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Difficulty: Advanced
Mode: Sprint
Mots-clés : level
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997.957 KB
28 oct. 2016 à 23h36
28 oct. 2016 à 23h36
2 notes de changement ( voir )

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Another map more...
The car becomes indestructible (unlikely to happen).
You can not remove the sign wrong way.
some areas possibly poorly optimized (I have a potato pc).
The speed of the third area is part of the difficulty.
Any suggestions, please comment
6 commentaires
Sidewinder Fang 18 févr. 2019 à 9h00 
This is a great track, actually its amazing with all the enviromental details and twists and turns but I have one slight complaint about the half pipe sections.

The track is too plain, with all the particle effects and the chaotic and similarly coloured enviroments it makes it had to keep track of and gauge distance and very easy to wipe out through little fault of your own.

I'd suggest putting some sort of markings on it to make it easier to gauge its distance and direction while maintaining the challenge of those sections, then again it could just be that I'm as blind as a bat so maybe get a second opinion first.
The NSA Agent 19 févr. 2018 à 9h24 
Except for a few unfair moments (or maybe I'm just bad), this is a great level!
It's levels like these that inspire me to make my own.
5el. 18 févr. 2017 à 8h13 
Great work with the visuals and gameplay, the environment especially is outstanding. The earlier parts of the track do suffer some visibility issues though.
Darth Porkins 2 déc. 2016 à 20h59 
This map is sick. There are far too few tracks that nail the sense of speed but this is one of them. Good job!
jaunn  [créateur] 6 nov. 2016 à 8h58 
Oh, sure, I will.
But I'm waiting for them to re-enable development objects (such as "delay").
Conan the Thief 6 nov. 2016 à 7h51 
Great map, not just another one. Awesome visuals and nice high speed feel, I love the pipes. And the ending is incredible, I love the bleak, rainy style. I´d love an entire map with that theme, though you used it to great effect at the end.