Arma 3
72 ratings
Fayshkhabur, Iraq
Data Type: Mod, Server
Mod Type: Terrain
File Size
1.948 GB
Mar 20, 2022 @ 8:19pm
Mar 20, 2022 @ 9:05pm
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Fayshkhabur, Iraq

In 1 collection by Tacticool Larper
Tacticool Larper's Workshop
18 items
Situated in Iraq’s far north, the province of Dahuk is famous for its snowy winters. The border crossing near the town of Zakho is Iraq’s primary border crossing with Turkey. Dahuk has also a border gate with Syria known as the Faysh khabur border gate. The main trading route from Iraq to Turkey runs through Dahuk, this could bring economic gain as cross-border trade increases.

Some villages were destroyed or evacuated since 1988 due to insecurity and other problems like poverty and loss of essential resources, for these reasons people migrated from their villages to sub-district centers, living in public buildings or sharing houses with other families. In general, roads are in good condition except some far located villages that are hard to access, especially in winter.

The terrain is based on actual height and satellite data and depicts the southern part of Dahuk and its main trade route with Turkey and Syria. It's a pretty deserted area with some small villages, three bigger towns. At the moment there is a border crossing with Syria. Most villages are placed pretty much where they would be in real life, some are changed into industrial area’s or Underground factory’s, the city’s have a fictional layout.