloading.

Diagnosis: This is a result from a custom-made patch in this mod to fix another underlying problem.

Underlying problem: Normally, buses arrive at bus stops, waiting CIMs approach the bus vehicle and despawns inside the vehicle model (they "enter the bus"), bus checks if everyone is on board, and then departs. There is nothing interesting about this.

What I found, however, was that, it seems there are randomly CIMs that got bugged when trying to enter the bus. They would somehow glitch, and then activate the fallback state to glide to the previous/next bus stop in a straight line, ignoring the terrain and existing paths. (Might this be something related to TMPE's No Despawn feature?) What happens next is that the bus notices there are still some CIMs (the glitched CIMs) who have not entered the bus, and so waits at the bus stop. This wait is usually very long because CIMs walk very slowly compared to vehicles. Those buses do depart eventually, when the bus is still there and the CIMs finally return to their starting bus stop, enter the bus, and despawn.

I think it is possible that CIMs, when returning to their bus stops, glitch again and glide all over the place again, thereby forcing the bus to wait for even longer.

What I implemented in this mod is a simple checking algorithm to detect CIMs who are supposed to be boarding a bus but somehow glitched and started to glide away (i.e. "they are running away"). This mod detects them and forces them to despawn as if they have entered the bus. Then the buses will depart immediately.

This patch should not interfere with other mods like Realistic Walking Speed because, more precisely, I am detecting whether CIMs are going further and further away from the bus vehicle. Normal CIMs under RWS should still walk to the bus vehicle so they will not be falsely marked and force-despawned.

I am not interested to investigate why the CIMs glitch in the first place because if I do that I would basically be looking at and fixing some bugs that are too deep-rooted in the game's core mechanics, and I'm not gonna spend time doing that. Let CO or someone else have a look at it.
Last edited by Vectorial1024; Mar 24, 2022 @ 9:46am