Arma 3
73 ratings
Starstreak High Velocity Missile
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment
File Size
35.328 MB
Feb 7, 2017 @ 4:34pm
Nov 22, 2020 @ 9:03am
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Starstreak High Velocity Missile

In 1 collection by Phantom Hawk
Phantom hawks Arma 3 Addons.
51 items
The Starstreak is a British short range man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS) manufactured by Thales Air Defence (formerly Shorts Missile Systems), in Belfast. It is also known as Starstreak HVM (High Velocity Missile). After launch, the missile accelerates to more than Mach 4 making it the fastest short-range surface-to-air missile in the world It then launches three laser beam riding submunitions, increasing the likelihood of a successful hit on the target. Starstreak has been in service with the British Army since 1997.(info from wikipedia)

This is my first addon so please let me know if there are any bugs. I have tried to make this as close to the actual Starstreak HVM as possible.

Source Files:

This is designed to be used with 3 commando brigades British Armed Forces Addons.

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Addon features:

- Starstreak High Velocity Missile.

- Starstreak Mark II High Velocity Missile.

- Starstreak High Velocity Missile launcher.

- Starstreak Lightweight Multiple Launcher (LML) static launch unit that holds three missiles ready for firing.

- Ammo box with 20 missiles and 8 launchers (look in props section in the editor).

Missile and launcher features:


- The Missile is what is know as a beam riding missile using a laser to paint a target for the missile to get a lock on the target it must be within the aiming crosshairs to lock on to it once fired the missile will fly to the to the target and destroy it.

- The Missile has a max range of 7km and the Mark II Missile has a max range of 8km.

- The launcher can target both land and air targets like the real Starstreak. it is effective against jets gunships MRAPs and IFVs (though I would not use it against tanks).

- It Cannot be jammed by countermeasures (though it can still miss if the target moves around to much).

- Its high speed makes it more likely to be able to intercept a fast moving aircraft.


- The major disadvantage is that the submunitions, having no proximity fuze, must collide with the target in order to harm it.

- The guidance laser may be detected after the missile is fired, if the target aircraft is equipped with a suitable passive laser warning system. In contrast, to detect a passively guided Infrared homing missile requires MAWS detectors with significant disadvantages: radar-based closure-detecting style MAWS radiate an easily detectable signal that reveals the aircraft and may be used as an auxiliary homing signal by AA missiles, and Infrared launch signature detector-based MAWS tend to be subject to a high false alarm rate, which reduces attention paid them by the pilot.

- Battlefield obscurants, such as smoke or fog, can degrade the ability of the missile operator to see the target, and could potentially interfere with the guidance laser. This is also the case (to a slightly lesser extent) in misty or rainy conditions.

- The training level of the operator is critical since, unlike infrared guided missiles, the operator has to track the target exactly with the sighting unit aimpoint (SACLOS). If the aircraft detects the targeting laser, it has the whole period of the missile flight time to engage in avoidance manoeuvres, which adds additional challenge to the missile operator's target-tracking task.

Future features:

- Custom 3d models and textures.

- Air Defence Alerting Device (ADAD) passive infra-red detection sensor that can detect targets up to 9km.

Known issues:

- None that I know of at the moment please report any bugs to me if you find any.


- The launcher is made up of various models from ARMA 2 and its DLCs.

- The missile model is a heavy modified stinger missile model from ARMA 2.

3rd party addons used in the screenshots:

- 3 Commando Brigades British Armed Forces Addons.

- Red Hammer Studios RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Special thanks to:

- Bohemia interactive for the base textures and models.

- Slatts for his Unfinished Bits And Bobs public model pack.

- eggbeast for his Simple O2 tutorials.

- TeTeT for his info on how to hide static weapon model parts.
Nomad Apr 20, 2023 @ 8:49am 
That's a shame, but thanks for letting us know
Phantom Hawk  [author] Apr 18, 2023 @ 2:08pm 
No plans atm.
Nomad Apr 17, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
Any chance you would consider having an alternative version to this and bring back the ability to 'lock on' to targets?

I understand you are going for realism but it seems some of us love to use it with that feature!
Phantom Hawk  [author] Apr 4, 2023 @ 10:00am 
Ok then.
FreeBird0964 Apr 3, 2023 @ 6:09pm 
@Phantom Hawk public
Phantom Hawk  [author] Apr 3, 2023 @ 8:04am 
private or public?
FreeBird0964 Apr 3, 2023 @ 4:29am 
@Phantom Hawk for a mod ive been making
Phantom Hawk  [author] Apr 3, 2023 @ 1:48am 
what for?
FreeBird0964 Apr 2, 2023 @ 7:13pm 
along with the blowpipe
FreeBird0964 Apr 2, 2023 @ 7:12pm 
@Phantom Hawk can i borrow this mod and its pbo? i will promise to credit you