Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 12:00pm
Chaos / Holy Water mods - malware
In TM:PE we are marking _all_ mods by Chaos / Holy Water / drok (same person) as incopatible for the following reasons:
  • Network Extensions 3 contains malware which directly targets multiple members of our team, dozens of other modders, employees of Colossal Order, and dozens of Steam users many of whom will not be aware that they are targets of malware.
  • While the malware is trivial (it randomly alters speed limits), it's caused a lot of excess support workload and raises concerns about what other malware may be present (particularly in the Harmony "Redesigned" mod).
  • Network Extensions 3 was modified with "tripwire" code specifically designed to cause bugs in other mods.
  • Those bugs are affecting TM:PE users (we have several confirmed cases) and when TM:PE team go in to investigate we are hit by malware.
  • Upon bugs appearing in other mods, Chaos claims that they are badly written in order to gain more users for his mods - which in turn are designed to cause bugs in other mods.
  • Chaos has blocked former members of Network Extensions mod, including myself, from creating derivative works on his version of the mod.
  • Chaos has added code to his Harmony "redesigned" mod's reporting tool which is highly misleading (often indicating the wrong mod being responsible for an error, when in most cases it's _affected_ by an error from somewhere else)
  • Chaos is doxing and harrassing anyone who calls him out on his behaviour, adding them to his targeted malware system, and then claiming that _he_ is the actual victim (a technique called "DARVO" = deny, attack, reverse victim and offender)
  • And more... (details to follow)

In the interim there is a high liklihood that Holy Water will release his own version of TM:PE. It's not our place to tell you which mods to use, but at least wait for the additional detail before making a decision.

Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 14, 2022 @ 1:35pm
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Showing 1-15 of 49 comments
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 12:23pm 
Malware in Network Extensions 3 mod

As mentioned in OP, the malware is trivial:
  • When someone starts the game with the NExt3 mod enabled, it checks if the game is running in Steam portal and, if so, then checks the player's Steam ID against two lists of Steam IDs[].
  • One of the lists appears to be mostly modders and CO employees; the other is a list of ordinary steam users many of whom will not be aware that they are direct targets of malware.
  • If the player ID matches an entry on the list, the mod proceeds to change road speeds to a random - but always slow - value[].
  • This gives the false appearance that it's the other mods which contain bugs - a topic which I'll cover in a later comment.

As you know, TM:PE team have been working hard to fix speed-related bugs over the past few weeks, so you can imagine how it felt to discover that some of those problems were created on purpose by another modder and that they were directly targeted at us.

Given the persistent and escallating actions of Chaos / Holy Water / drok (same person), we are now treating all those mods as potentially malicious until proven otherwise. Even if they do not currently contain malware, we don't know what will be added in future updates (especially via "Update from Github" mod which bypasses Steam workshop entirely).
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 10, 2022 @ 11:58pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 12:30pm 
Tripwire code in Network Extensions 3

Holy Water has now largely scrubbed all evidence of this, but a version of the mod was released with code specifically designed to create bugs if it was used with the main Harmony mod[] which Holy Water is trying to discredit (you can also see in that code update he's added more steam users to the malware target list).

Almost the entire modding community have devoted considerable time to transitioning their own mods - and lots of older mods - to Harmony framework. Again, you can imagine the frustration caused when it became apparent that one modder had specifically designed their mod to cause bugs when used with that mod.

If you need to recover a city broken by the NExt 3 mod, use this collection which contains complete set of NExt roads but without the NExt mod:
This youtube video explains how it works:
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 14, 2022 @ 9:33pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 1:03pm 
Causing bugs, then presenting a solution

It should be obvious, but I'm going to point it out anyway.

Holy Water is targeting mods with over 1 million users (NExt, Harmony, TM:PE, etc), causing bugs in them, and then presenting his own versions as the 'fix'.

When modders complain, they get added to a targeted malware list in at least one of his mods, are also blocked them from creating derivative works of his versions of their mods.

For example, I contributed code to Network Extensions (specifially a project called "TAM" - Transit Addon Mod, you've probably seen it mentioned in log files if you use NExt 2 or NExt 3). If I try to "fork" (clone) the Network Extensions 3 project I get an error because Holy Water has blocked cloning that code that I once worked on.

Holy Water then goes to great lengths to reiterate over and over (something known as "repeat assertion technique" aka "proof by assertion") that his code is "open source", and also then claims that _he_ is the actual victim when people rightfully point out that he's the one causing problems.

