Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

The Musketeer Mod
MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Sep 29, 2020 @ 4:05am
Musketeer - Balance and Gameplay
You feel like something from the Mod is overpowered or underpowered and makes it unfun to play? Leave Balance complaints and/or Balance suggestions here.
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Alk Sep 29, 2020 @ 2:23pm 
Blitzkrieg definitely needs to be a free action or cost 1 action point. The action economy flattens out usually at one action per turn because basic attacks still cost two action points, which is something that i thought this mod would address, paired with the fact that we don't usually receive another gun type until much later after the boat unless you're extremely lucky with loot on your way to fort joy. Maybe change the skill into a rapid reload where you still dash a short distance and pull ammo from reserves this turn but your overall ammo count is shorter the next turn? Sort of like adrenaline, but for your musket. Overall good job.
MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Sep 29, 2020 @ 4:54pm 
I considered the idea of Blitzkrieg costing 1 AP before, but ultimately decided against it. The problem with making it cost less, is that it decreases the significance of Ammunition management. Right now I think it's in a good spot, especially because Blunderbusses really gain a boost by using it.

The point you bring up about Weapon Attack cost is reflected in the AP costs of the Rifle-based Skills. Buckshot would be OP with Crossbows, same goes for Final Act or Rapidfire for that matter. Weapon Attacks are very boring and provide little strategic depth imho.
Could you change the reload mechanic to just three ap? I think the current one is a little bit too much.
MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Oct 8, 2020 @ 7:32am 
Originally posted by ZingTheCosmicOwl:
Could you change the reload mechanic to just three ap? I think the current one is a little bit too much.

Well, it costs a mere 1 AP and only lasts until before your next turn, so I really don't see how it is "too much" tbh.
Gogonoxx Nov 4, 2020 @ 3:35am 
Does nobody feel like this class is really overpowered? I'm just curious, because I couln't find anyone mention it in the comments. I really love this class!
The skill ideas are great, no doubt, and I love the different weapon types too, but unfortunately I can't play it, because it makes the game too easy imo. I play on tactician mode with a party of 3 and it still feels fairly easy, because the musketeer just dishes out 100 upwards of damage per turn anhillating everything (playing as a glasscannon, 4-5 points in Marksman).
At character level 3 Buckshot, from a high position, is able to deal around 75+ damage to a single enemy (not including the enemies that can get hit behind the initial target) and thats 2 AP. Blitzkrieg (love the name btw) restores armor and ammunition, ups your damage by 15% AND sets hasted for one turn. Even Tracking Shot is doing like 40-50 damage from a high position for 1 AP..
So all in all I it just feels unnatural and too powerful to me. Personally I would love to play this class, but it makes my other characters feel weak and underpowered. Would there be a possibility to get a nerf mod addon?

MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Nov 4, 2020 @ 11:34am 
Originally posted by KurtKokaine:
Does nobody feel like this class is really overpowered? I'm just curious, because I couln't find anyone mention it in the comments. I really love this class!
The skill ideas are great, no doubt, and I love the different weapon types too, but unfortunately I can't play it, because it makes the game too easy imo. I play on tactician mode with a party of 3 and it still feels fairly easy, because the musketeer just dishes out 100 upwards of damage per turn anhillating everything (playing as a glasscannon, 4-5 points in Marksman).
At character level 3 Buckshot, from a high position, is able to deal around 75+ damage to a single enemy (not including the enemies that can get hit behind the initial target) and thats 2 AP. Blitzkrieg (love the name btw) restores armor and ammunition, ups your damage by 15% AND sets hasted for one turn. Even Tracking Shot is doing like 40-50 damage from a high position for 1 AP..
So all in all I it just feels unnatural and too powerful to me. Personally I would love to play this class, but it makes my other characters feel weak and underpowered. Would there be a possibility to get a nerf mod addon?


Hey there, thanks a lot for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it! I got mixed feedback in regards to balance, but do personally agree with you.

