Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Feb 14, 2017 @ 2:20pm
Jan 6 @ 10:48am
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With this mod you're able to pick up all the things you've placed - simple as that! :-)
Mod-Version: 5.0.9
Mod-ID: 864199675

- Works on singleplayer and dedicated servers!
- Pickup: Items, Thralls, Pets
- QuickPickup with Hotkey! (Key can be set in settings after editing the Input.ini || Items only!)
- Option to set the distance for QuickPickup or disable it completely in pickup+ options over the actionwheel (Admins only)
- Option to remove pickup for single items over the actionwheel (Admins only)

Step 1) Go to you Conan Exiles Config folder (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor)
Step 2) Open the Input.ini file with the editor
Step 3) Scroll down and search for the last line that starts with "ActionMappings"
Step 4) Insert the following line below: ActionMappings=(ActionName="QuickPickup",Key=None,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False)
Step 5) Save the file
Step 6) You should be able to set your HotKey in the normal Conan-Key-Settings.

- Remove the pickup option from your custom items with the itemtag: PickupPlusBlacklist

Rift Of Yog Pickup+ fix (so you can place it again after picking it up):

You want to report a bug? Please use this template and just post it in the comments!

Have Fun!
Popular Discussions View All (35)
Mar 10 @ 2:29pm
PINNED: Servers using this mod
nO Pa!N
galdran 19 hours ago 
I can't seem to turn on pickup+ for thralls on my siptah server, but the exiled lands server with the exact same mods, it seems to work.
WastedElmo May 2 @ 6:40pm 
Is there a guide on how to setup the Hotkey for dedicated servers??

Or does each individual need to set it up on there own (client side) or can server admin do it for everyone. with the commandline etc.
nO Pa!N  [author] Apr 28 @ 11:39am 
@Gallethril: If you are admin, you can disable that feature for now. I try to bring out the update this week.
Gallethril Apr 28 @ 5:37am 
Horses, pets and thralls seem to disappear when trying to pick up.
When I tried to turn off the function of my server so people wouldnt get confused it still shows the option to pick up also.
I did see the comments and you said you werent sure when to update but thought Id just add some info in here also :) Love your mod every time I come back to the game I pick it up. Thank you for the hard work
Aggroviking Apr 21 @ 4:03pm 
@Jyria: The item you are talking about is the treasure coffer, right?
@nO Pa!N: This would be item-ID: 80223
nO Pa!N  [author] Apr 21 @ 1:04pm 
Jyria: Sounds like an item that you shouldn't pick up... yes. If you give me the exact Name of the item, then I can put it on a block list, so others don't pick it up by accident. But can't tell when I can update the mod.
Jyria Apr 21 @ 12:38pm 
Talking about those treasure chests u pickup and place down next to your treasure chest for the purge to go up. Once u place em down next to your chest and try to move em again with Pickup+ (they normally not movable I think?) it bricks the item in your inventory. Might be a good idea to add that to the Picup+ blacklist
nO Pa!N  [author] Apr 21 @ 6:46am 
@Jyria: I don't know what that treasury is. There were world items that you were able to pickup with pickup+. I'm able to block those if users report those items to me. Ofc. new world items can get patched in, that might not be blocked yet. Big big thumbrule here is "never pickup world items!"
Jyria Apr 20 @ 5:46pm 
Got a question, I was moving my treasury and I pickedup the chests with Pickup+ but I can't seem to place em down anymore. Is this unintended or just bugged? Or am I missing a way to place em agian
nO Pa!N  [author] Apr 19 @ 2:05pm 
Then they changed something again and I would advice not to pick up animals.
Don't know when I will be able update the mod and remove that feature.