Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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The Fleet of Yeet
This is just a collection of my space engineers ships n' stuff. You do what ya' do :)

Items (6)
Boarding Gantry
Created by John Shepard
A simple boarding drone. Designed to run into enemy hulls at high speed using the antenna as speed breakers and hull shredders, before lowering the grinding rig to tear a hole into the ship to board. Tested to work into a single layer of heavy armor by imp...
Scout Bike
Created by John Shepard
a Highly fast Scout bike made from sanchin corp blocks obviously, this blueprint requries SANCHINCORP(hoverbike) have fun with it!...
Spy Satellite
Created by John Shepard
My simple small grid spy satellite, made to be autonomous and connect to nearby grids. Uses laser antenna to keep it's location secret, as well as a camera to actually spy on people. Finally, if it is discovered, it has a warhead that will destroy the esse...
Astrophysics Ship Speeds
Created by John Shepard
Newton's Laws of Motion 1: An Object in motion stays in motion unless an external force acts upon it. Basically, you send something flying, it will keep flying until something stops it; be it a - Surface, - Body of water, - Someone's face, - etc. 2: The ac...
(Vanilla, Survival Ready) Andromeda Exploration Frigate
Created by John Shepard
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the Andromeda Exploration Frigate, a ship designed to travel and explore, and serve every need or function that a Space Engineer could need. Fully survival ready and capable of many feats. She comes equipped with an on...
(Vanilla, Survival Ready) Argentavis Shuttle
Created by John Shepard
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I was thinking to myself, here in this day and age why not just build something out of the blue, something so spontaneous and exceptional, and be done with it? ...that's what I did so yeah. Here's the Argentavis shuttle, with bu...
Linked collections (1)