I will soon release a pretty big content patch that will add interactions with Laughing Leader's Weapon Expansion mod and am planning on reducing the damage numbers on quite a few skills and/or weapons. I would really like to emphasize strategic decision making in this mod, which doesn't work if the Classmod is too strong for players to even require that.
Gogonoxx Nov 6, 2020 @ 5:01am 
Originally posted by OKW Brotgrenadier:
Originally posted by KurtKokaine:
Does nobody feel like this class is really overpowered? I'm just curious, because I couln't find anyone mention it in the comments. I really love this class!
The skill ideas are great, no doubt, and I love the different weapon types too, but unfortunately I can't play it, because it makes the game too easy imo. I play on tactician mode with a party of 3 and it still feels fairly easy, because the musketeer just dishes out 100 upwards of damage per turn anhillating everything (playing as a glasscannon, 4-5 points in Marksman).
At character level 3 Buckshot, from a high position, is able to deal around 75+ damage to a single enemy (not including the enemies that can get hit behind the initial target) and thats 2 AP. Blitzkrieg (love the name btw) restores armor and ammunition, ups your damage by 15% AND sets hasted for one turn. Even Tracking Shot is doing like 40-50 damage from a high position for 1 AP..
So all in all I it just feels unnatural and too powerful to me. Personally I would love to play this class, but it makes my other characters feel weak and underpowered. Would there be a possibility to get a nerf mod addon?


Hey there, thanks a lot for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it! I got mixed feedback in regards to balance, but do personally agree with you.

I will soon release a pretty big content patch that will add interactions with Laughing Leader's Weapon Expansion mod and am planning on reducing the damage numbers on quite a few skills and/or weapons. I would really like to emphasize strategic decision making in this mod, which doesn't work if the Classmod is too strong for players to even require that.

Greetings! That's lovely to hear. I just wanna say you've done a great job with this mod. I read into the other skills for the class yesterday and I totally love the tactical approach. I'm really excited to play a musketeer in my next campaign plus it would be a very cool option to have for my players when running a campaign as a DM. Here are a few more things that I think need adjustment for the class to feel natural in the game:

- Atm the weapons are too strong. If I recall correctly the musket did 18-19 physical damage at level 4 while the bow only does 10-12.

- Then imo Tracking Shot should only do around 80% Damage as it marks the target lowering its resistance and giving the possibility to deal more damage on a subsequent turn (with steady shot for example) This would make it more of a tactical option.

- I love the idea of having to focus on the marked targets and while I think the bonuses for marked targets on Scattershot and Rapid Fire are fairly balanced the damage bonuses for marked targets on Final Act and Steady Shot might be a bit too much. Also I think killing a marked targed with Final Act should give you Hasted for one turn, getting nothing when killing a non marked target. This euphoria thing is... puh I don't even know what to say.

- and I'm sorry but Buckshot costing only 1 AP is just ridiculous. This should be 3 AP and even then dealing this much damage being an AOE and knocking back AND creating a fire surface is still pretty damn crazy. I mean this does 42-44 damage plus 29-30 fire damage with my level 4 musketeer and thats without high ground. For comparison my hunters Ricochet does 13-15 damage and he's just as min-maxed as the musketeer.

- Then Blitzkrieg should only haste you or give a 15% damage boost (I think I would go with the damage boost)

- I would lower the increase in Finesse, Wits and Initiative granted by Rend Stacks to 1 at least for the lower levels as it still increases damage by 7% and is stackable.

- I encountered bugs when using Covering Fire while standing too close to a target. My turn simply gets skipped. It seems like the skill doesn't even get triggered, because I keep the 3 AP I would normally have to spend on it.

Thats everything so far. I know it's a lot. Just know I really don't mean to be rude, it's just my honest opinion. I hope thats of any help for you. Keep the good work up!


cableguy Nov 8, 2020 @ 9:48pm 
I'm still early game with this mod, but it seems relatively balanced. That being said, if it got nerfed a bit/went to more "strategic" decision making then I'd be good with that too. Overall, amazing work.
Staykarbine Dec 2, 2020 @ 9:28pm 
I am currently enjoying the mod as a stealth sniper that teleports around the map, and I was wondering if you considered having the reload ability NOT break invisibility, considering it's not really an attack?
MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Dec 3, 2020 @ 12:19am 
Originally posted by Staykarbine:
I am currently enjoying the mod as a stealth sniper that teleports around the map, and I was wondering if you considered having the reload ability NOT break invisibility, considering it's not really an attack?

Yeah, I like that idea. Will be added in the next patch. I'm aiming to release the next patch on this weekend, no promises though.

There's also something in there specifically for stealth gameplay, so you can look forward to that.
Kamizuchi Jan 1, 2021 @ 9:11pm 
I honestly love the class overall, I think the idea and design are great.
However, like another guy said, it's just too powerful.
I'm playing wirh 2 friends in act 2, level 9 with a musket with around 28-31 dmg, and while my friends are doing like 100/120 dmg with their best skills, I'm literally melting down anything in sight.

