Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Conveyor Maintenance Ducts
Ideas for future updates (If mod isn't dead yet)
so I recently found this mod while snooping through the workshop for some additions to my friends SE-Server and I tested this one out, cause it seemed cool and reminded me of Alien: Isolation. ^^
But as I started to build with this system in creative, I came to realise to a few changes and features, that could make this mod even more great than it already is:

- Ladders:
I've already seen this Idea in the comment section, but I wanna reiterate the purpose of that; You're probably always crawling through these ducts, cause you can't really stand in them and move very good at the same time, and if you wanna build lateral, you need to always use your jetpack, which to me defeats the theme of this "immersive" mod.

- More options in building:
Currently (as of writing this thread) There are only two different options for building a duct network;
straight tube (2 openings - front and back)
junction. (4 openings - front, left, back and right)
That makes it pretty hard to build things like corners or T-junctions and even impossible to build an X-junction, (X meaning all sides are open.) so implementing Corners, Ts and Xs would decrease the building effort and spacing needed and surely improve the actual playabillity of this mod.

and a few minor things like

- A controlpad on the inside of the duct-door
- (If possible) the indicator lights on the inside having the functionallity of the vanilla conveyor tubes (Red, white, yellow, green, etc.)
- A closing mechanic for the vent to preVENT (sorry, I had to. :D) loss of pressure inside the duct-system

I hope, that this mod isn't dead already, or that I at least can get an answer back, but I also opened this up as a thread, so that maybe others can write under my post here and potentially even leave some Ideas themselves.
Either way, thanks for making this mod in the first place and stick to modding, cause not everyone can do that!
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Menampilkan 1-6 dari 6 komentar
Myco Caine 18 Mei 2020 @ 4:42pm 
I too have recently found this mod, it reminded me of Star Trek's jefferies tubes. I instantly fell in love. Sadly I cant get the blocks to actually work as conveyors.
EDIT: Update, All blocks, except the door, are able to transfer materials.

It would be awesome to have ladders, but along with that i think that the inside model is too big and you character clips on the ridges of the tubes where they meet.
Terakhir diedit oleh Myco Caine; 19 Mei 2020 @ 10:26pm
Love the ideas. I hope an update does arrive eVENTually... sorry. I'll be sure to DUCT when you throw something at me, after all I tend to go with the FLOW.

Okay I'm done. I'll show myself out now.
Gilbert387 29 Okt 2020 @ 9:39pm 
Love the mod, definitely think this should be in vanilla (especially since large grid ones take up so much space and don't let you move through them). I do hope you keep this mod alive. Have a few
  • Outside Appearance of Maintenance Sections:
    If they could look a little more rounded or less square, to slightly look like a duct.
  • Maintenance Door:
    When door is open that it allows air to pass through. Right now its airtight open or closed.
  • Maintenance Vent:
    Have and open and closed state so it could either allow air to pass through or be airtight. An animation for it opening and closing would also be awesome as well.
    Diposting pertama kali oleh Das Poh:
    - A closing mechanic for the vent to preVENT (sorry, I had to. :D) loss of pressure inside the duct-system
  • Maintenance Air Vent:
    Have a vent that acts like an air vent. Spinning fan animation behind the vent would be cool.
  • Maintenance Shaft Door:
    Have a Maintenance Shaft that has either one or two doors. Same look and animation from the Maintenance Door would be cool.
  • Maintenance Shaft Corner:
    Have a Maintenance Shaft in the shape of an "L" without any conveyor ports.
  • Maintenance Shaft Section:
    Have a Maintenance Shaft that doesn't have any conveyor ports on the outside of it.
  • Maintenance Junction Door:
    Have a Maintenance Junction that has doors on all of its openings, that way you could close or open a section to allow access across or up/down
  • Maintenance Junction (more selections):
    Having multiple directions would make it easier to make a duct that doesn't have holes that need to be covered to make it airtight.
    Diposting pertama kali oleh Das Poh:
    - More options in building:
    Currently (as of writing this thread) There are only two different options for building a duct network;
    straight tube (2 openings - front and back)
    junction. (4 openings - front, left, back and right)
    That makes it pretty hard to build things like corners or T-junctions and even impossible to build an X-junction, (X meaning all sides are open.) so implementing Corners, Ts and Xs would decrease the building effort and spacing needed and surely improve the actual playabillity of this mod.
  • Maintenance Ladder Section:
    Having a ladder section would be awesome to have to allow us to go up and down while in the maintenance ducts, which would work alongside of having doors on the junction sections. So when you pass the junction you could close the door to allow you to stay on that level without falling.
    Diposting pertama kali oleh Das Poh:
    - Ladders:
    I've already seen this Idea in the comment section, but I wanna reiterate the purpose of that; You're probably always crawling through these ducts, cause you can't really stand in them and move very good at the same time, and if you wanna build lateral, you need to always use your jetpack, which to me defeats the theme of this "immersive" mod.

I do hope this mod does stay alive and I do hope you continue to grow on this mod. I would definitely be willing to donate to keep this mod alive and expanding. Ever think about doing a GoFundMe or a Pateron to see if people would be willing to support that way? Unless you already have one, which point me in the direction LoL.
Terakhir diedit oleh Gilbert387; 8 Nov 2020 @ 9:02am
mazrados 7 Nov 2020 @ 6:52pm 
Airlock. Conveyor airlock. It would be very handy.
I guess I may try combine 2 entrances with junction, if door works as conveyor too. But better solution would be single airlock block.

UPDADE: Just checked that door does not act as conveyor. The only workaround in this case seems to be put other conveyors around doors.
Terakhir diedit oleh mazrados; 8 Nov 2020 @ 12:32am
Emphram 12 Feb 2021 @ 2:48pm 
I would definitely pay for everything Gilbert387 is suggesting.
Based on my SE building and game limits I suggest just simple addons.
Side vent + Side door and Connector type
Then i can do tunnel in line. Air vent facing down and next block you open side door to other section.
Connector type for accessing ship cargo room from station.
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