Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Feb 14, 2017 @ 2:20pm
Jan 6 @ 10:48am
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With this mod you're able to pick up all the things you've placed - simple as that! :-)
Mod-Version: 5.0.9
Mod-ID: 864199675

- Works on singleplayer and dedicated servers!
- Pickup: Items, Thralls, Pets
- QuickPickup with Hotkey! (Key can be set in settings after editing the Input.ini || Items only!)
- Option to set the distance for QuickPickup or disable it completely in pickup+ options over the actionwheel (Admins only)
- Option to remove pickup for single items over the actionwheel (Admins only)

Step 1) Go to you Conan Exiles Config folder (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor)
Step 2) Open the Input.ini file with the editor
Step 3) Scroll down and search for the last line that starts with "ActionMappings"
Step 4) Insert the following line below: ActionMappings=(ActionName="QuickPickup",Key=None,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False)
Step 5) Save the file
Step 6) You should be able to set your HotKey in the normal Conan-Key-Settings.

- Remove the pickup option from your custom items with the itemtag: PickupPlusBlacklist

Rift Of Yog Pickup+ fix (so you can place it again after picking it up):

You want to report a bug? Please use this template and just post it in the comments!

Have Fun!
Popular Discussions View All (35)
Mar 10 @ 2:29pm
PINNED: Servers using this mod
nO Pa!N
squee2001 Sep 14 @ 10:52am 
Can you release this into the beta as well? I am trying to test a bug on that side and I think this might be the solution for the short term.
Odin23x TTV Sep 6 @ 3:46am 
@Aggroviking ja bennutze wine!

bin noch neu in dem Linux server gedöntz und ich blick da noch net ganz durch der mod is zwar aktivv aber ich bekomme kein Radialmenü und ich bekomm es net aktiv mit dem tasten befehl oder das einsammeln bei den Thralls
Aggroviking Sep 5 @ 4:34am 
Noch ein kleiner Zusatz, da Du ja Probleme zu haben scheinst, die über ein Problem mit einer einzelnen mod hinausgehen.
Ich kann Dir nur empfehlen dem SAH (Server admin hub) beizutreten.
Auf diesem discord server wirst Du gewiss Antworten auf viele Fragen rund um server-Betrieb verschiedenster Spiele und clients bekommen. ;)
Aggroviking Sep 5 @ 4:30am 
Welchen client nutzt Du? Wine?
Schau' mal in die beiden links und folge allen angegebenen Schritten, um gegebenenfalls Fehler in Deiner config zu beheben.
Was die key config betrifft:
Setz' das file einfach auf write protected, bevor Du es ins server dir hochlädst. ;)

Odin23x TTV Sep 5 @ 2:11am 
Moinsen ich hab da mal eine frage ich hab nen Linux Server und finde die Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor <--- nicht das einzigste was ich habe is die Input.ini und die is bei mir Komplett leer und wenn ich ActionMappings=(ActionName="QuickPickup",Key=None,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False) eintrage und alles speicher den Server wieder starte is die datei wieder leer hoffe du kannst mir helfen
GWarrior Sep 2 @ 11:25pm 
@Tracy GrimThicc

Did you ever figure out a fix or what to do? I lost my horse too.
Aggroviking Aug 31 @ 7:00pm 
If you think I could be helpful for you to workaround your pretty odd issue, feel free to contact me here on steam (PN/friends request) or discord (link in my profile).
At least there is a solution for any problem.
Smurfylicious Aug 31 @ 10:17am 
Didn't have luck sadly with the .sav file, still not able to turn the mod on or pick up pets or thralls.
Darcy Fort #1 Fan Aug 26 @ 4:44am 
No pain, when I pickup pets (horse) it says "pets must be spawned from the "other" item tab" any idea what I can do? I've lost a few pets/thralls now :( I'm playing on SP
Smurfylicious Aug 19 @ 4:06am 
Not knowing that there was a way for me to edit something within the mod outside of settings in the game when there is no documented info anywhere that I've seen nor anyone prior to me who had the issue saying it could be done doesn't make me a fool no. Why would I think of doing something I have no knowledge exists to do, I'm not a mind reader. All I can do is read the info that is at hand and use it to my best abilities, you however, clearly had extra knowledge that I didn't but instead of choosing to be kind and helpful you instead were rude, a little kindness can go a long way. Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a try and report back to the mod author if I still find I have troubles with thrall pickup as others seem to have had. Hopefully I won't and all will be well.