Victoria 3

Victoria 3

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The Great Revision
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Apr 7 @ 1:12am
May 4 @ 4:54pm
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The Great Revision


Hello Everyone!!

Are you tired to be forced to develop your Economy constructing all buildings you need to complete the supply chain?

Are you tired to be unable to import/export all goods you need for (and from) you market?

Are you tired to play with an AI so unefficient?

Good! Today i want introduce you

What this mod do is an improvement of AI in Economic sector to make it more reactive, focusing on producing goods that it favors for the export, and import all goods that it needs.

Two new features have been added in The Great Revision: Consumer Goods Economy and War Economy!

As you can imagine, now AI have two new strategies to direct its Internal Agenda.

-CONSUMER GOODS ECONOMY drive the AI to produce all cycle/consumer goods, trying to increase the standard of living of pops, and export large quantities of these goods to the other markets

-WAR ECONOMY instead set the focus to develop the heavy industry, to become one of main exporter of weapons in the world (or maybe to prepare for some invasion?)

Improved administrative strategies, now when you see that a country has a "plantation economy", "Industrialize" or other strategies, the AI ​​will REALLY focus on shaping its Economy following his internal politica Agenda.
In fact now, based on the strategy adopted, the AI will focuses to construct all those buildings to export enormous quantities of goods to other markets and importing all those it needs for its production.

Improved trade, now both you and the AI ​​can export huge quantities of goods, and this means that if you want to produce luxury clothes (for example), you don't need to also construct the buildings that give you the goods needed to produce them, but you can import them IN FULL.
Added also the subsidy for trade centers, which is fundamental for trade and making trade routes productive

Now the companies have a great weight on the production activity, when you select a type of company (both you and the AI), you will incentivate the private investors to construct more buildings related to the company.
Also increased bonuses to give a competitive advantage to nations that export goods related to their companies.

Everything is scaled with Prestige. More you will increase your prestige, more strong bonuses you'll receive, so FIGHT TO INCREASE YOUR PRESTIGE!

Reworked pop's consumption of goods. Now thanks of an higher demand of goods from the pops, the markets will develop faster. Furthermore, now every Culture has a specific set of favorite goods that will consume, so pops of that specific country will spend more to buy that specific good.

"International Trade" technology will give you now ad additional company (max number of company 5 as per Vanilla, removed 1 company from "Macroeconomics" technology). Thanks of this, now also minor nations will have possibility to run a company in early game, starting the specialization.
Furthermore, trade Law have been reworked to balance the market import/export, allowing you also to gain some extra tariff taxes.

Censorship laws have been reworked to balance and make them more attractable, giving more/less bonuses depends by law chosen.
Furthermore, Taxation level have received a more punitive attraction for Interest groups in government. Pay attention how you do behave to your pops!

Let me know how you feel after this, and if you like it, please rate :)
SASCO  [author] May 12 @ 12:35pm 
Yeah also because the concept is this, imagine one good (an example wood):
UK (has specialisation) -> 1 building = 40 wood (if you have the max of bonus)
France (has not specialisation) -> 1 building = 20 wood

if you think is not so much OP, and in already short-middle term UK will specialise in wood, meanwhile France will specialise in another good.

If we wouldn't do so, at the end Every economy in the game will be practically the same.

Furthermore, please notice that i have done an improvement of strategies, now if you read that one country has "Agricolture investment", be sure that finally will make REALLY agricolture investment.

I give you a tip: look always which strategy the other countries have, so you will know who will specialise in agricolture, who in weapons, ecc..
【 Evil Cengiz 】 May 12 @ 10:05am 
Thanks for the answer, i agree all. I was think bonus is little bit high and curious how ai goes with vanilla. Actually i changed the codes (finally i found the right folder :D) tested a bit and seems like the trade values between markets is lower down so your values best i guess :D
SASCO  [author] May 12 @ 9:31am 
I so appreciate that you like this mod! Thanks for the support :)

There is a reason why i decided to set these type of bonuses:

1) The coding of Victoria 3 is structured to trade goods based on prices between Markets. Unfortunately in Vanilla at start of the game the prices between markets are too much similar and this doesn't allow you (and AI) to import/export different types of goods, even if your market price is very high.
The higher bonuses gives the possibility to trade huge quantities of goods (and every market has different specialisation, giving even more differentiation between country)

2) Specialise your Economy: having possibility to trade goods already in the start of the game give you and AI the possibility to specialise your Economy, so you don't need to construct all buildings to have the complete supply chain. You can directly start to construct only building you want and import all goods you need.
【 Evil Cengiz 】 May 12 @ 8:23am 
I loved this mod and i would loved more if you made a version (pls) without great weight on company throughput bonus.
SASCO  [author] May 6 @ 11:26am 
It's normal, France and UK start with high demand of Groceries, in some months the market will produce more groceries
zzzptm May 6 @ 9:01am 
At the start of my game as France, I get a massive -1300 shortage of groceries. Turn off this mod, no shortage... is it the mod or is it the mod conflicting with another mod?
SASCO  [author] Apr 30 @ 11:27pm 
Hi, don't worry :)
Yes, anyway the mod should be compatible with most of the mod, just remember to put this mod in the last row of order.
If you like it please rate, so we can push up this mod in trend section:)
pamps_alone Apr 29 @ 9:06pm 
sorry nevermind, I determined it was a different mod causing the conflict. keep up the good work!
pamps_alone Apr 29 @ 6:04pm 
Does this mod alter railways? The description does not mention it, but I have found the mod to be incompatible with this one . I really like the benefits that both give, so I would greatly appreciate it if we could figure out why they won't work together. It does not seem to matter where the mods are in the load order, as the railways always default to vanilla mechanics with your mod anywhere in the order.
SASCO  [author] Apr 26 @ 12:52am 
Yes this mod is compatible.
To make it works be sure you put this mod in the last line of your mod list before to run the game