With a 6 bullets musket and a build with glass cannon and 10 warfare 4 huntsman or so, I just do Tracking Shot>Rapid Fire>Buckshot>Final Act and I literally oneshot anything.
The elite voidwoken in the beach near driftwood, which had 1200 hp and 400 phys armor, went down to 400 hp with that combo in turn 1.
Final Act did like 600 dmg on its own. Rapid Fire 300 and Buckshot something similar.

I mean... That's completely overpowered. I want to play the class so badly, but my friends are feeling useless (Understandable) and I feel like I'm cheating, lol.
I just want to play with normal dmg without making any elite or boss literally disappear with 1 combo.

Is there any way you could introduce some option or something to lower the dmg?
Either lowering the skills multipliers or the dmg on the weapons. Or both.
Make it optional, that way people who like the current dmg can still play with it.

It has gotten to a point that I tried to nerf myself by using a white musket without stats, just the base dmg, and I still deal way more dmg than anyone in the party.
God help us if I decided to even try the blunderbuss, those have way more dmg as far as I saw.

On the other hand, Rend the Marked does little to no dmg at all for some reason, it's almost impossible to last hit with it, specially since everything else hits like a truck.
And the lvl 1 skill that you can only use from invis and put Ruptured Tendon on the enemy, I forgot the name, is missing from the skill books vendors. Only available on character creation, I assume is bugged.

Overall I want to say you did a great job with the mod though, I'm loving it so far except for the absurd dmg. I really want to see this mod grow, it has a lot of potential and is so fun to play.
Last edited by Kamizuchi; Jan 1, 2021 @ 9:32pm
MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Jan 2, 2021 @ 1:27am 
Originally posted by Daydream:
I honestly love the class overall, I think the idea and design are great.
However, like another guy said, it's just too powerful.
I'm playing wirh 2 friends in act 2, level 9 with a musket with around 28-31 dmg, and while my friends are doing like 100/120 dmg with their best skills, I'm literally melting down anything in sight.

With a 6 bullets musket and a build with glass cannon and 10 warfare 4 huntsman or so, I just do Tracking Shot>Rapid Fire>Buckshot>Final Act and I literally oneshot anything.
The elite voidwoken in the beach near driftwood, which had 1200 hp and 400 phys armor, went down to 400 hp with that combo in turn 1.
Final Act did like 600 dmg on its own. Rapid Fire 300 and Buckshot something similar.

I mean... That's completely overpowered. I want to play the class so badly, but my friends are feeling useless (Understandable) and I feel like I'm cheating, lol.
I just want to play with normal dmg without making any elite or boss literally disappear with 1 combo.

Is there any way you could introduce some option or something to lower the dmg?
Either lowering the skills multipliers or the dmg on the weapons. Or both.
Make it optional, that way people who like the current dmg can still play with it.

It has gotten to a point that I tried to nerf myself by using a white musket without stats, just the base dmg, and I still deal way more dmg than anyone in the party.
God help us if I decided to even try the blunderbuss, those have way more dmg as far as I saw.

On the other hand, Rend the Marked does little to no dmg at all for some reason, it's almost impossible to last hit with it, specially since everything else hits like a truck.
And the lvl 1 skill that you can only use from invis and put Ruptured Tendon on the enemy, I forgot the name, is missing from the skill books vendors. Only available on character creation, I assume is bugged.

Overall I want to say you did a great job with the mod though, I'm loving it so far except for the absurd dmg. I really want to see this mod grow, it has a lot of potential and is so fun to play.

Hey, thanks for the elaborate feedback! The stealth-shot skill should not be available during Character Creation, so that's a bug I'll have to fix.

I want to avoid adding a difficulty option and would much prefer to bring the Classmod in line with the game's base classes. I'll take a look at the damage values today and will probably release a patch for it today as well.
Kamizuchi Jan 2, 2021 @ 6:45am 
Originally posted by MDZ Kimchi:
Originally posted by Daydream:
I honestly love the class overall, I think the idea and design are great.
However, like another guy said, it's just too powerful.
I'm playing wirh 2 friends in act 2, level 9 with a musket with around 28-31 dmg, and while my friends are doing like 100/120 dmg with their best skills, I'm literally melting down anything in sight.

With a 6 bullets musket and a build with glass cannon and 10 warfare 4 huntsman or so, I just do Tracking Shot>Rapid Fire>Buckshot>Final Act and I literally oneshot anything.
The elite voidwoken in the beach near driftwood, which had 1200 hp and 400 phys armor, went down to 400 hp with that combo in turn 1.
Final Act did like 600 dmg on its own. Rapid Fire 300 and Buckshot something similar.

I mean... That's completely overpowered. I want to play the class so badly, but my friends are feeling useless (Understandable) and I feel like I'm cheating, lol.
I just want to play with normal dmg without making any elite or boss literally disappear with 1 combo.

