Machine Shipset
AryxCami  [개발자] 2020년 4월 28일 오후 5시 08분
Please submit all bugs you find in the mod here, and I’ll try my best to patch them

I am aware of the following:
Blue hue to ship lights
Ringworlds on shattered ring having the wrong starting section
NSC station sections placing weirdly.
Ringworlds do not have empire colour. - PDX BUG
No achievement compatibility - PDX
Habitat shades as black - PDX BUG
"No Descriptor" - PDX BUG
AryxCami 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 7월 22일 오후 12시 51분
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235개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Akolythos 2020년 4월 28일 오후 6시 28분 
Only one I've found so far is that there's a missing texture on the back of the missile corvettes right under the engines. It's especially visible when you view it from the right side.
TNS 2020년 4월 28일 오후 11시 27분 
It seems like the engines on most the ships don't have exhaust effects(like half do, other half don't), and some ships like the Titan has minor blinking texture issues.
Valkatų Karalius 2020년 4월 29일 오전 12시 20분 
Getting boxes with x y z on some ship types, maybe you know what may cause this?
Below 2020년 4월 29일 오전 1시 00분 
i can't save the exploration cruiser to my ship designs neither can i build them
Cepheus Talks 2020년 4월 29일 오전 2시 04분 
sometimes the turret models don't appear on the ship

TNS 2020년 4월 29일 오전 3시 13분 
Habitats are missing models....!
AryxCami  [개발자] 2020년 4월 29일 오전 3시 49분 
@TNS Habitat models are currently underway.
@Alifatihsahin The exploration cruiser not saving will be an NSC side thing.
@Akolythos Fixed it, that's coming in today's patch
@TNS Exhaust effects are coming as well in today's patch, alongside fixing the Titan's weird clipping at its stem.
@fghfghbdghbdfgdgdh There's some mods which aren't fully compatible yet, and some sections need integrated
Endugu 2020년 4월 29일 오전 4시 42분 
That the battleship stern sections aren't finished is probably known. They show the placeholder box.

The NSC Flagship stern sections use another graphical culture. Think its reptiles.
AryxCami  [개발자] 2020년 4월 29일 오전 4시 45분 
Indeed, the Flagship's stern is bugged and uses the fallback, which will be patched when it gets its own unique sections
Akolythos 2020년 4월 29일 오후 2시 49분 
Yep, missile corvettes look great now, thanks. Found another one: On the Battleship Hanger Bow section, the second Point Defense turret doesn't place properly. Looks like it's going inside the ship. Also, don't know if you've patched the exhaust effects yet, but all mine look great except the Cruisers. Corvettes, Destroyers and Battleships have effects, but the cruisers just sort of glow.
Akolythos 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 4월 29일 오후 2시 52분
Railgunner2160 2020년 4월 29일 오후 2시 55분 
Minor issue with the thruster plumes on the Cruisers, and Construction ships. Most if not all of the thruster plumes seem to be backwards, as in instead of coming out of the model they appear to be going into the model. It's as if the plumes are rotated 180 degrees from the correct orientation. You have to look very close to even notice the plumes are actually there since they don't come out of the engine like they should.

Edit: The Battleship "Broadside Stern" lacks thruster plumes, and the biggest thruster on the "Artillery Stern" doesn't have a plume.That would be the upper middle thruster on the "Artillery Stern".
Railgunner2160 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 4월 29일 오후 2시 59분
Spirit 2020년 4월 29일 오후 3시 39분 
dont know if this is a bug or intentional but i think the ion cannon look somewhat unfinished
Rage000 2020년 4월 29일 오후 5시 42분 
Battleship and Dreadnought missing engine FX
Rage000 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 4월 29일 오후 5시 44분
AryxCami  [개발자] 2020년 4월 30일 오전 8시 10분 
@Spirit Ion cannon has been updated to the non-placeholder model in the latest patch :)
@Rage007: Dreadnoughts will gain engine FX when they are given unique stern sections, battleships are in the works
Spirit 2020년 4월 30일 오전 10시 56분 
new problems appeared : many battleship sections has some placeholder descriptions and some are missing completely , showing only XYZ boxes
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235개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
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