Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

206 ratings
Improved NPC Engagement - v1.0.4
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408.669 KB
Jul 14, 2023 @ 11:11pm
Apr 6 @ 8:58pm
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Improved NPC Engagement - v1.0.4

In 2 collections by Multigun
Multigun Collection
17 items
Better Builders Bureau Server
37 items

Mod Updating Guidelines

If you are having trouble updating the mod, we have documentation on our discord to help assist you with common troubleshooting steps.

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Important Info

Mod id: 3004556500


Please direct questions, comments, concerns, feedback, and bug reports to our Discord. All documentation is also only found on Discord.

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Description of Mod

This mod's primary purpose is to increase the engagement range in which NPC's will attack players. In the Age of War update, the sight lines for NPC's was drastically decreased. This makes the game far less challenging and has a massive side effect of breaking immersion as the player has to be very close to an enemy NPC before they are noticed and attacked. The end result is that the game is easier then its ever been, and this mod aims to reverse some of that by carefully adjusting how NPC's see the player as a threat.

With this mod in use, enemies will attack players from much further out, and chase the player for longer distances. The impact is a more engaging experience when attacking camps as they are no longer as safe to raid as they have been in the Age of War. Enemies that are within obvious site lines will target the player much more often then in vanilla. There will be a greater chance at larger battles taking place instead of always only 2-3 enemies at a time. This will also help with players who like to use bow combat, as the NPC's will now charge from a further distance and be less prone to tethering back to their spawn location (and thus also resetting their HP).

Overall, players who find that the Age of War has made raiding camps and city hubs too easy will enjoy this mod. Let the carnage begin!

TLDR features of the mod:
  • NPCs will now attack the player at a greater radius. They hear slightly better, see much farther, and will chase the player further. Players will need to plan accordingly when entering main hubs of enemy combatants as it is no longer anywhere near as safe as it has been in the Age of War.

  • Human NPC's have had their possible combos increased by about double. This means that NPC's will use a wider range of combo possibilities then they have before, making them slightly less predictable. This has the added benefit of also improving allied NPC's as they access the same combo tables.

A video has been made available to best show this mod in action. Please see the Workshop video above to show comparisons of vanilla versus using this mod.

Mod Compatibility

This mod should work with any other mod that also adds NPC's in one form or another. Whether that's a map expansion to the Exile Lands, or a completely different modded map, this mod should work regardless.

The only exception is if the mod creator created custom entries in the AIDataTable. At that point this mod won't address those instances. Most likely this will be a rare occurance.

Other Mods

To further increase difficulty, players may want to consider one of my Tier 4 Follower mods. While it does mean more Tier 4 ranked NPC's will spawn (and thus be capturable), this also means more challenging combat as the NPC's will be of higher rank.

Tier 4 Followers: Medium Increased

Another possibility is PvE Plus Ambush. This configurable mod will cause ambushes to occur on the character and has many settings to allow users to customize the mod to be as easy or as difficult as they want.

PvE Plus Ambush

AI Explanation

Just to be very clear, I don't do anything in terms of AI. I am merely adjusting some numbers. I am not doing any blueprint scripting, or any type of code. I'm not even creating anything new, just adjusting the numbers on the presets used by Funcom already. So if (when) the NPC's start acting funny, that isn't the mod. That's just the NPC's being their normal selves.

To clarify with some back end talk, there are basically a dozen or so choices in AI instruction that the Funcom dev team uses for the various NPC's found around the maps. I have simply increased the ranges that were set in Age of War to something that is more aggressive and feels more "realistic." I even increased the numbers from where they were before Age of War by a small amount, as I felt that the sight radius pre Age of War was also too short. What this means though is that not every NPC is going to behave the exact same way. There is some variability to them, depending on which of the many options that Funcom gave that NPC to determine its sight radius, hearing radius, and chase distance.

This is an incredibly simple mod, it really does not do a whole lot. It just adjusts some numbers on existing presets set by the Funcom dev team.

Future Plans

This mod is fairly narrow in its scope. I wanted to make combat more fun and challenging then where it's at with Age of War. I won't be doing things like increasing HP amounts or repopulating city hubs with more NPC's. All that to say, I don't have any plans for additional features for this mod. But I will keep the door open in case I think of something that's within the scope of the mod to make enemy engagements more fun or challenging.

Update Policy
  • I will update my mods on my terms and my terms alone. If you don't like my update schedule, don't use the mods.

  • Mismatch errors are not the fault of mod creators. If you need help understanding this concept, visit the discord.

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