Is there any way you could introduce some option or something to lower the dmg?
Either lowering the skills multipliers or the dmg on the weapons. Or both.
Make it optional, that way people who like the current dmg can still play with it.

It has gotten to a point that I tried to nerf myself by using a white musket without stats, just the base dmg, and I still deal way more dmg than anyone in the party.
God help us if I decided to even try the blunderbuss, those have way more dmg as far as I saw.

On the other hand, Rend the Marked does little to no dmg at all for some reason, it's almost impossible to last hit with it, specially since everything else hits like a truck.
And the lvl 1 skill that you can only use from invis and put Ruptured Tendon on the enemy, I forgot the name, is missing from the skill books vendors. Only available on character creation, I assume is bugged.

Overall I want to say you did a great job with the mod though, I'm loving it so far except for the absurd dmg. I really want to see this mod grow, it has a lot of potential and is so fun to play.

Hey, thanks for the elaborate feedback! The stealth-shot skill should not be available during Character Creation, so that's a bug I'll have to fix.

I want to avoid adding a difficulty option and would much prefer to bring the Classmod in line with the game's base classes. I'll take a look at the damage values today and will probably release a patch for it today as well.

Nice to know, appreciate your fast response.
The difficulty setting was just an idea, but indeed, it's better to adjust the class overall.
In case it's useful for you to know, we are playing in tactician as a party of 3 (No origin npcs, just 3 players), and recently installed Odincore mods, faster merchant restock and joyless beginnings. (Skip act 1 mod and start right in act 2)
Those didn't seem to affect your mod in any way, looks like they are working fine together.
And before installing Odincore mods, I was playing with musketeer too, but with Conflux mod instead, which we had to uninstall due to several bugs.

So in short, in the run we are currently doing, we have odincore mods(Classes overhaul and some spells mods), faster merchant restock and joyless beginnings.
Taking the elite voidwoken in the driftwood beach as reference, with a party of 3 I consistently bring it down to like 20% hp punching through armor having glass cannon with Tracking Shot>Rapid Fire>Buckshot>Final Act.
With the same configuration, and the same combo, but a party of 2 with Lone Wolf, I almost oneshot it entirely. I left him at 7 hp.
In both cases only 1 critical hit happened with 1 bullet of Rapid Fire.
But if a crit ever happens with Final Act or Buckshot, or with all 3 shots of Rapid Fire, the dmg would be enough to obliterate anything.

Final Act did the majority of dmg in both cases, around 60% of the total dmg, with Buckshot and Rapid Fire dealing the remaining hp, around 40% combined.
Tracking Shot didn't seem to do a lot of dmg, which is understandable.
I'm not sure how to balance it having in mind critical hits as well tbh. At the moment when not critting, my dmg is absurdly high, but even bringing it down, when I have more crit chance, it will probably be too high again.
Maybe lowering crit damage multipliers for the skills? I honestly don't know, seems hard to figure out.

I hope that feedback can help or at least be useful to you for the patch. ^.^

Last edited by Kamizuchi; Jan 2, 2021 @ 6:50am
MDZ Kimchi  [developer] Jan 2, 2021 @ 7:44am 
I've just released a balance-patch so I recommend checking the Changelog to see what has changed. (You can also check the Patchnotes here: https://github.com/wuergrob/DOS2_Mod_Musketeer/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1340---balancing)

The main issue was the bonus damage on marked targets from skills such as Final Act, which were way too high when compared to vanilla huntsman skills.
Kamizuchi Jan 2, 2021 @ 8:59am 
Originally posted by MDZ Kimchi:
I've just released a balance-patch so I recommend checking the Changelog to see what has changed. (You can also check the Patchnotes here: https://github.com/wuergrob/DOS2_Mod_Musketeer/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1340---balancing)

The main issue was the bonus damage on marked targets from skills such as Final Act, which were way too high when compared to vanilla huntsman skills.

Thanks a lot, the numbers are promising and look like they will add more strategy to the gameplay. I'll edit this later to let you know how numbers are working once I try them.

Edit: Numbers are much more balanced now and combat is actually challenging now, it requires you to think more about ammo management instead of just obliterating anything with 2 shots.
Great job with the number tweaks.
Just one thing to note, Rend the Marked still does close to no damage. I didn't manage to get the buff even once since I can never last hit anything with it. Either the enemies have too high hp for it, or are dead already.
Everything else looks nice.
Last edited by Kamizuchi; Jan 7, 2021 @ 3:52pm
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