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Ssparky's Gunnery
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7月9日 7時56分
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Ssparky's Gunnery

ssparky 作成の 4 件のコレクション
yoooo aboabtoairaumaa
38 アイテム
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59 アイテム
My fellow strokers
47 アイテム
Felt like creating some custom submarine weaponry, and so I did. Here it is!

The intent is for the guns in this mod to be fairly balanced with regards to vanilla, such that installing this mod is not an instant win button. Feedback with regards to this is highly appreciated!
Suggestions for new ammo types or other misc things are also appreciated, as long as they are within reason. New guns not so much, as I believe this mod has enough guns as is.

  • English
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese

Gauss cannon
A small-hardpoint railgun, in essence. Lower damage but higher firerate than a railgun.
Comes with the following ammo options:
  • Standard: what you expect it to be.
  • Piercing: pierces more, does a bit more damage, costs more.
  • Explosive: costs significantly more, explodes on impact.
  • Physicorium: costs more, does more damage. Very simple.
  • Depleted fuel: similar to phys, with less flat damage but radiation poisoning to compensate.
  • Toxin: high-caliber toxin syringes. Inflicts heavy sufforin poisoning, as well as light deleriumine poisoning for extra flavor.
  • Spreader: splits into weaker projectiles shortly upon leaving the barrel.
Point-defense autocannon
Light weapon primarily intended for defense against small creatures. Burst fire, delay between bursts decreases the longer it fires for.
Comes with the following ammo options:
  • Standard: what you expect it to be.
  • Piercing: pierces a little, costs more.
  • Explosive: costs more, small explosion on impact.
  • Physicorium: costs more, does more damage. Very simple.
  • Depleted fuel: Similar to phys ammo, with a bit less flat damage but radiation sickness to compensate.
  • Rubber: (mostly) non-lethal option, inflicting serious stun instead.
Particle Accelerator Cannon (PAC)
Railgun alternative: very long chargeup, with high damage and a focus on piercing instead of AoE like the railgun.
Comes with the following ammo options:
  • Standard: what you expect it to be. Has some piercing built-in.
  • Piercing: pierces even more, likely to go through an entire sub.
  • Explosive: explodes on impact. As such, very similar to a typical railgun shell
  • EMP: does not damage creatures much, but inflicts a long stun. Deals massive amounts of EMP damage to submarines.
  • Defocused: shoots multiple weaker particles in a random spread.
  • Dementonite: Large, high-power central beam with two secondary beams at about a 45 degree spread.
Trash cannon
Very cheap to install, with cheap ammo too. Fires junk in a shotgun-like manner. Potentially high damage if all pellets connect.
Comes with the following ammo options:
  • Standard: what you expect it to be.
  • Explosive: Less spread, pellets explode. Expensive to produce, and more risky in terms of self damage.
  • Flyshot: thrice the amount of pellets, with more spread and lower damage.
  • Clown: (mostly) non-lethal option. Inflicts heavy stun instead.
  • Sewage: Highly toxic and immoral ammo type.
Heavy Plasma Cannon
Large-hardpoint weapon similar to pulse laser, but with projectiles. Do not expect railgun-level damage from this! Has okay firerate, okay damage, and some AoE.
  • Standard: standard projectile. Acts pretty much like EK Armoy's Pulse laser plasma ammo, if you know what that's like.
  • Unstable: explodes based on proximity, or about a second after being fired.
  • Paralyzant: inflicts paralysis in a small AOE on impact.
  • Thermite: explodes several times on impact. Probably too strong, more testing required.
  • Wave: shoots out weaker plasma bolts in random directions during its lifespan.
  • Fulgurium: Higher-power shot that (inconsistenly) splits off some smaller chunks on impact.
Large hardpoint rocket launcher. Fires in bursts of three, making it quite ammo hungry but potentially devastating in terms of damage.
Comes with the following ammo options:
  • AP - Solid rocket shell, basic but effective
  • HE - Rocket loaded with explosives. More effective on swarms.
  • Morbusine - Rocket loaded with morbusine poison.
  • Frag - proximity fuze, shatters into many fragments.
  • HEAT - more effective anti-submarine rocket. (not fully working at the moment)
  • Nuclear - similar to the railgun's nuclear shell, but a bit weaker.

  • Three containers for storing ammunition, of varying sizes and capacity (4,8, and 12 respectively)
  • Variants of the toxin cabinet, one specifically for poisons and one for antidotes.
  • All loaders (including vanilla) show up on status monitors, like every other repairable machine. (this is now a vanilla feature)
  • All loaders take minor damage upon firing, meaning loaders have to be repaired more often.

At some point I want to give all the guns some visual flair where possible (particles, lights, sounds, etc.), alongside doing more rebalancing and bugfixing. I have no ETA for when I might get around to this.

Generally, you are free to make edits or patches of my mod.
In the case of patches that change textures or sounds (or similar), I'm always okay with those.
In the case of rebalance patches, I'm still fine with those, but I would prefer if you just let me know about balance issues instead so that I can adjust the main mod instead.

If you use Immersive ammo boxes and/or Quality railgun shells, and you plan to use this mod as well, you may also be interested in Quality MLRS ammo and Immersive ammo boxes - Ssparky's Gunnery Patch for maximum compatibility.

Credit to Jsoull for the resprited ammo boxes (as of 1.3.0).
Credit to Dodo1248 for the resprited minigun and MLRS rockets (as of 1.4.4).
Credit to Biff_W for reworking the Gauss Cannon sprite to the vanilla 256x256 .
Credit to Ksarper for the Russian translation included in the mod.
Credit to 你好 and Poppy for the Simplified Chinese translation included in the mod.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (3)
1月21日 14時56分
RU Localization
3月6日 2時24分
Large Weapon Idea: CLG Gun
[TC] Toaster Oven
7月26日 17時00分
225 件のコメント
Zantza 9月16日 14時40分 
Patch for Baroverhaul compatibility? :) I'm guessing it needs one to be able to craft the MLRS shell racks and so on
oblivi0ngate 7月9日 8時02分 
Nice man I've test them out and it worked.
ssparky  [作成者] 7月9日 7時58分 
Added the wiring pins in the latest update
oblivi0ngate 7月9日 5時18分 
Yo, how is the situation with new patch for auto operate toggle?
SoIutl0n 7月3日 5時37分 
Can u make bulk ammunition storage being craftable ?
HowAddiction 7月1日 2時52分 
Got it,thanks for quick response.Other turrents work well
ssparky  [作成者] 7月1日 0時19分 
The PAC is indeed a bit buggy. The piercing effect seems to sometimes do nothing, other times nearly one-shot abyssal creatures. As far as I'm aware there isn't anything I can do about it unfortunately.
HowAddiction 6月30日 18時16分 
nice work,great extention beyond EK.small turrent like Gauss cannon make great damage to medium armor enemy,heavy turrent like Heavy Plasma Cannon excellently clear ice and united enemy,and MLRS give terrific damage to monsters.the only question is PAC,its piercing enemies but did little damage to them,it's a bug or just conceive like that?
Lexington 5月28日 12時45分 
my bad, it was Nuclear Depth Decoy (Cheap) that was locked.
Lexington 5月12日 14時39分 
I check comment and seem the problem with Nuclear option Talent is fixed, but Im still having similar issue.
Nuclear Depth Charge (Cheap) version is locked.

deactivated this mod make it craftable again, I tried having only this mod activated and it still have same outcome.