As the number of users grows, more bugs appear in other popular mods... rinse, wash, repeat.

This is a discernable pattern and one which is very familiar to anyone trained to spot it due to their line of work, not that I would be such a person or doing that line of work ofc.

It's a technique used to split communities; it starts by drawing some people away, telling them that they are part of something special, that they must ignore all the disruption and other problems that are starting to happen, and that everyone else is out to get them... I don't need to say more, you can work out what's going on here.
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 1:14pm 
Misleading reporting in Harmony "redesigned" mod

The reports generated by Harmony "redesigned" are very familiar to anyone who worked on or observed the creation of the main harmony mod, and the transition of dozens of mods to using it.

Part of that work was a proposed system whereby errors could be trapped and associated with the mod where the error occurred. However, there are issues with this approach - namely, where an error is detected is often not the source of the problem but rather a symptom of the problem. It can be hugely misleading to anyone who doesn't uderstand what's acutally going on under the hood.

Holy Water is going round telling everyone that the original Harmony mod doesn't catch errors, and that they should use his which does. To most end users this will likely sound entirely logical - the mod that catches errors is surely better. But to anyone who knows what's going on under the hood, and also having to support one or more mods, it's an absolute disaster.

Again, this is designed to promote the "redesigned" mod as the solution, whilst simultaneously making all other mods seem broken "because they don't use that redesigned mod".
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 10, 2022 @ 1:48pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 1:20pm 
Claiming that the main Harmony mod isn't tested

The transition to Harmony was a huge task involving most of the modding community. Harmony library was new at the time and undergoing regular updates to fix bugs, and sometimes those updates would cause new bugs. That's the nature of rapidly evolving software.

Holy Water has waited until the mod became stable, copied it, and then devoted huge amounts of time to reminding everyone that the original version _used_ to have bugs. That's gaslighting.

The main Harmony mod, with over 1 million users, was just updated with almost no problems reported (except for one notable mod as mentioned above that had "tripwire" code to specifically make that mod break once the new Harmony was released).

That update came after almost 1 year of testing by modders and players alike. The notion that the main Harmony mod is a "buggy mess" is absurd in the extreme, and is being peddled by one single mod developer - Holy Water - who's actually added code to his mods that causes bugs to make other mods look like they are broken.
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 11, 2022 @ 6:54pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 1:23pm 
There is a bunch of other stuff, including doxing, which I've not even discussed yet.

As always, up to you who's mods you use. And I can practically guarantee that Holy Water will release a TM:PE clone that magically fixes a bunch of problems with slow speed limits and is magically compatible with Harmony mod again (_his_ Harmony mod, that is).

UPDATE: We have confirmed that "Supply Chain Coloring" and "Transfer Broker BETA" - the workshop versions only (which are locked to prevent updates) - do not contain any malicious code. TM:PE will mark them as compatible again from version onwards.
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 14, 2022 @ 9:41pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 2:00pm 
Actually, there is some other stuff I want to mention.

First, the "update from github" mod that Holy Water is pointing people to. That mod completely bypasses Steam - and thus all of the checks that Steam does when stuff is uploaded to workshop. If there's malware in an update, there is no way to know or resolve that situation.

Second, Holy Water is claiming that modders aren't testing thier mods with his mods... yeah, no suprise there given that his mods contian malware aimed directly at those modders, and code specifically designed to break their mods.

Third, my first encounter with Holy Water was on the workshop page of my Mod Compatibility Checker mod (abandoned due to RL issues): He was claiming that its successor, "Compatibility Report" mod (which is awesome btw!), is "malware" because it was legitimately pointing out issues with his mods. That's something called "Projection" - where the person responsible for creating some kind of harm "projects" that on to others (usually those affected by the harm and/or those trying to prevent the harm). Again, it's a familiar pattern that's discernable to people trained to spot it due to their line of work.
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 10, 2022 @ 2:42pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
LOL, he's already created a clone of TM:PE

"This is a fork of TM:PE that does work with all my mods, including Next3 and Harmony (redesigned)" -- Holy Water

LOL, as if by magic the speed limits and Harmony compatibility issues disappeared simply by uploading a clone of the mod without changing anything. Imagine that!
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 10, 2022 @ 2:52pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 2:50pm 
BTW, I've just been reliably informed that the "Harmony redesigned" mod by Holy Water is already bypassing Steam and pulling data directly from Github. If you're using that mod I seriously urge you to start tracking it's disk activity and check any code it downloads.

