[WOTC] Psionics Ex Machina 3.3
RustyDios  [developer] Dec 24, 2021 @ 1:51am
v3.1 Update Notes
PexM 3.1.0 Update notes;;
Will As Mana System
  • with Shell Screen pop-up and Encyclopedia entry
  • Pop-up/Encyclopedia screen lists classes that are immune to Will Drain
  • All Psi Gems/Clarity valid abilities now cost 10% max Will to cast, except if cast by excluded psionics classes (like RustyPsionic or Templar) and 'passive abilities'
  • Clarity refunds 15-20% max will, but has a small chance to berserk (10%) or shatter (10%) a user outright
  • Clarity charges/cooldown per ComInt tier have been adjusted
  • Amps now have a SyphonWill ability instead of Fuse, that exchanges 10%-15% of Will between Caster and Target
  • SyphonWill has a dynamic cooldown based on tier of the Amp, can target friends and foes
  • SyphonWill requires the caster to be less than 100% max will, and target to have more than 15% max will
  • SyphonWill cannot target the dead, robotic, large units, the Lost, zombies, the chosen, codexii?, andromedons .
  • SyphonWill is NOT affected by Clarity of Mind !!
  • SyphonWill is a 1AP, non-turn ending action
Bugfix and Balances
  • Fuse has a tiered cooldown based on tier of the Amp, and is now a GEM
  • Several small additions to the PCS/GEM tables
  • Major BUGFIX to the Facility Overview, overview slots should now link to correct facility slots
  • Minor bugfixes to the code throughout, forgot what most of them are, but they exist
  • ALL resource costs, re: supplies/meld adjusted
  • Psi Project Completion times adjusted to be longer, but still fair if the Facility is staffed
  • Psi Projects will now get exponentially longer to do (by one day each time a project is completed)
  • MELD Gathering POI and CovertAction
  • Advanced and Alien Amps now have an extra project to do in the PexM Chamber before they are unlocked
  • Advanced also requires Priest Autopsy
  • Alien requires Advanced and GateKeeper Autopsy
Compatibility Improvements
  • Psi Graded units that are primary 'gun' users can use the special mod-added psi guns if you have them
  • Psi PCS' from LWotC and CutContent-Psi can be used on any class
  • All PCS' can be swapped regardless if the new one is higher/lower stat wise
  • Russian translation provided by Aks
-- a lot of the above is all config editable, this update has spent a long time in making and testing. I hope you enjoy :)
-- should not require a new game.
Last edited by RustyDios; Dec 26, 2021 @ 10:40am
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Showing 1-15 of 48 comments
RustyDios  [developer] Dec 24, 2021 @ 1:52am 
Please discuss issues or questions related to the WIll-as-Mana System HERE
Povuh Dec 24, 2021 @ 2:40am 
If I understand correctly: if I run this alongside your Psionics Class mod, then the psionics class soldier is also affected by the minimum will requirements for casting psionics, but the casting does not cost that soldier any will?
Last edited by Povuh; Dec 24, 2021 @ 2:42am
RustyDios  [developer] Dec 24, 2021 @ 2:46am 
That is correct :)
Povuh Dec 24, 2021 @ 2:55am 
Sounds good, it makes a lot of sense if you consider them more gifted at psionics. I will definitely use both mods then!
76561198350443585 Dec 24, 2021 @ 3:28am 
How would will out of combat work then? Can you spam syphon will to get your soldier to full will, making them kind of immune to fatigue? Or take a tired soldier and heal his will in combat.
RustyDios  [developer] Dec 24, 2021 @ 3:31am 
Technically -yes .. but you need a source to Syphon Will from ... it's a Syphon, not a Generate.

So you could Syphon a fellow squad member, but then all you are doing is "shifting" who has the worse will. Which is part of the design, you need to choose who/how/what/why gets their Will degraded for recovery in the strategy layer.
Sinapus Dec 24, 2021 @ 10:25am 
Are RPGO psionic classes like the Channeler, Resonant and Telepath from RPG Overhaul - Psionics Specializations Extended or should I add them to the list of excluded classes?
(I tend to have them use their abilities mainly, but do have some GEMS that aren't on their skill list in their amps, if I have them.) Recently started a new campaign, am up to May 2035 and have no psi units except for the Templar yet.
RustyDios  [developer] Dec 24, 2021 @ 10:49am 
RPGO is gonna be a nightmare to exclude as all those classes are just "UniversalSoldier" under the hood.
Sinapus Dec 24, 2021 @ 11:44am 
Oh, I was going to try using the template names for the specializations (Channeler, Resonant, and Telepath) and hope it worked. Though I guess that won't work.

I guess I'll test it and see what happens.
Last edited by Sinapus; Dec 24, 2021 @ 12:22pm
Sinapus Dec 24, 2021 @ 2:56pm 
Noticed Psi Implants don't have the Syphon Will ability. Is that intended? (I think they were limited in the previous version and I didn't notice when I was going through the ini files. I can save, quit and try to look for them.)
combatide Dec 24, 2021 @ 4:52pm 
i dont like the exponential time increase of psionic projects. Psionics are aleady expensive to make and research gating psionics to late game. How do i remove this if it's a ini section
RustyDios  [developer] Dec 24, 2021 @ 11:00pm 
Psi Implants don't have the Syphon Will ability by design - they are intended to be used by classes that are excluded from the Will Drain mechanic and thus have no need of the Syphon Will ability. However it is a really simple change in that mods configs files... look for the XComGameData_WeaponData.ini in that mod and set the following;
OneMorePsiAmp_StartingPsiPerk = PexM_SyphonWill ;OneMorePsiAmp_StartingPsiPerk = none

I'd obviously love for you to try out this new option to see how this affects the balance. But if you really don't want it then in this mods configs, XComPsionicsExMachina.ini change the following lines (to false):
bTechsIncreaseOverTime_PCS = true bTechsIncreaseOverTime_GEM = true
orson Dec 25, 2021 @ 4:02am 
Can you add step by step how-to on disabling this will-as-mana sytem? I have a game in progress and I don't want to change everything or risk issues :/ I cannot find that toggle anywhere :/
combatide Dec 25, 2021 @ 2:29pm 
Originally posted by RustyDios:
Psi Implants don't have the Syphon Will ability by design - they are intended to be used by classes that are excluded from the Will Drain mechanic and thus have no need of the Syphon Will ability. However it is a really simple change in that mods configs files... look for the XComGameData_WeaponData.ini in that mod and set the following;
OneMorePsiAmp_StartingPsiPerk = PexM_SyphonWill ;OneMorePsiAmp_StartingPsiPerk = none

I'd obviously love for you to try out this new option to see how this affects the balance. But if you really don't want it then in this mods configs, XComPsionicsExMachina.ini change the following lines (to false):
bTechsIncreaseOverTime_PCS = true bTechsIncreaseOverTime_GEM = true

All the changes are great. I personally don't like the exponential time increase. By the time i get to late game, the exponential time increases makes all of the collected meld useless. I dont want to wait 20 days to craft 1 gem when i have 300 meld sitting around. I was playing on normal difficulty.
Sinapus Dec 25, 2021 @ 10:45pm 
@RustyDios: Thanks, I'll try that.

@combatide: I noticed that on my Commander-level difficulty campaign. Kept loading more and more GEM and PCS projects and never ran out of meld. It doesn't seem to be possible to sell meld either, though that might be an interaction between this mod and another mod on my end.
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