Camping Stuff
 Este tópico foi afixado, portanto deve ser importante
Alias  [developer] 16 mar. 2020 às 23:30
1.1+ Update/ Overhaul
Alright, plague fears aside, there are still tents to be made, so here's the rough roadmap/ to-dos' for the technical stuff:
  • XML- I like the idea of retooling the way that tents are made so that they're more accessible in biomes where wood isn't super common and less dependent on having a bunch of the same resource, so the current plan is to break tents into parts: a frame (metal/wood), a covering, a optional flooring, and a bag (fabric/leather) to put it all in. After putting the things in a bag, it is then deployed like normal.
    • I'm still working the frame idea, I haven't decided if I'd rather have tent poles where each covering needs a pole requirement or single frame item for each size. (if you have any thoughts/ideas/opinions I'd love to hear them) Went with tent poles
    • Flooring will probably be one size fits all, but balanced towards the largest tent, possibly dependent on the carpet research Done
    • On the xml end I'm still working out the recipes and stats that I want everything to have, but roughly bags will be similar to the packed tents and flooring will be +0 or +1 beauty
  • Code- The codebase for the mod is... not great. Historically, I've done some minor improvements here and there, but have largely focused on compatibility. Since I'm already planning a major rework as most of the new things will need supporting code- now is a great time to do some spring cleaning (and rewrite large chucks if not all of the mod).
    • Coverings- I have the code for the tent shapes in place, but I'll also need some code for the number of tent poles or the associated frame item Done. Covers know how many poles they need
    • Bags- will need some code to hold all of the other things, and deploy bags are a child class of minified thing and Deployed Tents are spawned on install
    • Deployed tents- will need to be able keep track of the bag that spawned them, so that the bag can be recreated when the tent is packed Done,Tents keep track of items, so the packing/ unpacking is run by the core minification code
    • Other Quirks
      • It kind of bugs me that tents don't rotate in quite the same way as tables and such (ever notice how you can hold q/e and the thing will just spin, tents don't do that for some reason), so I'd like to fix that while I'm at it. Fixed with sketch implementation
      • Custom roof- the mod could use a custom roof, at the moment it uses a regular roof, which works, but it also eats the existing roof on pack-up if the tent is deployed inside an existing structure Done
      • Hopefully this update/ rewrite fixes it, but I am still aware of the issue where packed tents don't properly keep the damage applied to them
    • Compatibility- ideally, I'll be able to write the mod such that existing packed tents will be transformed into the new format and deployed tents will create and fill the appropriate bag on load. However programming is weird, and event that I can't I don't want to push an update that breaks saves, so I'd much rather tie something potentially save breaking to a game update than just randomly dropping it on something already in active use.
  • Art- The new tent parts will definitely need art, it's not exactly my strong suit (I can sort of do it, but it takes me forever and I don't love doing it), at best someone on the Rimworld Discord will be willing to donate or trade art for code, at worse the art will look like several hours of frustration and my best attempt at the vanilla art style. If you are artistically inclined and would like to contribute, I'd be more than happy to accept your help, just drop me a comment with the best way to contact you and I'll get in touch.

I think that about covers it, but I'll be adding, editing and posting as I complete things or think of anything I missed. Thank you for your continued patience.
Última alteração por Alias; 27 jun. 2021 às 0:54
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A mostrar 1-15 de 240 comentários
carlarc 28 mar. 2020 às 10:53 
hello! i was searching for tent mods, and this is the only one out of the entire workshop that's what im looking for. please update it for 1.1!!
thank you for making this mod even if you don't feel like updating it, you made/make the game a little bit better by submitting this mod for all to use!
Alias  [developer] 30 mar. 2020 às 11:54 
Weekend update:
  • XML- I still need to double check the walls/doors/portable stove, but each tent part has shiny new XML (so they exist in my game for testing). I've adjusted some of the costs/ work amounts some, but I'll probably need a play test and community feedback to get everything fully balanced.
  • Code- nothing new here
  • Art- Made some brand new art for tent coverings, it's not perfect, but considering I drew it, it's not terrible: Teaser[cdn.discordapp.com]

