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The Fixer - House of Piggies & Meat Boss
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2020년 10월 14일 오후 11시 28분
2020년 10월 26일 오후 2시 06분
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The Fixer - House of Piggies & Meat Boss


The Fixer Series - House of Piggies

"It seems the swine have festered for quite the duration. New unwieldy beings have sprouted throughout the warrens. Is this an adaptation? Or the result of some vile machination?"


Okay, disclaimer, this is NOT an original mod. This mod originally came from ActionJack. The purpose for this mod is to rebalance and polish the mod, both for personal usage, and for anyone who wants this. To make this more clear, I haven't gotten approval from ActionJack about this. I have sent out a friend request, but I am now waiting for the accept. I'm hoping that if ActionJack comes back, that they can just make these changes official.

You can find the original mod here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=901942805&searchtext=house+of+piggies



Frequently asked questions

1. Should I use this mod and the original?
A: No, if you plan to use one or the other, disable the one you don't want to use. All three of these mods (especially this one) have had significant changes in the files. They may not appear or may act weird if you have both the fixer file and original file active.

2. (Not frequently asked, but figured I'd answer it): What is going to happen when ActionJack comes back?
A: I sent out a friend request and I was hoping to let him know about my adjustments. I'm hoping that if he runs into these mods, or gets in touch with me we can get these changes into the official mod (in that case, this mod will disappear and become friends only).

3. [Regarding crashes from original mod]
A: My focus was to rebalance and add polish to the mod. If there were any fixes to crashing, it is purely due to coincidence. The only thing that strays from this is the removal of mega_skullet in the army of bones rebalance. That monster was having major issues regarding crashes from what I heard, so I just removed it.


So, what has been done?

Strings have been cleaned and polished.

Swine Poles' Prot and Attack buffs have been nerfed. The Prot bonus is lower and both buffs are on a duration of 3 rounds.

Swine Axe Throwers' dodge buff has been MASSIVELY nerfed. They also are on a duration of 3 rounds.

Swine Zerkers got a heavy treatment. Health was moderately lowered, with a slight buff to prot at higher levels. The biggest nerf was to the damage increases. Both the riposte buff and attack buff were reduced to only a 5% damage gain. Also, damage for the main attack has been modified to be less wild (maximum damage was toned down).



Did some testing and made 100% sure previous changes were actually happening.

Ideas have been implemented in the test build. Doing some isolated testing to make sure they are operating as intended.

What is being changed:

1. Swine zerker dmg buff from a riposte lasts one turn. Also the buff from the riposte no longer applies a speed buff (doesn't make sense with the duration being one turn).
2. Apprentice swine hashish do not start in stealth.
3. Pig poles had a slight duration change on their self prot buff. (reduced to 3 rounds. I didn't quite get this last time. Should be working now).
4. Axe tosser's squeal no longer apply a dmg buff to the swine's party.
5. Swine Princess' damage buff has been lowered in duration and in effect.

That is all for now. The new update will go live if I don't find anything weird. Expect more comments as more ideas come up (I have two ideas that will slightly overhaul two of the enemies).


At last, I am happy with how the rebalance has turned out. I will be monitoring this mod both via personal usage and with feedback on how things are going.

So, what has changed now?

This was easily the hardest update, because I redid a brain for a monster and also added a new move to another.

1. Swine hookers got a string change on an attack and they "dance" now. They use their hook attack and move forward two spaces. Unless they are moved back, they will use their chain shield ability. One I buffed a bit in the healing department.
2. Swine axe throwers are little marking demons. Their marking attack now has synergy with their main attack. Their main attack now gets a (50%/75%/100%) damage buff on marked targets. Their brain was also reworked to hard focus marked targets and to frequently mark a target if one is not already.
3. Swine zerkers got a tiny string change on their first attack and I added a whole new ability! In impact, it is minor. Basically, swine zerkers can attack from ranks 1-3, but had nothing to do at the fourth rank, so they passed their turn there. I added a weak movement attack in the event they find themselves at rank 4.


1. Slightly adjusted axe tosser's brain. Making it somewhat less likely to squeal at a target while one is already marked (they still can though).
2. Removed the condition that made it so axe tossers could only benefit from the damage increase of one marked target. This means that if you have multiple heroes marked, axe tossers can benefit from both if their attack is used on multiple heroes in one attack.
1. Added accuracy and damage to the "hide in shadows" attack for swine hashish, allowing it to enter stealth if it hits. Readjusted some targetting for this swine as well.
1. Mashes were WAYYYY too common when comparing to other mods and vanilla. With some math, the total likelihood of getting this mod's creatures has drastically decreased to give other mods breathing room.
Compatibility update. Koala's Creature Collection and this mod were having conflicts with two things they introduce: Koala's pile of remains and House of Piggie's unique pile enemies had the same ids, so one would overwrite the other.

This update should make them compatible now. You should no longer see house of piggie's pile enemies in the weald and/or see Koala's pile of remains in the warrens.

Like the changes? Try my other rebalances.

Army of bones: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2257922070

Unleashing the Kraken: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2258846078


The Fixer - House of Piggies is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, Darkest Dungeon and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.

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tac  [작성자] 2023년 5월 14일 오후 11시 31분 
@Niccole I don't know if any DLC has been added since this mod's release. Assuming there wasn't, then yeah.
chloe 2023년 5월 14일 오후 10시 26분 
does this mod still function with the current dlc?
tac  [작성자] 2020년 12월 20일 오후 3시 29분 
@Captain Trek Yeah, thanks for the advice. I'll update the information now.
Captain Trek 2020년 12월 20일 오후 2시 10분 
Yeah, I didn't realise Meat was bundled in with this one. Thanks. You might want to change the name and mod description to reflect that. And remove the thing about the KCC incompatibility because, well, that's not actually a thing.
tac  [작성자] 2020년 12월 19일 오후 3시 28분 
@Captain Trek Ahhhh okay. Yeah, I could have sworn I fixed that issue with this mod some time ago. Having the standalone miniboss mod might be causing it. Don't worry about the boss disappearing after you remove it though, this mod has that boss in it already.
Captain Trek 2020년 12월 18일 오전 3시 48분 
So I spoke with Koala, and she reckons the problem relates to the Meat miniboss, not House Full of Piggies. She also reckons she already fixed it and that I must be running and outdated version of KCC. So I've deleted and redownloaded KCC and I'll let you know if I get the bugged encounter again.
tac  [작성자] 2020년 12월 12일 오전 1시 09분 
Yeah, I'm convinced that this behavior may just be an incompatibility that may be due to an issue somewhere that shouldn't be having an issue in the first place. I put up a note about this incompatibility in the description.
Captain Trek 2020년 12월 11일 오후 11시 53분 
Yeah, I just double-checked and there aren't even any KCC Warrens mashes that use the KCC pile. Only Weald mashes do.
Captain Trek 2020년 12월 11일 오후 11시 33분 
Weirdly, I can't find anything in either mod that could be causing it. It was two of the KCC piles (as opposed to the HFoP piles, where are actual proper enemies rather than just weird corpses and HAVE been spawning as normal for me) and nothing else, but the closest thing to a mash that could produce something like that is this one:

fix_pile_A fix_pile_A swine_axetosser_A swine_hooker_A

Even if the game derped and spawned the KCC piles instead of the HFoP ones, you'd think the axe tosser and the hooker would still appear.
tac  [작성자] 2020년 12월 11일 오후 12시 51분 
@Captain Trek Yeah, for some reason this mod doesn't seem to be working with KCC, which is what I'm guessing you have installed. In a vacuum it works fine, and I tried changing monster names to avoid compatibility issues, but it seems to persist.