Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Fixing the French Prime Ministers
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2.962 MB
10.11.2020 klo 5.31
10.11.2020 klo 15.13
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Fixing the French Prime Ministers

Very small mod fixing the historical inacuracies done by the "La Resistance" DLC with the French Prime Ministers. Although the adition of Léon Blum and Pierre Laval was an interesting choice, I just feel Edouard Daladier was wrongfully left out of the game and that the pure state of chaos of french politics at the time was not represented enough.

This mod adds a couple of events to France, mainly at the start of the game, to fix those historical inacuracies.

1 - First event will happen in February of 1936 where you will have the choice to form the Popular Front for the upcoming April Elections.

2 - If you choose to form the Popular Front, Léon Blum will win the elections with the help of the communists and you unlock the Popular Front path of the focus tree.

3 - If you choose to not form the coalition with the communists, Pierre Laval stays in power but the fascist influence grows in the country.

4 - If the Popular Front was elected and Léon Blum is the Prime Minister, in June 1937 Camille Chautemps will become the prime minister.

5 - If Camille Chautemps is Prime Minister during the Anshluss he will resign and Leon Blum will return.

6 - If Léon Blum is the Prime Minister, after April 1938, the Popular Front will be disbanded and Edouard Daladier will become the new Prime Minister with the added trait "Rearmer".

7 - If Daladier is the Prime Minister and Paris falls to the invader, Daladier will resign and Paul Reynaud will become the new Prime Minister with the added trait "Little Churchill".

That's it really, as I said not a huge mod, just things that could have been added by Paradox to the "La Resistance" DLC to further the historical accuracy.

The mod is localised in English and French.

Here is the link to the github of the mod : https://github.com/JohnSmoothie/FixingFrenchPM
5 kommenttia
alexandro.garcia.j 27.4. klo 10.56 
Can you fix Cammile Chautemps's portrait? As stated in Vehin's comment, the portrait's enlarged and covers the political frame.
Vehin 3.9.2022 klo 21.36 
Cammile Chautemps' portrait appears to be massive and engulfing the entire political frame

Otherwise, great mod!
Safety 15.4.2022 klo 7.59 
Super mod, un grand merci.
J'ai remarqué que pour une raison ou une autre, ton mod n'est pas compatible avec le mod "More States" que voici : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2581731466
Si tu pouvais faire en sorte que les deux soient compatible ce serait super : )
seetths 27.6.2021 klo 21.08 
Super mod merci.
FerdX 29.11.2020 klo 10.37 
Bonjour, est-ce que il serait possible d'intégrer ce mode avec la mien ?
Cela serait fait en donnat tout les crédits + liens vers ici
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