EDIT: The version from github does this, not the version in the workshop (that version is already locked from updates due to account violations apparently, which is why Holy Water is directing people to the github version).
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 10, 2022 @ 8:49pm
leftbehind  [developer] Feb 10, 2022 @ 5:02pm 
Several modders are now investigating what's in the "download from github" version of the "Harmony (Redesigned)" mod, and it's not looking good.

Notably, the code it contains does not exist in any of the workshop releases, nor does it exist in the source code repository. It appears to be a different mod (modders are still investigating). Additionally, the way it downloads a zip file isn't controlled in any way; it can be any zip file that Holy Water uploads - it is automatically executed (run) when you start the game, even if the mod is disabled (it self-enables itself).

Image link of collapsed code view after decompiling the "download from github" version of "Harmony (Redesigned)":

Update: The `MalwareBypass` code blocks are doing stuff like disabling bits of Boformer's Harmony mod, and also remove feeds, workshop ads, whatsnew panel, dlc panels, paradox account panel and whole game telemetry. The code is still being investigated.
Last edited by leftbehind; Feb 10, 2022 @ 5:35pm
SquallyTooth08 Feb 10, 2022 @ 10:16pm 
What the actual ♥♥♥♥
LeonardMT Feb 10, 2022 @ 10:32pm 
Wow what a bombshell. First glad you're back and hope that your irl issues have been resolved.

It looks like he also created a new sub-forum in his Harmony for Games cult for asking what mods to ripped off next so it should be watched for future developments.

Originally posted by aubergine18:
LOL, he's already created a clone of TM:PE

Originally posted by TM:PE Chaos Virus clone edition steam page:
Thank you Krzychu1245 for the awesome mod

LMAO Krzychu1245 spoke against him on my "A warning about NeXT3" discussion:

Originally posted by Krzychu1245:
How you calculated that? Do you really think that file size is equal to memory allocated when loaded by the game? If so you have no idea how NeXT works...

See, Next2 is creating ton of assets at runtime when you are loading map (it's worse than CSUR), rough calculations and user reports from the past says about 1.5-3GB of RAM required to load everything (not counting VRAM) as textures cannot be optimized (shared and reused by other assets). It's outdated, memory-inefficient technology that should have been forgoten long time ago IMO or at least completely rebuild from scratch eliminating known issues. You probably don't know but once you save the game with Next enabled you won't be able to load it without issues in case of any initialization problem. Since it's a modification that requires running the code to initialize it will be prone to external factors.

Also, do you want to create new asset based on one of the roads from that mod? No problem but all its users will be forced to use Next just to load your new variant even if they only want just your asset and nothing else...

Originally posted by aubergine18:
BTW, I've just been reliably informed that the "Harmony redesigned" mod by Holy Water is already bypassing Steam and pulling data directly from Github. If you're using that mod I seriously urge you to start tracking it's disk activity and check any code it downloads.

EDIT: The version from github does this, not the version in the workshop (that version is already locked from updates due to account violations apparently, which is why Holy Water is directing people to the github version).

Yeah the fact he is creating a botnet (that what it really is now) is extremely petty. And that he's now not updating his source code on GitHub means he can no longer make the excuse that he's doing this for open source.

Originally posted by aubergine18:
Update: The `MalwareBypass` code blocks are doing stuff like [removing] whole game telemetry. The code is still being investigated.

So he ripped off one of the less Steam mods?

Originally posted by aubergine18:
Image link of collapsed code view after decompiling the "download from github" version of "Harmony (Redesigned)":

Is the code obfuscated and is there a link to the decompiled code? I'm not a C# programmer so I don't what to spend time getting a decompiler but would still like to take a look.
Last edited by LeonardMT; Feb 10, 2022 @ 10:33pm
cambrium Feb 10, 2022 @ 10:42pm 
For capable decompilers I can recommend:
JustDecompile from Telerik (free).

There is also a "diff" tool, which only shows differenes between 2 assemblies:
JustAssembly from Telerik (also free).
John Rambo Feb 10, 2022 @ 11:02pm 
@aubergine18 you should change the links to GitHub permalinks (referring to the commit hash), because if the access lists are moved to another file / directory, the current links will break ;)

Like this:
ctcatuga Feb 10, 2022 @ 11:08pm 
I have been subscribed to his Supply Chain Coloring mod for ages. I just unsubscribed, but I have no idea how to check for malware or anything else you claim he has done...

Should I be worried about that having been subscribed to SCC??
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