@carlarc, Thanks. A 1.1 update is still the plan, it's just taking a bit.
Alias  [developer] 6 abr. 2020 às 22:14 
So fun story, I got the bright idea to do some stuck-at-home hard drive cleaning and move my steam install. Turns out when you uninstall steam it deletes everything that's a sub directory of /Steam (including directories that steam itself did not create on install) and instead of sending things like steamapps the the recycling bin, it marks everything to be deleted entirely, which then triggers SSD's TRIM feature to come through and zero out the memory...

So unfortunately, I'm mostly back to square one, with the 1.1 update (the upside of writing the whole thing myself is that I have a pretty good idea of what everything looked like, and I still have some snippits on discord (like the graphics I made), so I should be able to recreate everything again)

tldr; accidentally sacrificed the 1.1 update I had in progress to Cas- it's going to be a while longer. Sorry
kalia 7 abr. 2020 às 2:11 
Help! I made the tent but its not deployable?
Alias  [developer] 7 abr. 2020 às 2:39 
@giubilante, wrong discussion (I could have sworn I could delete discussion posts)... Judging by the fact that you're posting here and not in the bug reports, I'm going to guess you didn't see the "how to deploy tents" section on the main page. Otherwise I'm going to need more info than "its broken", preferably in the correct discussion.
theslasher1646 10 abr. 2020 às 0:18 
Originalmente postado por Alias:
So fun story, I got the bright idea to do some stuck-at-home hard drive cleaning and move my steam install. Turns out when you uninstall steam it deletes everything that's a sub directory of /Steam (including directories that steam itself did not create on install) and instead of sending things like steamapps the the recycling bin, it marks everything to be deleted entirely, which then triggers SSD's TRIM feature to come through and zero out the memory...

So unfortunately, I'm mostly back to square one, with the 1.1 update (the upside of writing the whole thing myself is that I have a pretty good idea of what everything looked like, and I still have some snippits on discord (like the graphics I made), so I should be able to recreate everything again)

tldr; accidentally sacrificed the 1.1 update I had in progress to Cas- it's going to be a while longer. Sorry

It's alright man, thanks for being willing to keep working on a cool project. This one is so appropriate now in these apocalyptic times.
TheDuck 11 abr. 2020 às 23:50 
Thanks, hope you will not abandon this mod. It is always must have mod in my collections
Senacharim 13 abr. 2020 às 17:18 
Thank you for working on an update! This is on my list of "must have" mods.
Bobby_Hill 13 abr. 2020 às 17:57 
this is a mod that should be in the main game
Thunderstorrm 15 abr. 2020 às 18:50 
we all greatly appreciate your time and effort in creating this mod. If I had any idea how to do mods or programming or anything I'd offer help but unfortunately I don't. I love the pictures you put a link to. I think the tents look great! Thank you for continuing this even though it means starting over... We really do appreciate it!!!
Geethebluesky 18 abr. 2020 às 12:42 
Coming back to this game after a hiatus, looking forward to the 1.1 update of this. It's just... necessary! Thanks for all your work.
Bobby_Hill 18 abr. 2020 às 17:15 
we belive in you
gro 25 abr. 2020 às 14:50 
love this mod, thank you for your work and I wish you success in your exams.
Jet 7 mai. 2020 às 17:15 
are tents still something you plan on adding with the framework you outlined in the OP? Sounds like an improvement over the standard
Alias  [developer] 8 mai. 2020 às 0:48 
@Jet, yeah that's still the plan for tents.
That was the hope- one of the things I noticed in my older playthroughs was that it seemed like I'd wait until the late mid-game (when I had a textile hoard) before making any tents and just focus on the big ones, so I'm trying to piviot more to something that can grow with the colony.
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