Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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23 avr. à 9h04
24 mai à 14h57
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Portraits 👍👍👍👍👍
I'm going to try to overhaul all vanilla and DLC leader portraits,
should be compatible with ironman
59 commentaires
milk enjoyer 24 mai à 12h41 
Why is Adenauer such a rizzler lmao
lokaspokas  [créateur] 15 mai à 5h26 
RobotDethMonkey 1 mai à 0h27 
is there one for Edward VIII?
timj1994 30 avr. à 10h47 
new Portrait for Napolean VI?
GoatEatsGrass 29 avr. à 18h31 
bro it looks like someone used the microsoft paint fill tool on hitler
lokaspokas  [créateur] 29 avr. à 15h00 
alright added some portraits, I'm gonna do more asia and yugoslavia portraits tmrw
lokaspokas  [créateur] 29 avr. à 14h25 
yeah probably
Brundo 29 avr. à 13h39 
can i use this and still be able to do achievements?
lokaspokas  [créateur] 29 avr. à 13h10 
I'm making british colony ones rn and maybe like chinese ones
good mod but more portrets pls